2019年10月31日 星期四




Third (fourth?) death of Mossad agent Shimon Elliot “al-Baghdadi” actually signifies major Middle East change


While only a few die-hard corporate propaganda Kool-Aid drinkers actually believe the U.S. announcement that “master terrorist al-Baghdadi” was killed yet again, this time it actually means something, Pentagon sources say. The third announcement of his death means that U.S. President Donald Trump “is poised with Russian help to cut off illegal oil, arms, human, and drug trafficking that benefit Zionists, the CIA, and the deep state,” they explain.





Basically, now that the pretense of fighting ISIS or Al Qaeda or whatever brand name they used has blown up, Trump is now openly telling the truth—that the wars in the Middle East are about stealing oil. The fact that Trump mentions Rockefeller-controlled Exxon Mobil by name as the company that can develop the Syrian oil fields also means Trump is now an official spokesperson for big oil.



In any case, Gordon Duff of Veteran’s Today, who has better Middle East sources than this writer, says Mossad agent Shimon Elliot, aka “al-Baghdadi,” is actually still alive. You can read his excellent report here:



Presumably he is enjoying his official death in a safe house along with his Mossad buddy Jeffrey Epstein.


This picture of CIA agent Tim Osman, aka “Bin Laden,” with his handlers sent to us by the Germans supports what Duff reports.


While we cannot confirm if these pictures are genuine, the story they convey has been confirmed to us by multiple sources over the years.


Meanwhile, in a sign the undeclared civil war in the U.S. is reaching a crescendo, the list of missing politicians in Washington, DC keeps growing. Neither House Speaker Nancy Pelosi nor House Intelligence Committee head Adam Schiff have appeared in public since their sudden trip to Jordan last week.


House Republican Whip Steve Scalise tried to keep up pretense with this widely quoted tweet: “My colleagues & I went to confront Schiff face-to-face in his locked room in the Capitol basement to see what he’s been hiding. When we got there he immediately shut down the hearing & fled with the witness.”



However, a colleague in Washington, DC with a press pass says Pelosi, Schiff, and many others have not been seen in public during the past week and no new videos of them have emerged, either. Former CIA chief John Brennan, who was constantly in the media, has also not been seen in public for two weeks, the journalist also noted. (Note to computer graphic agents: Time to get to work.)


Also, the fact that corporate media reports concerning the ongoing “Ukraine” impeachment proceedings against Trump now quote politicians other than Schiff or Pelosi lends credibility to the idea that they are gone.


Pentagon sources explain, “As sealed indictments reach 130,000, many notables may choose death over dishonor, Gitmo, or military tribunals, and they may be given the Rommel treatment.” (Field Marshal Erwin Rommel was given the option to commit suicide and be eulogized as a war hero after his failed coup attempt against Adolph Hitler.) So keep an eye out for announcements of the untimely death of war hero General James Mattis and some of his colleagues.

五角大樓的消息來源解釋說,“隨著密封起訴書達到 13 萬份,許多名人可能會選擇死亡,而不是恥辱、關塔那摩監獄、或軍事法庭,他們可能會被給予隆美爾的待遇。”(陸軍元帥埃爾文·隆美爾在他對阿道夫·希特拉發動政變未遂後被授予自殺的選擇權,並被譽為戰爭英雄。)因此,要留心戰爭英雄詹姆斯·馬蒂斯將軍和他的一些同事過早死亡的消息。

The latest official death announcement was of long-serving African-American Congressman John Conyers.



Conyers, “who was ousted in 2017 for sexual misconduct,” was killed by his Detroit mob bosses “as their money from Syria and Iraq is getting blocked,” the Pentagon sources say.

五角大樓消息來源說,康耶斯,“在 2017 年因性行為不當而被趕下台”,現在又被他的底特律暴徒頭目殺害,“因為底特律暴徒們從敘利亞和伊拉克獲得的資金被凍結。”

Asked about the Russiagate investigation on Friday, Trump said, “I can’t tell you what’s happening,” but “I will tell you this: I think you’re going to see a lot of really bad things. I think you’ll see things that nobody would have believed,” he added.



Trump also hinted last week that former President Barack Obama had been executed when he publicly accused him of the capital offense of treason. “What they did was treasonous, OK? It was treasonous.”



“The Pentagon’s President who we installed to counter the Khazarian Mafia (Hillary Clinton, etc.) has hit back at the Russia intelligence rubbish which sadly was cobbled together by one of our own in London. Needless to say, there are some very uncomfortable people in London on the receiving end,” was how a senior MI6 source described the action in Washington, DC. At the end of the day, Western “intelligence” agencies have been accidentally “working at cross-purposes,” he added. This is now being corrected, he said.


In the meanwhile, the rest of the world is getting fed up with all the puerile activity in the Anglo-Saxon political world. “After the Islamic State was ultimately defeated by the Syrian government army with support of the Russia aerospace forces in early 2018, yet another ‘death’ of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi will have no impact either on the situation in Syria or on the actions of terrorists staying in Idlib,” Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said.

與此同時,世界其它地區正在厭倦盎格魯 - 撒克遜政治世界中所有幼稚的活動。俄羅斯國防部發言人伊戈爾·科納申科夫說:“ 2018 年初,敘利亞政府軍在俄羅斯空天部隊的支持下,最終擊敗伊斯蘭國後,阿布·巴克爾·巴格達迪的再次‘死亡’,對敘利亞局勢或留在伊德利卜省的恐怖分子的行動,都不會產生影響。”


Tass also quoted recently released Russian “agent” Maria Butina as saying, “The U.S. has lost its judicial system.”



The official Chinese Xinhua News agency, for its part, after quoting Trump about “al-Baghdadi,” noted that, “Over the years, al-Baghdadi has been reported multiple times to have been killed.”



Of course the Turks, Iranians, and others have been publicly saying similar things.


Simultaneously, the U.S. plan to use India as a counterbalance to China blew up as India suspended its defense cooperation with the U.S. last week.



What all this means is that the U.S. regime and its Zionist controllers are losing the ability to control the plot. This is happening even inside of the countries they still control like the U.S. An example of this was seen when Democratic candidate Tulsi Gabbard said in a Presidential debate that the U.S. was sponsoring Al Qaeda. She won the debate with 40% support while official top-runners like Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden got 7%, according to a Drudge Report poll. Then, in an Orwellian move, the National Democratic Party Committee announced she does not have enough support to participate in the next debate.

這一切意味著,美國政權及其猶太復國主義控制者,正在失去操縱陰謀的能力。這甚至發生在他們仍然控制的國家內部,比如美國。其中一個例子是,當民主黨候選人圖爾西·加巴德在一次總統辯論中,說美國在支持基地組織時。根據德拉吉的一項民調顯示,她以 40% 的支持率贏得了辯論,而像伊麗莎白·沃倫和喬·拜登這樣的官方頭號候選人只獲得了 7% 的支持率。然後,在奧威爾式反烏托邦的舉動中,美國全國民主黨委員會宣佈她沒有足夠的支持來參加下一次辯論。


Meanwhile, California is burning again. Japanese military intelligence sources say the California fires of recent years are being deliberately set to prepare land for a railway link from California to China via Alaska. This is being done as a part of a deal to prevent the bankruptcy of the U.S. corporate government, the sources say. The map at this link of past fires shows they do indeed appear to be in a line formation along what would be a good route for a railroad.




The other thing to note about the U.S. is that a sudden, radical spike of loan downgrades is the latest clear sign that some sort of financial black swan event is imminent.



According to European royal family sources, negotiations are continuing toward “a truly global BIS/IMF/World Bank/UN statement making the case for permanent peace and prosperity” that would be put to the UN Security Council for a vote. The IMF (France and Germany) and the Vatican (P2 Freemasons), the Swiss, and the City of London are all involved in these negotiations, the source says. The British are pushing for a meritocratically-staffed future planning agency to be set up to oversee this, while the Vatican controllers of the old system want to put the IMF in charge, he says. A compromise that will give both a role is being worked out, he added. Of course the Chinese and Asians would have to approve, he said.

根據歐洲王室的消息來源透露,談判仍在繼續,以便爭取“一份真正全球性的國際清算銀行 / 國際貨幣基金組織 / 世界銀行 / 聯合國的聲明,去實現永久和平與繁榮”,並提交聯合國安理會表決。消息來源說,國際貨幣基金組織(法國和德國)和梵蒂岡( P2 共濟會)、瑞士和倫敦都參與了這些談判。他說,英國正在推動成立一個由社會精英管理的未來規劃機構來監督這項工作,而梵蒂岡舊體系的控制人則希望由國際貨幣基金組織負責。他補充說,目前正在制定一項折衷方案,使雙方都能發揮作用。他說,當然,中國人和亞洲人將不得不批准。

The Chinese are holding a special meeting this week to discuss this along with other issues, Asian secret society sources say.



The military-industrial complex, for its part, has, by releasing patents on “UFO” technology, compact fusion reactors and other wonders, indicated that it is ready for a swords-to-plowshares transformation. As a part of this, “Boeing may be subject to military control with former Naval chief Admiral John Richardson parachuted to its board, as CEO Dennis Muilenburg may be fired soon,” Pentagon sources say.


The Pentagon is also thinking of shaking up the bloated and inefficient U.S. military-industrial complex by sharing technology with and opening up some defense contract bidding to Russian companies, the sources say.


In any case, we can expect more drama over the coming weeks and months as the old system collapses. The question is, will it be a controlled demolition followed by reconstruction, or will it be a descent into chaos, anarchy, and misery. Our sources are saying a controlled demolition and a phoenix-like emergence of something new and better is the most likely scenario. Meetings scheduled for November involving the Pope, the Asians, and the Pentagon may prove decisive.

無論如何,隨著舊體制的崩潰,我們可以預期未來幾週和幾個月會出現更多的戲劇性事件。但問題是,這將會是一個有控制的拆除,然後重建的過程,還是一個陷入混亂,無政府狀態和痛苦。我們的消息來源說,最有可能的情況是有控制性的拆除和鳳凰涅槃一般的新的更好的東西的出現。預定於 2019 年 11 月舉行的,由教皇、亞洲人和五角大樓參加的會議,可能具有決定性意義。

Also, while I am not a big UFO or alien guy, I have been told it is a good time to keep your eyes on the sky and look out for unusual events like giant holograms.







