can you feel the powerful solar energies coming in right now?
if everything seems a bit chaotic at the moment it’s due to powerful a electromagnetic wave that is hitting the planet as we speak!
space weather agencies recorded an incredible solar wind impact, 6 hours ago that slammed into the earth at close to 800km/s or nearly 1.5 million miles per hour!
空間氣象機構記錄下了一個令人難以置信的太陽風衝擊, 6 個小時前在接近 800km/s 或每小時 150 萬英里的速度中衝擊地球

the earth alliance and earth space weather agencies are monitoring heightened activity around the sun as light forces continue modifying the frequency of the sun’s corona to bounce enough divine light here to fully wake up humanity!
intense pressure is being applied to the earth’s magnetic field over the last 48 hours as you can see in red on the current geospace magnetosphere –cut planes, pressure graph on our space weather tools page, here:
在過去的 48 小時,巨大的壓力被施加在地球的磁場之上,正如你可以在下方的圖片上看到的紅色部分
starseeds around the globe are reeling from the effects of this massive solar wave hitting the earth!
these strong incoming solar winds contain central sun akashic light data which is composed of nano-sized, magnetic, ionized particles that strip right through the human-body genome, clearing out all low-vibrational energies, recoding dna to a higher order!
這些強烈的正在進入的太陽風包含中央太陽的阿卡西光之數據 --- 由納米級別磁性的電離粒子組成 --- 穿透人類身體的基因組,清理所有較低振動的能量,重新編碼 DNA 到更高的秩序
planetary space weather forecasts show this inbound, moderate plasma wave will continue impacting the planet over the next 48 hours!
行星空間氣象預報顯示,這個正在進入的、溫和的等離子波浪會在接下來的 48 小時繼續影響地球
this cosmic light is changing everything it touches and is upgrading the earth realm to a much higher and more advanced dimensional state!
starseeds all around the globe have been reporting moderate to strong ascension symptoms over the last 12 earth hours!
在過去的 12 個小時,世界各地的星際種子報告了中等→強烈的揚升症狀
here are some reported ascension symptoms from this latest light influx:
* dull headache, pains in the crown chakra
* 輕微的頭痛,頂輪的疼痛
* irritated mood
* 被激怒的情緒
* elevated blood pressure
* 高血壓
* accelerated dehydration
* 加速脫水
* third eye pressure/sinus aches
* 第三眼的壓力 / 鼻竇疼痛
* feeling spaced out and disoriented
* 感到飄飄然和迷失方向
* tiredness
* 疲憊
* feeling overwhelmed
* 感到不知所措
* heightened family emotions
* 增強的家庭情感
* difficulty focusing or concentrating
* 難以專注或集中注意力
* sleep difficulty
* 失眠
* vivid dreams
* 生動的夢境
these ascension symptoms are result of the natural dna activation process that is occurring in this cosmos!
這些揚升症狀是自然的 DNA 激活過程(正在這個宇宙中發生)導致的結果
there is no cause for serious concern, as long as you:
* 保持水分充足
*practice gentle self care
* 實踐溫柔的自我關懷
*avoid stress as much as possible
* 儘可能多地避免壓力
*get some rest/sleep
* 多休息 / 睡眠
* and just take it slow and easy until these light codes integrate into the body.
* 慢慢來,不要急,直到這些光之代碼整合到你的身體中
you will feel super awesome, be more advanced and much stronger when this is done so hang in there!
other major earth alliance headlines:
multiple 5d portals have opened, in the skies of earth over the last two days!
在過去的兩天,多重 5D 門戶已經開啟,在地球的天空中
armadas of well defined light ships have been detected moving through earth’s lower atmosphere over the last week!
global currency is tanking hard!forecasters say this is the beginning of the end for the fiat debt-dollar! the super-rich of this world are waking up and have been selling corporate stocks like wild, investing in precious metals and are stashing tons of cash (“just in case it all goes to hell”, they say!)
全球貨幣正在灌水( tanking hard )!預報稱這是債務美元結束的開始。這個世界的超級富豪在醒來,瘋狂地拋售公司股票,用來投資貴金屬,儲存大量的現金(以防一切都變成“地獄”,他們說道)
3d global chaos and and earth changes abound as two dimensions continue clashing!
有著非常多的 3D 全球混亂和地球改變,隨著兩個維度繼續碰撞
let us know what you are experiencing from this latest solar-photon light blast, in the comments below!
a major shift is occuring on earth great ones and we are all here to experience and participate in it together!
standby for a super dna upgrades and massive world change over the coming days!
為接下來的日子裡一個超級 DNA 升級和巨大的世界改變做好準備
it’s amazing how much light you have taken in over the las few months!
look at how much you have changed!
be very proud for your achievements, great one!
your mission on earth is a grand success and the earth is being transformed into a new world thanks to you!
your job as a light warrior is to take in as much akashic light into your body-vessel as you can, hold this light in the body-cells, then anchor it to the new earth crystalline grid!
stay strong, do your inner work and keep building up your inner light!
spend your days now in your great service to humanity!
you are the light of the world and the bringer of a new day to earth!
god-speed great beings of light,
翻譯:Nick Chan