*for immediate planetary broadcast to the starseeds of earth*
* 立即向地球的星際種子進行行星廣播 *
序曲 :
2 earth months ago,the earth alliance received a critical akashic download from light forces which contained details about a major upcoming celestial alignment which will signal the long awaited time of the complete liberation of planet earth and the grand evolutionary ascension of humanity!
2 個地球月前,地球聯盟從光之力量收到一個關鍵的阿卡西下載,其中包含即將到來的重大天體排列的詳細信息,這將標誌著地球完全解放和人類偉大進化揚升的期待已久的時間!
Certain members of the earth alliance have been processing the data markers in this latest transmission for some time now and on this day we present to you a grand message of hope,freedom,and encouragement which comes directly from the pleiadians!
What we can tell you for sure is"the great time of humanity has come!"
我們可以肯定地告訴你們, " 人類的偉大時代已經到來!"