"Where We Go One,We Go All,Trust the Plan"…Q
上帝保佑美國和愛國主義音樂-廟宇廣場的會堂唱詩班-Bing video
Judy Note:Notification at any time.The Military has put out instructions for all RV rooms to close for three to six months.
Your Non Disclosure Agreement forbids you from:
1)Talking about the appointment you are attending.
2)What you are exchanging.
3)What rates you achieved in any format whatsoever ever.
This will come into effect as you complete information on the Safelink website.
There are some mechanics within the weblink that requires you to agree to NDA before you receive the 800 number to call.
If you are taking a guest with you to your appointment,tell the phone operator.They will be required to also sign NDA and ask them to bring their KYC documents.
如果你要帶客人去赴約,告訴電話接線員。他們也需要簽署保密協議,並要求他們帶上他們的 KYC 文件。
You will not get responses from any mods/admin.
你不會收到任何 mods/管理員的回覆。
There are exemptions to your NDA who need to know this information and are hell bent on knowing proof and source of funds eg.lawyers,wealth manager,accountants etc.They are already covered with confidentiality within their professional registrations.But that doesn't mean that you can't get them to sign another one with you directly.
Ask your banking team to let you have an NDA template that you can use back to back with yours.Print out several copies.
When you get to the appointment you will be re-signing the NDA in wet ink.Ask if you can add a short list of exemptions,eg spouse kids etc.Take that list with you and make sure it is attached to the NDA before you sign it.
The NDA is not designed to cause anxiety.It is a fundamental process in ALL big contract business.Remember that you are about to become"a Ultra High Net Worth Individual."
On Sat.1 May the Green Light was given for notification of Tier 4B(us,the Internet Group)any time from now through Sat 15 May and by Tues.4 May at 9 am PST,12 noon EST(6 pm Zurich time)bond sellers in Zurich and Europe were paid their initial 1%.
On Wed.5 May UST sources said the Tier 4B start was on any-minute alert andRedemption Center personnel went to 15 hour schedule,7:45am to 11pm.
5月5日星期三,美國財政部 (UST)消息人士說,4B 層收到預告可在任何時候開始,贖回中心人員進入15小時的時間表,上午7時45分至晚上11時。
Be ready for Tier 4B start and bonds(starting with German bonds paying out)as early as Thurs.6 May.
最早在5月6日星期四準備好4B 層開始和債券(從德國債券支付開始)。
Iraqi sources said the start would be between now and Ramadan end and EID holiday begin Thurs.13 May to Sat.15 May when there would be a ten day lockdown blamed on CV-19.
伊拉克消息人士稱,從現在開始到齋月結束,EID 假期從週四開始。5月13日至週六。5月15日,CV-19將進行為期10天的封鎖。
Tier 4B would receive special currency rates on their exchanges and Zim Bond redemption could be done until Sat.15 May.
4B 層將在他們的交易所獲得特殊的貨幣利率,而 Zim 債券的贖回可以在星期六之前完成。5月15日。
On Sun 16 May the General Public Tier 5 would be able to exchange foreign currencies at the new but lower international rates.
A.Thurs.6 May Whiplash347 Telegram:
A. 5月6日,星期四Whiplash347 Telegram:
Today is 11.3&friday 11.4.Q25–Proof to begin 11.3.Q26–Think about it logically.The only way is the military.Fully controlled.Save&spread(once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).Biggest advanced drop on Pol.[THINK WW3 SCENARIO–BRINGING US TO"1776"CASTLE ROCK SCENARIO]Which the Three Gorges Dam+Big Pharma Labs/Wuhan+Tiananmen Square are a BIG Part of]Q4524 Important people understand for future events.Assumption or intel based?All assets[F][D]deployed.[D]+China=11.3(DAM+China Labs)3 G D[Three Gorges Dam]3(7+4)3(11)11.3 Like i have said XRP Dark Meeting is most likely settlement&Regulations(ISO20022)QFS inbound with metal backing.It is moved to Fryday which is 11.4[WATCH THE WATER]("Ripple")+Dam[S]2 Northern Dams(ChongQing)+3GD(R1,R2,R3+Climax Round)Boom,Boom,Boom,Boooooom.Then China Rocket due to HIT Saturday.It may just'TRIGGER"Earlier.Get Your U.S Coins before THE EVENT.Get on#Dogetoken.
今天是11.3,星期五是11.4。Q25-證明要從11.3.Q26開始-進行邏輯思考。唯一的辦法是軍事。嚴格控制。保存並傳播(一旦11.3驗證為第一個標記)。Pol的最大跌幅。[THINK WW3 SCENARIO –帶我們進入“ 1776”城堡岩石場景]其中三峽大壩+大製藥實驗室/武漢+天安門廣場是[Q4524]的重要組成部分。重要人物了解未來事件。基於假設還是基於情報?所有資產[F] [ [D] + China = 11.3(DAM + China Labs)3 GD [三峽大壩] 3(7 + 4)3(11)11.3我曾說過XRP黑暗會議最有可能是解決與法規(ISO20022)QFS 移至Fryday,為11.4 [WATCH THE WATER](“ Ripple”)+ Dam [S] 2 Northern Dams(ChongQing)+ 3GD(R1,R2,R3 + Climax Round)Boom,Boom, Boom,Boooooom。然後是周六命中中國的中國火箭。它可能只是“ TRIGGER”更早的版本。在事件發生之前獲取美國硬幣。繼續進行#Dogetoken。
So May 17 is Tax Deadline. Ezra mentioned not to pay tax. [SEE RED MARKS on NESARA List) IRS & TAXES. Jan 20 to March 20 (original 60 day Executive Order) Then extended a further 60 days To May 20 by the Military. Turkish Bank & others within U.S said at the start of the week that REGULATIONS will be forced “WITHIN” 2 Weeks. By admitting this means The Event – China 3GD, Wuhan Big Pharma Labs & Tiananmen Square + 34 buildings must be taken down. The Removal of CIA BITCOIN Servers under the Dam. SEC CONF will be Analysed DARK 10 = REGULATIONS to be forced in the 10 Days Of Darkness due to THE EVENT/Removal/Death of Chinese Coins. (ENTER QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEM) Rainbow Treasury Notes backed by Precious Metals + a small group of U.S Internationally “Regulated” Precious Metal Backed Coins.
所以5月17日是納稅截止日期。Ezra提到不用交稅。國稅局和稅務局。1月20日至3月20日(最初的60天行政命令),然後軍方再延長60天至5月20日。美國境內的土耳其銀行和其他銀行在本週開始時表示,法規將在"兩週內"被強制執行。承認這一事實意味著——中國三峽大壩 (3GD)、武漢大製藥實驗室和天安門廣場+34大樓必須拆除。中央情報局比特幣服務器被拆除。美國證券交易委員會將分析黑暗10=由於中國貨幣的事件/移除/死亡而在黑暗10天內強制執行的規定。(輸入量子金融系統)彩虹國庫券由貴金屬支持+一小組美國國際"監管"的貴金屬支持的硬幣。
The XRP Case is nothing but a time waster.The 1st U.S coin under the Quantum Financial System.(ISO20022)Just waiting for THE EVENT.CASTLE ROCK.
瑞波幣 (XRP) 案件只不過是浪費時間。量子金融系統下的第一枚美國硬幣。(ISO20022)只是在等待事件發生。城堡岩。
"CASTLE ROCK"The Event to go down on Biden.Everyone blames Biden.Military Overturns the Election.King Trump saves the day.Hero.The King steps aside The opposition charges the King's Position.A Major Event Goes Down.[FAKE]Global War Scenario Activating All Militaries WorldWide.In Real Life.The Police&Court System rule the land.NESARA/GESARA comes in.All Judges,Police&Lawyers must stand down WORLDWIDE.The corrupt ones arrested.The others Retrained in Constitutional 1776 Law.Back to the Chess Board.By activating a World War scenario The Kings Men(Military)go from being Pawns&Bishops(Below)the Police to becoming Kings&Queens.(Above)They then Mop Up the other team Flawless Planet Earth Liberated.1776"When Q said"Do Anons Know What Is About To Be Unleashed"This Exactly^^All those Dog Comms
"城堡岩石"拜登的事件。大家都怪拜登。軍方推翻選舉。川普國王拯救了世界。英雄。國王讓位。反對派指控國王的立場。一件大事發生了。[假]全球戰爭場景激活全球所有軍隊。在現實生活中,警察和法院系統統治這片土地。NESARA/GESARA。所有法官、警察和律師必須在全球範圍內辭職。腐敗分子被捕了。其他人接受了1776年憲法的再培訓。回到棋盤。通過激活一個世界大戰的場景,國王們(軍隊)從警察下面的卒子和主教變成了國王和王后。(上圖)然後他們掃蕩了另一個團隊——地球解放了無瑕疵的星球。1776"當q說"無名氏們知道什麼即將被釋放"的時候,This Exactly^^All those Dog Comms
Basically where we are going.A combo of all.1776–Constitutional Common Law WorldWide.1950s Prices Quantum Technology.Tesla.Suppressed Tech.Med Beds,UV therapies,6000 cures Treasury Notes backed by metals&Iso20022 coins
基本上就是我們要去的地方。所有的組合。1776年的今天,世界範圍內的普通法。20世紀50年代的價格量子科技。特斯拉。抑制技術。醫療床,紫外線療法,6000種治療方法金屬支持的國庫券和 Iso20022硬幣
We will be going back to 1950s prices so disregard the prices you see for things like Tesla Cars&Quantum Internet.
Dogetoken is a utility token on the stellar network.He likely knows way more than I do.There is no trickery involved,we all know the QFS is coming and Dogetoken is a part of that.
Dogetoken 是恆星網路上的一個實用代碼。他可能知道的比我多得多。沒有什麼詭計,我們都知道 QFS 即將到來,Dogetoken 就是其中的一部分。
WATCH THE WATER has many meanings.All Major Dams with Nuke Reactors will be collapsing–This is part of NESARA.The no more wars&Aggression part,Same as bombing the DUMBS/Tunnels,The Suez Canal being blocked,Liquidity,Stock Market Collapsing,Water Marked Ballots&XRP-Ripple.P.S the White House&others in the 34 will flood.They will become a Sanctuary or something else.
WATCH THE WATER有很多意思。所有擁有核反應堆的大型水壩都將倒塌——這是 NESARA 的一部分。不再有戰爭和侵略的部分,就像轟炸 DUMBS/隧道,蘇伊士運河被封鎖,流動性,股票市場崩潰,浮水印選票&瑞波幣 (XRP-Ripple)。另外,白宮和其他34個州將會被洪水淹沒。他們會變成一個避難所或者其他什麼地方。
Major Dams contain Nuke Reactors.What happened in Superman 1?All Dams Failed right?3 Gorges Dam Hoover Dam Nile Dam Lake Geneva.Others work it out.
Do you guys understand that the ISO20022 Regulation is all part of THE EVENT?(Judy Note:ISO 20022 is a platform for internationally standard financial messages).
你們知道 ISO20022規則是事件 (THE EVENT)的一部分嗎?(朱迪註:ISO 20022是一個國際標準金融信息的平台)。
You will be conducting WORLDWIDE GESARA Elections using the QUANTUM BLOCKCHAIN.(Multiple Coins on the QFS)The AUDIT being done in ARIZONA is using BLOCKCHAIN Technology.
您將使用量子區塊鏈進行世界範圍的 GESARA 選舉。在亞利桑那州進行的審計使用的是區塊鏈技術。
The last 6 months of Obama Presidency.He sold Syria 8×M28/M388 Davy Crocketts Nuclear Mortars.Syria let one go.It killed 20 Russian Soldiers.US Nukes killing Russians..Not so good.The other 7 were stolen by General Qassam Soleimani of Iran who was working for the CIA.They were letting him into the US to take Uranium&other weapons back to Iran.Vlad started moving Russians out of Russia.He was preparing for WW3.On the Eve of the Election.I decided to go to Church.It was there i started talking to a group of 6 middle aged Women.They were Mothers of Australian Soldiers on deployment in Afghanistan.Our Australian Army had just been briefed that if Hillary won she was going to surround Russia with Nuclear Rockets imminently&start WW3.
奧巴馬總統任期的最後6個月。他向敘利亞出售了8×M28/M388 Davy Crocketts 核迫擊炮。敘利亞放走了一架。它殺死了20名俄羅斯士兵。美國核武器殺死俄羅斯人..不太好。另外7個是被為中情局工作的伊朗卡薩姆·蘇萊曼尼將軍偷走的。他們讓他進入美國把鈾和其他武器帶回伊朗。弗拉德開始把俄羅斯人轉移出俄羅斯。他在為第三次世界大戰做準備。在選舉前夕。我決定去教堂。在那裡,我開始和一群6個中年婦女交談。她們是在阿富汗服役的澳大利亞士兵的母親。我們的澳大利亞軍隊剛剛得知,如果希拉蕊獲勝,她計畫立即用核火箭包圍俄羅斯,並開始第三次世界大戰。
Libel laws.End of MSM.Q.This is the whole point of Now.Trying to get through to you that MSM is your enemy and lie about ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING.Before they get taken down by Libel Laws&Project Odin.Turning everyone against them.They are all controlled(Left,Right&Inbetween by the MOSSAD/CIA)It is like 8 arms of an Octopus.They all go to the same head.This is not Republican vs Democrat,Liberal vs Labor or Fox vs CNN.It is good vs evil.They did this on purpose to us.We all have lived under Operation Mockingbird which is a bi-product of Operation Paperclip.
誹謗法。結束主流媒體 (MSM),Q。這就是現在的意義所在。試圖讓你明白主流媒體 (MSM)是你的敵人,並且在所有事情上都撒謊。在他們被誹謗法和奧丁計劃搞垮之前。讓所有人都反對他們。他們都被控制著(左,右,中間由摩薩德/中央情報局控制)就像章魚的8隻手臂。它們都長在同一個腦袋上。這不是共和黨對民主黨,自由黨對工黨,福克斯對 CNN。這是正義與邪惡的對決。他們故意這樣對我們。我們都生活在知更鳥行動之下,這是迴紋針行動的副產品。
BREAKING:Maricopa County Did not Have'Admin'Access to the 2020 Election–This Means They Ceded Ownership of Election to Their Outside System Provider
Thurs.6 May(Q)The Storm Rider Twitter:CABLES;MiL Courts possession of Durham Report OBAMA stole over Trillion to fund Wars,Iran nuke programs&funneled money back to Italy,Swtzlnd(ML)The money was funding SOROS.
B.Thurs.6 May US 2nd Lady Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy Telegram:
B. 美國第二夫人卡羅琳貝塞特甘迺迪電報:
Today,we need a nation of Minutemen,citizens who are not only prepared to take arms,but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.John F.Kennedy
We Tried to tell them.It's America First,Not last.It time we let the RINO's know We have had it with their spineless,cowardly,no backbone ways.We PATRIOTS are taking our PARTY BACK.
There is program called"Nano Domestic Quell".YOU are in the program without your knowledge or consent.The U.S.government embarked on a program to implement a secret"Armageddon nano device"that mimics a flu virus,to be activated on the public.
The nano devices are in,or"carried"by,an estimated 87%of the population at this point,with a projected 98%inflected by 2014.Chances are,you already have this nano device inside of your body as you read this.The nano devices are in your food,water,soft drinks.Please understand:these nano devices are inertuntil activated by a radio signal or transmission.You are safe until a cell tower,drone or other method of transmission activates the devices in your body.Once activated,the devices will mimic the flu virus.You will be dead within 10 to 12 days.There is no known cure or way to prevent this.By simply firing this signal,the nano devices in your body will be activated and you will die from what will appear to be a very severe case of the flu.
This is NWO/DARPA/Dark U.S.Government Depopulation Program.Classified Documents have been stolen and put on the internet DuckDuckGo.The C19 is just the beginning.The V is poisoned with C19.Resulting in death or long term illnesses.6G is the trigger switch they control.
這裡是 NWO/DARPA/黑暗美國政府人口減少計劃。機密文件已經被盜,並被放到了互聯網上。C19只是個開始。V 被 C19毒害了。導致死亡或長期疾病。6G 是他們控制的觸發開關。
There is no fixing this without removing our government and it's agency heads.They can not be trusted and they are not going to suddenly become loyal.This is the NWO in our government.Most officials do not know about it.But they r ki l l i ng us so the NWO ordered this.
如果不撤掉我們的政府和部門領導,就沒有辦法解決這個問題。他們不能被信任,他們也不會突然變得忠誠。這就是我們政府中的 NWO。大多數官員都不知道這件事。但他們要殺了我們,所以 NWO 下令這麼做。
The truth is out Pfizer Executive admits that their vaccine is not designed to end the pandemic but to turn it into an endemic:
C.Thurs.6 May The Real Great Awakening Telegram:
C. 5月6日真正的偉大覺醒電報:
AZ audit update/puzzle
_Gates divorce
_Dominion machines vote tally can be changed by Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server可以更改 Dominion 機器的投票結果
_AZ Democts Stop auditors canvassing
_JB sends DOJ to stop Audit
_AZ Senator WARNS DOJ"STAY IN THEIR LANE"unless they want to go to AZ Prison
_near 20%complete Auditing
D.Wed.6 May Something Big Is Creeping Up On Us All!–Must Video|Opinion–Conservative|Before It's News(beforeitsnews.com)
E.International Child Sex Trafficking Ring:
E. 國際兒童色情販運團夥:
"SOUND OF FREEDOM"tells the true story of Tim Ballard of Operation Underground Railroad,who fights child trafficking.
Out of the Shadows Documentary:Out Of Shadows(Documentary)
Pedo-Empire Website,5 Books,49 chapters Free Online:https://pedoempire.org
About Satanic pedophilia:
F.CV-19 Hoax:
F. CV-19惡作劇:
The truth is out Pfizer Executive admits that their vaccine is not designed to end the pandemic but to turn it into an endemic:
G.Thurs.6 May 2021 The Real News Behind the Fake News:
Wed.5 May
Lin Wood:Over the next 10-14 days you will learn shocking information about many of our government officials and wealthy elite.Child sex trafficking and pedophilia are a worldwide pandemic.We're talking Joe Biden,Barak Obama,Chief Justice John Roberts,Hillary Clinton,Nancy Pelosi,Mike Pence,Jeffrey Epstein,Bill Gates and thousands more.I have seen evidence.It is conclusive.This truly is the battle between good and evil.Make sure to get lots of food,water and popcorn.
Political Elite arrests:
The Stock Exchange was imploding,as it has since last week.
Major Cyber Attacks going on around the world,many attacking the health industry,stealing true data&illegal protocols initiated by Elite corrupt health orgs&Big Pharma org that were later used for Nuremberg trials and Crimes Against Humanity.
The Royal Bank of Canada collapsed last week.
The Mainstream Media Mockingbird CIA program running fake news worldwide has been active since the 1950's.Most journalists were trained by the CIA for the program.
The White House remains abandoned as it has been since Jan.20.
Joe Biden has never lived in the White House but does press conferences at a fake White House set of Castle Rock Entertainment Studios in Cover City California and at a specially made replica of the White House in Atlanta Georgia.
On Jan.20 President Trump left Washington DC in Air Force One,which has been parked near a communication center in his Mara Largo estate in Florida.Joe Biden flys on a private jet made to look like Air Force One.
There were videos on the Internet showing an actor in a sophisticated Biden face mask playing the part.It was questioned if Biden were even alive.The real Biden was said to be dead by execution from a military tribunal in 2019.He was connected to drug and gun running plus child trafficking through Biden owned property in the Ukraine that contained an underground tunnel,Biden-owned Water Island next to Epstein Pedophile Island and openly admitted to have fixed the 2020 election."We have put together the most comprehensive voter fraud organization in the history of politics(and did it for the Obama Administration also"):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MA8a2g6tTp0
互聯網上有視頻顯示,一位戴著老練的拜登面具的演員扮演了這個角色。有人質疑拜登是否還活著。據說真正的拜登已於2019年在軍事法庭被處決。他與毒品和槍支走私以及通過拜登在烏克蘭擁有的財產販賣兒童有關,這些財產包括一條地下隧道、拜登擁有的水島(Water Island)、愛潑斯坦(Epstein)戀童癖島(Pedophile Island),並公開承認操縱了2020年大選。"我們組建了政治史上最全面的選民欺詐組織(奧巴馬政府也是這樣做的)。"
The White House was being used as a Military Tribunal Court–something to do with Soros and the Biden group.New fencing and restrictions around the White House,Supreme Court and the Capital building have been repositioned to a much bigger area.Witnesses were transported by the military.
The Jan.6 breach of the Capitol was a False Flag blamed on Trump supporters and organized by Black Lives Matter and Antifa according to Pentagon General Mike Flynn.
據五角大樓將軍邁克·弗林稱,1月6日國會大廈遭到破壞是一面錯誤的旗幟,被指責為川普的支持者,由黑命貴和安提法 (Antifa)組織。
The Easter weekend Evergreen Ship which jammed the Suez Canal was protected by two ships named Barak 1 and Mossad.In the barge's 6,000 containers were found 1,366 dead and 1,245 barely living trafficked children.
President Kennedy's Q movement was kept alive after his assassination by certain Admirals and Pentagon Generals.
甘迺迪總統的 Q 運動在他被某些海軍上將和五角大樓將軍暗殺後得以延續。
Zionism and the State of Israel sponsors terrorism,not the Jewish people.
The US's two worst enemies were the UK and Israel.
In 2017 President Trump's Executive Order on Human Trafficking resulted in the immediate resignation of Google's chairman.
Wal-Mart,Wall Street,Amazon and Google are on their way out because of their ties to child trafficking.
Wall Street has laundered$100 Trillion in Human Trafficking
Kids on the border were taken away,not from their parents,but from traffickers,but there was part of Homeland Security who were turning the kids back to their traffickers.
The blackmail and mind control of politicians through bribes and child trafficking was headed by the Vatican and funded by US taxpayer dollars through the CIA.
New Starlight Satellite System?
Major child/human trafficking processing hubs in underground tunnel systems beneath China Lake,Kansas City and the Denver Airport were now in total Alliance control,as were all DUMBS in America.Under the Denver Airport there were eight major cities that expanded out to 20 miles in diameter and 20 floors deep in some parts.
中國湖、堪薩斯城和丹佛機場地下隧道系統中的主要兒童/人口販賣處理中心現在完全由聯盟控制,美國的所有 DUMBS 也是如此。在丹佛機場下面,有八個主要城市擴展到直徑20英里,有些地方有20層樓深。
On 2 May 2021 Gene Decode said that the rescue of children from 95%of the major DUMBs has been completed.Rescue of children worldwide has been done in 52%of the over 10,000 miles of tunnels and 3,000 to 4,000 DUMBS.The Alliance now had a majority of control over the DUMBs.
2021年5月2日,基因‧解碼說,95%的主要DUMBs兒童的營救工作已經完成。在全世界超過10000英里的隧道和3000到4000個 DUMBS 中,52%的兒童獲救。聯盟現在已經控制了大部分的DUMBs。
H.Exchange/Redemption Instructions Summary
H. 兌換/贖回指示摘要
The below is a summary of information put out by reliable sources.As things change on a daily basis the below may not be totally accurate.Be sure to follow the information given on your email notification and the Secure Link Website.
It is my understanding that the Secured Link Website,800#s,setting of appointments at Redemption Centers and banks,plus being able to chose the location and time for your appointment would apply to all currency and Zim holders worldwide.
據我瞭解,安全連結網站網站,800#,設置在贖回中心和銀行的預約,加上可以選擇的地點和時間為您的預約將適用於世界各地所有貨幣和 Zim 持有人。
Each country will have their own set of procedures they have to follow.There will be instructions on what to do in the emails.Some countries will be doing exchanges through the mail,others strictly through the banks.
Exchange/Redemption Appointment Notification:
Email notification through secure mail servers will be sent to those who bought foreign currencies or Zim bonds at reputable dealers.
通過安全郵件服務器發出的電子郵件通知將發送給那些在信譽良好的交易商購買外幣或 Zim 債券的人。
Inside those notifications will be exchange/redemption instructions that would direct you to a specific website,or personal 800 number.
Banks will send out email notifications(WF,BoA,Chase).They have been adding to the email list for years.Emails came from dealers who sold on-line,and they update that daily.Information is on secure servers.When anyone purchases currency and/or Zim from a licensed dealer you email address was supplied to the US Treasury,along with the amount of the currency/Zim.
銀行將發送電子郵件通知(WF,BoA,Chase)。多年來,他們一直在增加郵件列表。電子郵件來自線上銷售的經銷商,他們每天更新這些郵件。信息在安全服務器上。當任何人從持牌經銷商處購買貨幣和/或 Zim 時,你的電子郵件地址會連同貨幣/Zim 的金額一起提供給美國財政部。
For the last couple of years there have been background checks on everyone that has purchased currency/Zim.The background check included any names that may appear on any of the numerous lists of gang members,organized crime,etc.Also there is a very basic check that is done to see if there are any outstanding warrants or pending charges.Those checks have been done on 99 percent of all currency/Zim holders.
在過去的幾年裡,對每一個購買過貨幣/Zim 的人都進行了背景調查。背景調查包括任何可能出現在眾多黑幫成員、有組織犯罪等名單上的名字。此外,還有一個非常基本的調查,以確定是否有任何未執行的逮捕令或未決的指控。這些檢查已經對99%的貨幣/Zim 持有者進行。
If you did a crime that was against humanity,murder,rape etc.,–you will not be able to exchange.Just because someone has been convicted of a crime,may not be prevented from exchanging as long as it did not involve moral turpitude.If you are connected to a crime family,murdered someone,gangs,etc.–you won't be able to participate.Your family will be prevented as well.99%of people with currency have had background checks done already.The only ones they can legally do–is with those with outstanding warrants.If you are not connected to crime families,drug dealers,you can participate.
Safelink Website:
If you did not get an email or have changed your email address you could go to a Safelink Website to obtain the same information.The SafeWeb link will be posted on various sites,including the Blog,MZ,Dinar Recaps,Fleming's Telegram,Discord and Intel on word press.
如果您沒有收到一封電子郵件或已經改變您的電子郵件地址,您可以到一個安全連結網站獲得相同的信息。安全網站 (SafeWeb)連結將被張貼在不同的網站上,包括博客,MZ,Dinar Recaps,弗萊明 (Fleming)的Telegram,Discord和Intel的文字訊息。
The SafeWeb link will work for Canada.RBC taken over by another bank and will be handling it.Link will work for Canada.800 numbers work for Mexico and Canada and may even work for other countries.
安全網站 (SafeWeb)連結適用於加拿大。加拿大皇家銀行(RBC)被另一家銀行接管,並將處理此事。連結將為加拿大工作。800號碼為墨西哥和加拿大工作,甚至可能為其他國家工作。
On the SafeWeb link you will not be talking to a live person.You will be asked questions based on information that is publicly available.There may be 4-5 questions.They may ask if you have currency,Zim or both–just answer.They do not care what you have–they just want to get you the correct number.They will not ask you what currencies you have.If you do not have Zim,you will go to one place.If you have both you may go to another location.There are different situations.You do not need to provide how much you have or serial numbers.
在安全網站 (SafeWeb)連結上,你不會和一個現場的人說話。你會被問到基於公開信息的問題。可能有4-5個問題。他們可能會問你是否有貨幣,是否有 Zim,或者兩者都有——只要回答。他們不在乎你有什麼,他們只想給你正確的號碼。他們不會問你有什麼貨幣。如果你沒有 Zim,你會去一個地方。如果你兩個都有,你可以去另一個地方。有不同的情況。你不需要提供你有多少或序列號。
Once you successfully answer questions you will then receive an 800#specific to you.Part of that number could use part of your phone number or part of your IP address.Once you make appt.that 800 number is not good again.
一旦你成功地回答了問題,你就會收到一個特定給你的800#。這個號碼的一部分可以使用你的電話號碼的一部分或你的 IP 地址的一部分。一旦你申請了,那個800號碼將不能再被使用。
Your appointment would be specific to you and no one else.
If another member needed to make an appointment then they would go thru the same process as you to obtain their own appointment.
You could give the Safelink Website to anyone,even if they didn't know about the RV/GCR.
你可以把安全連結網站給任何人,即使他們不知道 RV/GCR。
No one is going to get a higher rate than anyone else if you are getting your notification off the Safe link Web Sites.
Preparing for your appointment:
You will have only one redemption/exchange appointment where the main purpose is to exchange currencies and redeem bonds.The appointment will be short and efficient.You can discuss details in a second appointment with your Wealth Management team.
Have your currency in order and take every currency and Zim bond you have to your appointment.They will exchange it all and redeem all Zim Bonds.
整理好你的貨幣,把所有的貨幣和 Zim 債券都帶到你的預約處。他們會全部兌換並贖回所有的 Zim 債券。
Have a 1-2 page summary–key points–of your Humanitarian and job creation projects.
Organize your currency by country and from the highest to the lowest.
Have two forms of ID:Drivers License,Passport,Birth Certificate,etc.
Have proof of where you live such as gas bill,electric bill,bank statement,etc.
Judy Note:If you are homeless I would suggest having yourself and someone who knows of your situation and who could prove their own identity,sign a notarized statement about your situation.Most banks provide free notary service.
Your Appointment:
Bring in all of your foreign currencies.If you have currency that is not part of the 22 currencies,it can be placed in a multicurrency account and exchanged when rate changes and will be done automatically.
Military will exchange on bases.Tier 4B will be going to Redemption Centers because of the amount of currency and have been set up specifically for that.
軍方將在基地進行交換。4B 層將會被送往贖回中心,因為那裡有大量的貨幣而且是專門為此設立的。
At one point they were going to show a video and now they are not.They could run everyone through in 3 days if they worked 24-hour days.
At all times be polite,don't get angry,don't be demanding or you will be escorted out the door and you will lose your chance to redeem or exchange.
If anything is not clear to you,ask questions.
You and anyone you take with you to your appointment will have to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement that you will have to abide by or your accounts will be frozen.Once you sign NDA–keep your mouth shut or you will have funds removed.Do not talk to relatives,what you got paid etc.That is a no-no.
You may have to fill out a KYC(Know your Client/Customer)form,if you have project summary/outline,or job creation.
如果你有項目總結/大綱或者創造就業機會,你可能需要填寫 KYC(瞭解你的客戶/顧客)表格。
You will sit there till they call your name.Because of Covid will not be able to shake hands.
They will count your currency and Zim so you know what you have.
Then they will make offer on Zim,not much conversation.You can either accept or reject.We do not know what the default rate is.If you want higher rate,will set another appt either that day or different day.
然後他們會出價購買 Zim,不會有太多交談。你可以選擇接受或者拒絶。我們不知道預設費率是多少。如果你想要更高的費率,可以在當天或者不同的日子再設置一個預約會議。
They will go through your overview of your humanitarian project to see if you know what you are talking about.You will be given opportunity to negotiate a rate for the humanitarian project.
The appointment will be about 15-20 minutes.You will go back to meet with WM(Wealth Managers),may be able to do the same day.
At your appointment you will be given$9,000 in cash and a preloaded debit card with 2%of your exchange on the card up to 10 million.
You can talk with WM they can get letters to show you have funds for purchases.You will do most things at 2nd meeting,within 15 days.
你可以和財富經理 (WM)談談,他們可以得到信件,顯示你有資金購買。你將在15天內完成第二次會議上的大部分事情。
The money will be digital but will be able to draw funds from ATM or bank.They are still working on the details and we may not know until we go to appointments.
這些錢是數位化的,但是可以從 ATM 或者銀行取款。他們還在處理細節問題,我們可能要到預約時才能知道。
You don't have to have a trust account to go in.The bank has a skeleton trust–and puts the bank in charge until you can get into a common law trust and then you are in control.This is why you set an appt.within 15 days after exchange.
At your appointment your monies will be put in a Skeleton Trust.You will have 90 days to transfer your monies out of that trust to where you want it to go.
在你預約會議的時候,你的錢會被存入一個骨幹信託基金 (Skeleton Trust)。你將有90天的時間把你的錢從這個信託基金轉移到你想要的地方。
After your appointment you will want to open one non-interest bearing account for each Currency&Zim.You can work with your lawyer or Wealth Management team to place the monies in trust accounts.
You will be assigned a Wealth Management team that will facilitate your humanitarian projects and advise you on how to manage and grow your money.
Get signed original copies of everything at your appointment and sign CONTINGENT on approval from your Wealth Mngmt Team.
Tier 1 Banks:Chase,5th Third,Citi,Wells Fargo,BofA,HSBC
Abide by your Non Disclosure Agreement or all of your monies will be frozen.
Stay hidden.Do not disclose your wealth to anyone.Sudden wealth can ruin your life if you allow it to.
Humanitarian Project:
If you have humanitarian projects,then do not accept default rates on either Zim or currency.You will use your Wealth Management Team to negotiate rates needed to do your project.
如果你有人道主義項目,那麼不要接受 Zim 或貨幣的預設費率。你將使用你的財富管理團隊來協商你的項目所需的費率。
If you have a humanitarian project you will take your bulleted outline to your appointment and leave a copy with them.If you have spreadsheets showing budgeted amounts,include that as well.
Key magic words for Humanitarian Projects:Job Creation,Local,National and International Humanitarian,Philanthropic,Global Healing,Multi-Generational,Work with the Government on National Infrastructure.
These exchanges and redemptions were considered tax free events.Though,any interest you earn on monies left at the bank during your payout period would be taxed.
Exchanges/Redemption for those 70 and over:
Is the"over 70,walk-away"rate still in play?Yes.Basically,they will offer you a deal.You do not have to set up a long term payout unless you so wished.This used to apply age 65 and over,but has been changed to age 70 and older.
Currency Exchange/Bond Redemption Rates:
The exact exchange or redemption rates will not be published until exchanges begin,so you will not be privy to the information until you reach your appointment.
Last known Default Currency Rates for the US:
Rumored Zim Default Rate for the US:$11–$33 million and possibly up to$155 million per every 100T Zim note.Would not know exact rate for sure until the appointment.
謡傳美國的 Zim 預設費率:1100-3300萬美元,每100T Zim 鈔票可能高達1.55億美元。在預約會議之前不能確定準確的費率。
Zim Redemption:
If you have Zim,you will be offered a default package.The Default Rate for the Zim is on a sliding scale in the US.It all changes.It may be different in other countries.
如果你有 Zim,你會得到一個預設套餐。在美國,Zim 的預設費率是浮動的。一切都在變化。在其他國家可能會有所不同。
With the default rate/package on Zim you do not need humanitarian projects.
使用 Zim 上的預設費率/套餐,您不需要人道主義項目。
There will be a default package on the Zim.If you don't like the rates and have a Humanitarian project you can negotiate for higher rates depending on needs of your project.You do that at a second meeting with your Wealth Manager using your humanitarian project presentation.
在 Zim 上會有一個預設套餐。如果你不喜歡這個價格,並且有一個人道主義項目,你可以根據你的項目的需要談判更高的價格。你可以在與你的財富經理的第二次會議上使用你的人道主義項目簡報。
If you have Zim,then you will not get Contract Rates on Currency(Dinar,Dong).You will get the International Rate.It will be high enough;you may not need Contract Rates.
如果你有 Zim,那麼你將不會得到貨幣的合同利率(第納爾,越南盾)。你會得到國際匯率。它將足夠高;你可能不需要合同利率。
The monies will go into a trust and structured payout and can go up to 100 years.
Is there a limit of 2–ZIM then reduced rate for additional Zim notes?At one point they said 10,then 5(100T)then said 2.None of this is verified as of yet.I have been told no limit.It will be a negotiated rate if you have 10.You can negotiate on 1 note.Nothing is written in concrete.
是否有一個限制2-ZIM,然後降低利率為額外的 ZIM 紙幣?他們一度說10,後來又說5(100T),然後又說2。到目前為止,這些都還沒有得到證實。我被告知沒有限制。如果你有10英鎊的話,我們可以協商價格。你可以以1美元的價格進行談判。沒有什麼是不能協商的。
If you have Zim you will not get Contract Rates on your currency.
如果你有 Zim,你就不會得到貨幣的合同利率。
Set up a structured payout with the Zim where you live off the interest…between 60–100 years.(80%MUST go for your own or national and international Humanitarian projects that they will present at your appointment.)
用 Zim 設定一個結構化的支付方式,你可以依靠60-100年的利息生活。(80%必須用於你在預約會議報告的自己或國家和國際的人道主義項目)
Currency Exchange:
If you have currency and no Zim but have a humanitarian project then you can ask for Contract Rates,amount of which depended on needs of your humanitarian project.
如果你有貨幣,沒有 Zim,但有一個人道主義項目,那麼你可以要求合同費率,其數額取決於你的人道主義項目的需要。
If you are holding millions in Dinar,for example,you may be required to have a project and structured payout.
Your Dong&Dinar will be available by the next day,and 20%of the Zim will be in your account within three days.
您的越南盾和第納爾將可在第二天,20%的 Zim 將在三天內在您的帳戶。
Wealth Management Team:
If you have currencies,you could have multiple millions–they will want you to put that into a leveraged program and work with a Wealth Management Team and will have funds on a card.
You will set up further appointments within 15 days to meet with WM team,like Morgan Stanley as an example.There will be attorneys,realtors,secretary,accountant etc.on your team.
Part of the WM team is they have the expertise for this type of thing and for you to be able to keep as much money as well.If you have spreadsheets that you have worked out to do your projects,take them with you and show to the WM or those that will help you.There may be licensing required.It really depends on what and where you are going to be doing the projects.Some who might want to clean oceans,they may combine people to work together.It is a good idea to have an approximation of what you think it will cost.Some think they will get 100T–not going to happen.They will bundle together makes it makes it better for you in the long run.
Wealth Managers are also under NDA as well.It is like attorney client privilege.You can't talk to any family members.There are 3 NDAs and good for about 6 months,but could go 5 years,depending on how much money you have.
When they first come out with this,some were given SKRs and made promises and some will not take place.Some people were just lied to.Back then when that group got started,there were people only getting.25 per Dinar.Some of the church groups that exchanged years ago only got a few cents on the dollar.Those that had SKRs inside Gen.64 had a contract with rates.Zim was not in it,nor the Dong,only the Dinar.Now even those with SKRs can now exchange for more than what was on the SKRs.They are supposed to be started to be contacted.
當他們第一次推出這個產品的時候,有些人得到了 SKR,並許下了承諾,有些人則不會實現。有些人只是被騙了。當那個組織成立的時候,有些人只能得到0.25第納爾。一些幾年前交易的教會團體只能得到一美元的幾分錢。那些在Gen.64中有 SKR 的人有一個利率合同。Zim 不在裡面,越南盾也不在裡面,只有第納爾。現在,即使是那些擁有 SKR 的人也可以兌換比 SKR 上更多的東西。他們應該開始被聯繫。
I.Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays:
I. 惡魔節日的神秘曆法:
April 21-26 to May 1 was a Satanic Holiday called Grand Climax Da Meur and Corpus De Baahl according to an Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays put together by professional therapists from childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused(SRA)clients.
4月21日至26日至5月1日是一個撒旦節日,名為 Grand Climax Da Meur and Corpus De Baahl,根據專業治療師從他們撒旦儀式性虐待(SRA)患者的童年記錄中整理出來的邪惡節日的神秘日曆。
Preparation for Grand Climax Da Meur and Corpus De Baahl holidays were celebrated by blood and sexual orgies,culminated with a human sacrifice of a female,age 1-25–the more innocent the better–followed by eating their flesh and drinking their Adrenochromed blood.
Be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled children and teens being forced to participate in the rape,torture and murder of themselves and other children.
Months in advance Satan worshippers planned for their holidays by kidnapping children and teens,while commonly perpetrators impregnated preteens and teens to produce their own victims.The babies,children and teens were starved,tortured and used in sex orgies in preparation for human sacrifice rites.
Please report suspected Satanic activities to your local law enforcement.Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments,cover your tracks by also contacting U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE):https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form and the Federal Human Trafficking Website:https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking/
If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking,contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and/or the non-profit organization,Saving Innocence.https://ourrescue.org/https://savinginnocence.org
如果你希望加入拯救兒童免遭國際性販賣的行動,請聯繫地下鐵路行動和/或非營利組織拯救無辜的 Tim Ballard。
J."Twenty Two Faces:inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,"by Judy Byington,Foreword by Dr.Colin A.Ross,M.D.RAW:Dr.Colin Ross–Robert David Steele
J. 《二十二張臉:珍妮·希爾與她的二十二重人格的內幕》,朱迪·拜因頓,前言,科林·A·羅斯博士
Jenny Describes a Satanic Child Sacrifice:
WARNING:Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five,was raped,tortured,forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention,was almost killed herself–not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers.Satan-follower perpetrators appeared to be organized from the US Inc's CIA,Queen Elizabeth's,Illuminati Banking families'and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons,Hollywood,Pizzagate and local teenage covens.They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system–the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset.It's no wonder that President Trump has stated,"These people are sick."
警告:珍妮給出了一個生動的描述,關於她如何在5歲的幼小年齡,被強姦,折磨,被迫觀看一個兒童犧牲和為了神的干預(電影),幾乎自殺-不像其他數以千計的兒童受害者的骯髒經歷撒旦崇拜者。撒旦追隨者的行兇者似乎是有組織的,從美國公司的中央情報局,伊莉莎白女王,梵蒂岡的第九圈兒童祭祀邪教,直到克林頓,好萊塢,披薩門 (Pizzagate) 和當地的青少年聚會。他們是由同一個陰謀集團資助運行我們的全球貨幣系統正是這個組織被激活的全球貨幣重置搞垮了。難怪川普總統說"這些人病了"
K.The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA was all about the Children
K. 全球貨幣重置和 NESARA/GESARA 都是為了孩子們
It's not about the money.It's about the children–the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan,were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who were right now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe,and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door.Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them.The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs
Judy Note:I do not now,nor have I ever,received monies for writing my Updates and articles.The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse,Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
The above was a summary of information from the Internet.It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is,plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites.It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/exchange appointments.
After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email,post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days,so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.
This is not a goodbye.I expect to be working with many of you in the near future.I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you.You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown;to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth;to Martha who has unceasingly worked around the clock to discern what is real in the fake news;to Brad who does great research;to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
非常感謝那些願意保持默默無聞的內幕消息提供者;謙卑的野火女士,她善於揭露真相;瑪莎,她晝夜不停地工作,以辨別假新聞中的真假;布拉德,她做了很好的研究;肯,她發現了幾乎無限的戀童癖情報,以幫助我們拯救兒童;邦尼 B,她揭露了真正發生的事情的根本原因。
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be.I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together,we will make life better for all.
讓我們感謝 Q,重置終於來了。我祝願你們在人道主義工作中一切順利,並期待著在另一個世界看到你們,在那裡,我們將一起讓所有人的生活變得更好。
Patience is a Virtue.Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being.Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.And,we will!!!...Judy