Source:來源:Rumor Mill News 謡言工廠新聞|By Mr.Ed
The World Health Organization in NYC was raided.
Military operations have started in America and arrest numbers are expected to hit 540,000.(millions worldwide)
Pedophile John Podesta arrested.
CEO of Microsoft stepped down.
微軟首席執行官 (CEO)辭職
CEO of Disney stepped down.
迪士尼首席執行官 (CEO)辭職
CEO of Tinder...Hinge...OkCupid...Match...all stepped down.
Tinder...Hinge...OkCupid...Match的首席執行官 (CEO)全部辭職了
CEO of MedMen stepped down.Medmen
MedMen 首席執行官 (CEO)辭職
CEO of L brands like Victoria Secret Bath & Body Works stepped down.
L品牌如Victoria Secret Bath & Body的首席執行官 (CEO)辭職
CEO of Salesforce's stepped down.Salesforce
Salesforce首席執行官 (CEO)辭職
CEO of Harley Davidson stepped down.
哈雷.戴維森首席執行官 (CEO)辭職
CEO of IBM stepped down.Ibm
IBM 首席執行官 (CEO)辭職
CEO of T Mobile stepping down.
T Mobile首席執行官 (CEO)辭職
CEO of LinkedIn stepping down.
LinkedIn 首席執行官 (CEO)辭職
CEO of Mastercard is stepping down.
萬事達首席執行官 (CEO)辭職
Stocks markets are crashing.
Crypto markets are crashing.
PUBLIC NOTICE by Anonymous
公告作者:Anonymous (匿名者)
Q has posted today stating it's"go time".
Q 今天發帖稱現在是"行動時間"
"Rig for Red"means troops changeover to their red lights on their gun sights and equipment right before attacking the enemy.(so the enemy wouldn't see them coming)
This means mass arrests and we know this is going to happen worldwide,so they needed'a cover'to restrict travel and get people prepared to have an interruption in supplies while a financial reset and the arrests occur.President Trump is trying to tell Americans to be prepared under the guise of a pandemic.
The stock market needs to adjust down in order to do a complete reset and move us to a gold backed currency and get rid of the Fed.The stock market has been falsely inflated for a while.
The CV is the perfect"crisis"to make a lot of it work.Travel will likely shut down for a brief period and maybe all schools and universities will be shut down so kids are home safe with their parents when the arrests occur.We could even have a period of Marital Law to suppress opportunities for looting and riots.
CV(Corona Virus,冠狀病毒)是一個完美的"危機",起到了很大的作用。旅行可能會暫停一段時間,也許所有的學校和大學都會關閉,這樣孩子們在大逮捕時就可以安全地和父母呆在家裡。我們甚至可以有一段時間的戒嚴法 (Marital Law)來禁止搶劫和騷亂的機會
Keeping people away from large crowds minimizes false flags,mass shootings,or other catastrophic events.Can't have a school shooting if the kids aren't in school.
Having the CV crisis allows POTUS to shut down our borders so Homeland Security and our military can focus on keeping peace.
冠狀病毒 (CV)危機使得美國總統可以關閉我們的邊境,這樣國土安全部和我們的軍隊就可以專注於維護和平
POTUS said everything with the CV will be over in April.He said it because he knows'it is fake'and they plan to take action in March...and by April the American public will be informed of what has occurred and why.
美國總統表示,所有與冠狀病毒 (CV)有關的事情都將在4月份結束。他這麼說是因為他知道這是假的,他們計劃在3月份採取行動。到4月份,美國公眾將會知道發生了什麼,為什麼會發生。
India had a'full on'celebration when POTUS visited.It is because he has struck a deal with India to start producing many of the things we were having China produce(cheaply)and it will help India A LOT.Many think China's leader is in on it with Trump.
When Trump visited China,he was taken to the Forbidden City and this has never been done with another world leader.(likely to have complete privacy to plan)China has a Deep State too.They are teamed up with our CIA and Deep State bad actors.(Clintons,Bidens,Romney,Feinstein and others)
當特朗普訪問中國時,他被帶到了紫禁城,這在其他世界領導人身上從未發生過。(可能有完全隱密的計劃)中國也有一個深州 (Deep State)。他們與我們的中央情報局和深州 (Deep State)的壞蛋合作。(克林頓夫婦、拜登家族、羅姆尼、范斯坦和其他人)
Doug Collins,Matt Gaetz,Ted Cruz,Mike Pence,Mike Pompeo and Mark Meadows were all supposedly exposed to CV.What better way to explain their upcoming absence in DC than quarantine at their homes?Q already told us when the mass arrests happen,POTUS will be safely out of the country.
道格·柯林斯,馬特·蓋茲,泰德·克魯茲,邁克·彭斯,邁克·龐皮歐和馬克·梅多斯都可能接觸過冠狀病毒 (CV)。還有什麼比在家裡進行隔離更能解釋他們即將離開華盛頓的原因呢?Q 已經告訴我們,當大規模逮捕發生時,總統將安全地離開這個國家
AF1 can fly continuously(if needed)because it can be refueled in the air.President Trump is taking his present and future cabinet members with him in AF1 to keep them out of harm's way.(it won't alert anyone that he is taking them all with him)
AF1可以連續飛行(如果需要的話),因為它可以在空中加油。特朗普總統帶著他現在和未來的內閣成員參加 AF1,以免他們受到傷害。(它不會提醒任何人說他要帶著他們)
He already announced Mark Meadows will be his new Chief of Staff.
The"quarantine centers"have all been set up in areas where the concentration of sealed indictments are the highest.This explains why there is'barbed wire slanted inward'at one quarantine center seen in a video.These will be'detention centers for the many criminals and traitors'.They may even be set up as prisons with the sheer number of them.
GITMO has had a multi million dollar upgrade that is completed.A new head Judge has been sent to GITMO.There was a large amount of our troops sent to GITMO for a 2 year assignment last Summer.There were millions spent just upgrading the Justice buildings and Lawyer offices at GITMO and another military base in the US.
關塔那摩監獄 (GITMO)已經完成了一次耗資數百萬美元的升級。一名新的首席法官已被送往關塔那摩監獄。去年夏天,我們有大量的士兵被派往關塔那摩監獄執行為期兩年的任務。僅僅升級關塔那摩監獄和美國另一個軍事基地的司法大樓和律師辦公室就花費了數百萬美元
It is believed Trump,Gen Kelly and Gen Mattis are not on bad terms.It may all be an act to take them out of DC and allow them to fly under the radar so they could be at GITMO and the other bases to get everything set up for the military tribunals.
The same goes for Sessions.He knows all of it because he was AG while the investigations were occurring and sealed indictments were ramping up.He likely recused himself from the Russia investigation to be able to focus on the other investigations and sealed indictments.He supposedly left on bad terms with POTUS,but likely he's been working under the radar since he left DC to get everything ready.
Trump has replaced many of the Obama judges and others who would not do the right thing when the mass arrests occur.That took a long time to get them confirmed and placed strategically where they will be needed.He has the majority of the SCOTUS.
特朗普取代了許多奧巴馬的法官和其他在大規模逮捕發生時不會做正確事情的人。這花了很長時間才得到確認,並戰略性地安置在需要它們的地方。他擁有絶大多數的 SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States,美國最高法院)
Justice Roberts is highly compromised.He will either be replaced by another Conservative Justice...or has been given a deal.(to cooperate with justice being served to the criminals and traitors in our government)
There has been a lot of National Guard and military equipment movement under the guise of a State of Emergency for the CV.They are getting into place to help deal with any civil unrest that might occur over the arrests of groups.(like ANTIFA)
有許多國民警衛隊和軍事裝備在冠狀病毒 (CV)進入緊急狀態的幌子下移動。他們正在就位,以幫助處理任何內亂可能發生的逮捕團體。(比如 ANTIFA(Anti-Fascist,反法西斯組織))
The internet(at least all social media)will likely go dark.(so don't panic)It won't be forever.They tested taking down specific platforms and cell service a couple of times.The CIA's satellites have been shut down,so they have been blinded.
Gina Haspel was at the last SOTU address smiling ear to ear.CIA directors rarely,if ever,attend SOTU addresses.
上一次 SOTU (State of the Union,國情咨文)演講中,吉娜·哈斯佩爾笑得合不攏嘴,中央情報局局長很少(如果有的話)出席 SOTU 演講
The Queen of England was locked out of Windsor Castle briefly on Friday for the first time ever.It was a marker to tell those following Q that it is time.
週五,英格蘭女王有史以來第一次被鎖在溫莎城堡外。這是一個標記,告訴那些追隨Q 的人,是時候了
A Q post from September of 2018 read:
Castle Lock.
Next it read:
Panic in UK
Panic in DC
Panic in UK
Panic in DC
P atriots
A re
N ow
I n
C ontrol in the UK and DC
愛國者 - 現在 - 已經控制了英國和華盛頓特區
"Nothing can stop what is coming.Nothing"-Q
Trump wore a bright yellow tie in India and today at the CV press conference.He is telling us there is no virus because it is the exact same color as the maritime flag that represents the vessel has no infected people on board.THERE IS NO VIRUS.Every state reporting the most cases and deaths are all Sanctuary States run by Democrat bad actors in an attempt to get funding for the virus since Trump has cut off any Federal funds for Sanctuary States.
特朗普在印度和今天的冠狀病毒 (CV)新聞發佈會上繫了一條亮黃色的領帶。他告訴我們沒有病毒,因為它的顏色和代表船上沒有感染者的船旗顏色完全一樣。沒有病毒。每個報告病例和死亡人數最多的州都是由民主黨壞分子管理的庇護州,自從特朗普切斷了庇護州的聯邦資金後,這些州試圖為該病毒獲得資金
Do you see it now?
Trump and Pence have been flying all over,attending group events,hugging people,shaking hands.They are not worried because the Cvirus is fake.
特朗普和彭斯飛來飛去,參加集體活動,與人們擁抱,握手。他們並不擔心,因為冠狀病毒 (Cvirus) 是假的
-Be ready for Martial Law-
-Be ready for schools to shut down
-Be ready for travel to be restricted
-Be ready for the internet to go down-
-Be ready with supplies to get you through until it's over
-Be ready to tell everyone panicking when it happens that it is all planned