great ones,
the earth alliance is reporting that over the last 48 hours, pleiadian delta forces have removed the largest amount of astral debris from around the surface of the earth to-date!
this major clearing of energetic debris has cleared the way for closer contact with our great family of light!
delta forces directing 'operation freedom earth' recently closed and eliminated a major artificial and negative energy portal coming into earth from the regal star system.
this energy portal has been open and streaming dark energy into the 3d matrix for the last 350,000 years and has generated the worst atrocities recorded in earth's history!
2019年6月28日 星期五
2019年6月27日 星期四
【本傑明·富爾福德】 2019年6月24日 新聞快訊 (轉貼)
Khazarian mafia’s Satanic summer solstice Iran sacrifice backfires big time
Benjamin Fulford, 24 June, 2019
本傑明·富爾福德 2019年6月24日訊息
The latest attempt by Khazarian Satanists to trigger World War III in Iran has backfired spectacularly. What happened was that U.S. President Donald Trump, following the orders of Satanic Chabad pseudo-Jews, ordered a massive attack on Iran on June 21st, a day of Satanic summer solstice fire sacrifice, but the U.S. military refused to obey him. In the end, the only fire sacrifice came in the form of huge explosions at a Philadelphia oil refinery that took place at the same time the Iran attack was supposed to have happened.
This came about as Iran shot down a U.S. drone entering its airspace, while deliberately not shooting down a manned U.S. airplane that accompanied it. To save face, Trump’s Khazarian puppet masters issued laughable news reports saying they had hit Iran with a “retaliatory digital strike.” What they should have said was a “retaliatory fake news strike.”
2019年6月24日 星期一
昴宿星光之力量傳輸 21.6.2019
2019年6月23日 星期日
major pleiadian light forces transmission inbound as the grand solstice gateway opens!
pleiadian delta forces are clearing tons of old matrix debris from the sky to the ground as the new 5d-freedom-light-matrix is being finalized!
millions of benevolent pleiadian rainbow light ships are now parked in earth's atmosphere as decloaking protocol continues!
big events and global news expected through july 4th, as planetary liberation mission moves into high gear!
pleiadian delta forces are clearing tons of old matrix debris from the sky to the ground as the new 5d-freedom-light-matrix is being finalized!
millions of benevolent pleiadian rainbow light ships are now parked in earth's atmosphere as decloaking protocol continues!
big events and global news expected through july 4th, as planetary liberation mission moves into high gear!
great ones,
on may 29th, 2019, the earth alliance announced that benevolent light forces launched a major planetary liberation operation that will continue through july 4th, 2019 and culminate in the earth year 2020!
在 2019 年 5 月 29 日,地球聯盟宣佈,仁慈的光之力量發起了一個重大的行星解放行動,會在 2019 年 7 月 4 日後繼續,在 2020 年到達高潮(又譯結束)!
this grand ascension and freedom operation involves millions of light beings working together from the sky to the ground to clear out all frequencies surrounding planet earth that resonate below the 5d level!
這個宏大的揚升和解放行動涉及數以百萬計的光之存有(從天到地)共事來清理所有在 5D 水平之下共振的包裹著地球的頻率
as you are well aware, planet earth was seized around 350,000 years ago by dark forces who created a psychological prison matrix here that has existed for eons up to the present day!
正如你很清楚的, 350000 年前地球被黑暗力量捕獲,他們在這裡創造了一個心理精神監獄矩陣,存在至今。
the iron grip of this controlling and harmful energy has been recently reduced greatly as much energetic astral debris has been transmuted by benovlent light forces!
on may 29th, 2019, the earth alliance announced that benevolent light forces launched a major planetary liberation operation that will continue through july 4th, 2019 and culminate in the earth year 2020!
在 2019 年 5 月 29 日,地球聯盟宣佈,仁慈的光之力量發起了一個重大的行星解放行動,會在 2019 年 7 月 4 日後繼續,在 2020 年到達高潮(又譯結束)!
this grand ascension and freedom operation involves millions of light beings working together from the sky to the ground to clear out all frequencies surrounding planet earth that resonate below the 5d level!
這個宏大的揚升和解放行動涉及數以百萬計的光之存有(從天到地)共事來清理所有在 5D 水平之下共振的包裹著地球的頻率
as you are well aware, planet earth was seized around 350,000 years ago by dark forces who created a psychological prison matrix here that has existed for eons up to the present day!
正如你很清楚的, 350000 年前地球被黑暗力量捕獲,他們在這裡創造了一個心理精神監獄矩陣,存在至今。
the iron grip of this controlling and harmful energy has been recently reduced greatly as much energetic astral debris has been transmuted by benovlent light forces!
2019年6月21日 星期五
【本傑明·富爾福德】 2019年6月17日 新聞快訊 (轉貼)
Zionist meltdown as Oman tanker stunt fails to manipulate oil futures markets
Benjamin Fulford, 17 June, 2019
本傑明·富爾福德 2019年6月17日訊息
The meltdown of the Zionist control grid is now public, as even the corporate mainstream propaganda media is reporting the attacks last week on tankers near Oman as “false flag.” The situation has reached the point that former U.S. colonies like Germany and Japan are openly and publicly defying the U.S. President and Secretary of State on this issue. This surreal turn of events is comparable to the fall of Communism and the Soviet Union.
In this case, we are witnessing the fall of the U.S. corporate government and (possibly) the rebirth of the Republic of the United States of America. In fact, we may even be witnessing the fall from power of the secret family groupings hiding behind monotheism.
The 13 bloodlines who have controlled monotheism are, in fact, negotiating a new system for running the planet, according to European royals and members of the White Dragon Society (WDS). If these negotiations succeed, it will be the biggest event in thousands of years of human history. If they fail, there will be chaos and bloodshed, especially among the elite, anti-bloodline Gnostic Illuminati, sources say.
2019年6月16日 星期日
啟動EVENT 2019-06-13
編譯 | 馬克兔文
◼ 譯自:
【新】【光之兄弟群體】2019年6月傳導《大轉變│ 事件初期的跡象》(轉貼)
●莫妮克·瑪修( Monique Mathieu ) 2019 年6月傳導
●莫妮克·瑪修( Monique Mathieu ) 2019 年6月傳導
2019年6月14日 星期五
2019年6月13日 星期四
【本傑明·富爾福德】 2019年6月10日 新聞快訊 (轉貼)
Anglo alliance cemented by Trump UK visit will lead to reversal of post-9/11 fascist trend
Benjamin Fulford, 10 June, 2019
本傑明·富爾福德 2019年6月10日訊息
The visit by U.S. President Donald Trump to the UK last week has healed rifts in the Anglo alliance and will make sure the post-9/11 fascist coup in the West will be reversed, according to Pentagon and British royal family sources. “The visit to Great Britain was very much about the entente cordiale in the Anglo-America axis and all of the ongoing issues of which you are already aware. Brexit is a very big deal. I would say that the trip was a success and the bonds between both countries are now stronger,” was how a British royal summed it up.
This means there is a split between the Anglo-Americans and the European fascist Nazi aristocrats behind the Bilderberg Group. A semi-official report from a Bilderberg participant confirms that there is a major split between the German-led EU faction and the Anglos, as well as the Italians.
Sources in French Intelligence, meanwhile, say they have found proof the recent EU Parliamentary elections were rigged by the German faction. They point to articles which accurately announced the results of the elections that appeared before the elections took place. The battle to liberate France continues, the sources say.
2019年6月9日 星期日
【新】【Michael Love】6月6日《地球頻率更新---66門戶》(轉貼)

tens of thousands of local pleiadian delta force lightships are rockin the vibration of earth tonight as one hell of a battle ensues in the heavens to finally liberate planet earth from eons of control from dark forces!
the earth alliance is reporting multiple inbound friendlies have been detected by earth solar observatories!
great ones, the skies are full tonight as we all do our great work to assist humanity in their grand evolution!
2019年6月7日 星期五
greetings great beings of light,
the earth alliance reports that operation freedom earth will continue through july 4th, 2019 as pleiadian light forces use advanced 5d andara energy technology to finalize the clearing of old 3d matrix energy as well as remaining 4d astral debris!
地球聯盟報告解放地球行動會在 2019 年 7 月 4 日後繼續,隨著昴宿星光之力量使用先進的 5D 安達拉能量技術完結舊 3D 矩陣能量和殘留的 4D 星體殘骸的清理
40 hert, 5d gamma light waves will fire back up again in the next 72 hours as the old matrix continues giving way to the new earth!
40 赫茲, 5D 伽瑪光之波浪會在接下來的 72 小時再次回火,隨著舊矩陣繼續為新地球讓出道路
think of this earth time as an incredible transition where the old realm is phased out and the new one is phased in!
這個地球時間是一個令人難以置信的轉變時期 --- 舊領域淡出,新領域進入
expect powerful mainstream news coming out before july 4th, regarding the old matrix shutdown that is in progress!
期待 7 月 4 日前關於舊矩陣正在關閉的強力主流媒體新聞的出現
the earth alliance reports that operation freedom earth will continue through july 4th, 2019 as pleiadian light forces use advanced 5d andara energy technology to finalize the clearing of old 3d matrix energy as well as remaining 4d astral debris!
地球聯盟報告解放地球行動會在 2019 年 7 月 4 日後繼續,隨著昴宿星光之力量使用先進的 5D 安達拉能量技術完結舊 3D 矩陣能量和殘留的 4D 星體殘骸的清理
40 hert, 5d gamma light waves will fire back up again in the next 72 hours as the old matrix continues giving way to the new earth!
40 赫茲, 5D 伽瑪光之波浪會在接下來的 72 小時再次回火,隨著舊矩陣繼續為新地球讓出道路
think of this earth time as an incredible transition where the old realm is phased out and the new one is phased in!
這個地球時間是一個令人難以置信的轉變時期 --- 舊領域淡出,新領域進入
expect powerful mainstream news coming out before july 4th, regarding the old matrix shutdown that is in progress!
期待 7 月 4 日前關於舊矩陣正在關閉的強力主流媒體新聞的出現
2019年6月6日 星期四
Greetings human typing and humans reading these words.I am Tier-Eir of the Blue Avian grouping, higher ascended beings that have been monitoring this space time quadrant in all of its changing. For the time is now ripe for the planetary ascension of your planet, Gaia, who is morphing and changing right under your feet. We monitor the planetary encodements of numerous worlds. We assist the others in their quest for ascension on a planetary level. We see now that it is the time to make a formal introduction of ourselves, although our presenc has already been made known through the writings and reportings of our dear friend Corey Goode, who has worked with us so tirelessly over his many years of service. Thank you Corey.
問候,在打字的人以及在閲讀的人。我是藍鳥人團體的 Tier-Eir ,監視著這個空間時間象限所有改變的更高揚升存在。現在行星蓋亞的揚升時機已經成熟(她正在你的腳下蛻變和改變)。我們監視著許多世界的行星編碼。我們協助他人對行星層面揚升的追求。我們看到現在是時候正式介紹一下我們自己,儘管我們的存在已經通過親愛的科裡·古德被書寫和報導,他與我們不知疲倦地共事了許多年。謝謝你,科裡
問候,在打字的人以及在閲讀的人。我是藍鳥人團體的 Tier-Eir ,監視著這個空間時間象限所有改變的更高揚升存在。現在行星蓋亞的揚升時機已經成熟(她正在你的腳下蛻變和改變)。我們監視著許多世界的行星編碼。我們協助他人對行星層面揚升的追求。我們看到現在是時候正式介紹一下我們自己,儘管我們的存在已經通過親愛的科裡·古德被書寫和報導,他與我們不知疲倦地共事了許多年。謝謝你,科裡
【本傑明·富爾福德】 2019年6月3日 新聞快訊 (轉貼)
Currency reset buzz as Indonesia shuts all banks, pawn shops for 9 days while Malaysia calls for international gold-backed currency
Benjamin Fulford, 3 June, 2019
本傑明·富爾福德 2019年6月3日訊息
People with real-world intelligence contacts are all buzzing with the feeling that something big is coming down. “My gut feeling is that we are very close to the end of the U.S. Corporation. I can say this, as what is happening here in the region is connected. There is change in the air. The corrupt governments are being exposed and will either step down or be removed by ‘the people,’” was how a CIA source in Asia described the mood. Many apparently disconnected events all point to this.
Let’s start with the situation in East Asia, where Indonesia has shut down all of its banks and pawn shops for 9 days starting this week. This move to shut down all gold trading and international banking came immediately after Malaysian Prime Minister Mahatir called for replacing the U.S. dollar with a gold-backed trading currency.
2019年6月5日 星期三
【新】【昴宿星】20190529 《解放地球行動》(拍到史上最大規模的光飛船湧入太陽系) (轉貼)
2019年6月1日 星期六
【本傑明·富爾福德】 2019年5月27日 新聞快訊 (轉貼)
As Theresa May loses battle of Britain, West Coast oligarchs sue for peace
Benjamin Fulford, 27 May, 2019
本傑明·富爾福德 2019年5月27日訊息
The forced resignation of British Prime Minister (and Hitler daughter) Theresa May marked a decisive turning point in the battle for the planet Earth, multiple sources agree. Already, her resignation has forced high-tech oligarchs Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk to seek peace negotiations with the White Dragon Society (WDS), according to P2 Freemason sources.
Meanwhile, U.S. President Donald Trump has spent the Memorial Day weekend in Japan, in part to avoid assassination as moves begin to end the long political deadlock in Washington, D.C., Pentagon and Japanese right-wing sources say.
As many of us are aware, U.S. politics has been stuck in an endlessly repeating loop for two years, with hysterical Democrats using control of corporate media and every legal tool possible to remove Trump, while Trump endlessly tweets “witch hunt.”
Greetings dear ones, I am Ashtar, and I greet this one as he watches over the beautiful coastline, observing Mother Earth’s beauty and taking in the essence of it all.
For dear ones, I will say now, that all is to unravel.Yes, you have heard this before, but as you all know, and feel, that everything seems to be at a crescendo, and I tell you now that it certainly is.
As you see many half-truths coming forward from the MSM, know that these are but little smoke screens and snippets of the bigger picture. It is through these little drops of truth, that the bigger truths will unfold, for it cannot be held back any longer. You are all tired and ready to start the new, start your work of restoration and regeneration, of Mother Earth and her people’s. For it is time dear ones, there is a reason so many half-truths are appearing now, and that is because, those who think they are in control, know that the real truth is about to be displayed for all to see. Rest dear ones and know the hard work of fighting for truth is over, and now it will be the work of assisting those to understand these truths that are now to be revealed. Let go of fighting and know that all is in place, all is well and ready to be revealed. I Am Ashtar and I will now step aside for another brother to step forth.
For dear ones, I will say now, that all is to unravel.Yes, you have heard this before, but as you all know, and feel, that everything seems to be at a crescendo, and I tell you now that it certainly is.
As you see many half-truths coming forward from the MSM, know that these are but little smoke screens and snippets of the bigger picture. It is through these little drops of truth, that the bigger truths will unfold, for it cannot be held back any longer. You are all tired and ready to start the new, start your work of restoration and regeneration, of Mother Earth and her people’s. For it is time dear ones, there is a reason so many half-truths are appearing now, and that is because, those who think they are in control, know that the real truth is about to be displayed for all to see. Rest dear ones and know the hard work of fighting for truth is over, and now it will be the work of assisting those to understand these truths that are now to be revealed. Let go of fighting and know that all is in place, all is well and ready to be revealed. I Am Ashtar and I will now step aside for another brother to step forth.
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