U.S. civil war stalemate to end soon; Next phase of planetary liberation to begin
Benjamin Fulford, 27 August, 2018
本傑明·富爾福德 2018年8月27日 新聞快訊
The death, probably by execution, of the traitor John McCain, signals a new phase in the removal of the criminal cabal that has controlled the U.S. since 1913, Pentagon and agency sources agree. “Traitor McCain may have been the first death penalty by military tribunal, allowed to die with honor like Rommel to protect the Navy’s reputation while spooking the deep state,” is how one Pentagon source described the situation.
The real battle, though, will begin after the U.S. branch of the cabal is removed and it will pit the U.S. military-industrial complex against a loose Eurasian alliance headquartered in Switzerland.
This battle will either end in a world war or a complete remake of post-war institutions like the UN, BIS, IMF, EU, etc. The key is to target the complex of foundations (plus the Vatican Bank) used by the Khazarian mafia to camouflage their control of the privately owned central banks, the Fortune 500 corporations, and most so-called world leaders.