Massive satanist offensive runs out of steam and counterattack begins
Benjamin Fulford, 23 April, 2018
本傑明·富爾福德 2018年4月23日 新聞快訊
The satan-worshipping elite who hijacked power in the West, fighting for their very lives, have staged a massive counteroffensive in Syria and against U.S. President Donald Trump. This offensive has now run out of steam and is backfiring on them big time as their lies about Syria and many other things are being exposed. And, although no word has been given about when the 25,500 sealed indictments will be acted upon, Pentagon and other sources say action to remove the satanists permanently from world power is intensifying.
On this front, the biggest event in the past week was the death of top satanist Barbara Bush, the likely daughter of Church of Satan founder Alistair Crowley.
在這條戰線上,上週最大的事件是,頂級撒旦主義者芭芭拉·布什的去世,她很可能是撒旦教會的創立者阿利斯泰爾·克勞利 的女兒。
She was considered by many to be the lead satan-worshipper in the U.S. after her husband, George Bush Sr. went senile, CIA and other sources agree. Barbara no doubt did not wish to live to see her husband and sons indicted for mass murder and war crimes related to 9/11, Iraq, Fukushima, etc.