greetings great beings of light,
you may have detected a major 3-hour dimensional rift that occurred overnight night in the energetic grid that surrounds planet earth!
你可能注意到了一個重大的持續 3 小時的空間裂縫在地球的能量網格中一夜之間發生。
earth alliance chatter and intel reports that pleiadian light forces rebooted and reset the vibrational grid around the earth last night as pleiadian operation ‘andara’moves into high gear!
地球聯盟喋喋不休以及情報報告,昴宿星光之力量昨晚重啟和重置了地球的振動網格,隨著昴宿星‘ andara’ 行動進入高速擋
light forces are deployed all around the earth at this hour from the sky to the ground to strengthen and finalize the new 5d-earth crystal light grid!
此時此刻光之力量正被部署到世界各地,從天上到地表,來加強和完成新的 5D 地球水晶光之網格
the grid is being re-coded and upgraded by benevolent, intelligent, pleiadian crystalline grid technicians of the atlantis command using advanced andara multi-dimensional energy technology, derived from ancient atlantis!
網格正被仁慈的、聰慧的、昴宿星水晶網格技術員(亞特蘭蒂斯指揮部的)使用先進的 andara 多維度能量技術(來自遠古的亞特蘭蒂斯)重新編碼和升級
the new 5d crystalline holographic operating system is being applied on the surface of the planet!
新的 5D 水晶全息操作系統被應用於地表
benevolent celestial forces have been working overtime, overlaying the new 5d-earth crystalline light matrix on top of the old 3d matrix for the last 2 earth weeks!
仁慈的天堂力量一直在加班加點,在舊的 3D 矩陣上疊加新的 5D 地球水晶光之矩陣,在過去的兩週裡!
this is a literal merging of two dimensions in regards to the energetic space-time field that surrounds the planet!
毫不誇張地說,這是兩個維度的融合,關於圍繞地球的能量空間 - 時間場域
this new 5d vibrational diamond-light matrix is the framework for the new earth civilization!
這個新的 5D 振動鑽石之光矩陣是新地球文明的框架
another key purpose for this type of energetic blackout is to merge the remaining artifical timelines all back onto the one true new earth crystalline grid timeline so humanity can fully ascend to the 5th dimension!
the black line on the schumann resonance is a skip in time and space and is a literal black hole or an anti-matter field in earth’s energetic grid!
when a grid blackout like this occurs, the energy field around the earth is literally switched into the ‘off’position for a duration.
dear ones,
standby as the earth matrix is fully re-reprogrammed to the 5d frequency level of 40-100-hertz!
做好準備,隨著地球矩陣完全被重新編碼到 40-100 赫茲的 5D 頻率水平
let us know if you detected this dimensional rift and timeline shift last night and update us on ascension symptoms you may be experiencing!
the new earth is truly dawning as the vibration of earth is lifted higher and higher! soon dear ones, all beings of earth will be free forevermore!
翻譯:Nick Chan