Dear Brothers of the Earth!I AM ASHTAR SHERAN!
I want to bring calmness and joy here today.In difficult times this is how we bring you back into balance again;this is how we take your minds off the focus of problems,take your minds off the focus of things that seem to be hopeless.
Every day in your world,for those of you who only have eyes for the negative,everything seems to get worse,everything seems to be slipping out of what little balance you still had.Unfortunately,I cannot tell you that it will stop there,on the contrary,more and more you will see the world in a total imbalance;because it is the last attempt,a desperate attempt by those who have already lost the war.The only thing they can do now,against you is this,is to incite the hearts of those who resonate with them,to produce chaos,to produce little wars.Not armed wars,but wars made with their own hands.
So again,as I said at the beginning,I want to bring joy here.I am not here bringing more worry.And why bring joy?Because the moment is one of extreme joy.There are no more risks for you in terms of the military,or the weapons of the Dark Ones;and even your weapons,the weapons of men that could hurt this planet,will achieve nothing more,because with each attempt,this too will be eliminated.So it is with joy,yes,it is with great joy that we are all vibrating around your planet for the victory achieved.A long victory,coming from a long battle.And why is it long?Because from the first moment we started the fight,victory was always ours.