Knights Templar admitted back to inner sanctum of monotheism after 711-year hiatus
Benjamin Fulford, 26 February, 2018
聖殿騎士團沉寂了七百多年 回歸一神教大家庭重見日天
本傑明·富爾福德 2018年2月26日 新聞快訊
For the first time since Friday, October 13th, 1307, the Knights Templar have been invited back into the inner sanctum of monotheism, according to Templar and P2 Freemason lodge sources. So, a 711-year-old injustice, one that gave rise to the superstition of Friday the 13th being unlucky, is finally being addressed. This is just another sign that we are experiencing events that can only be described as biblical. Remember that in February of 2016, the Roman and Russian churches ended their thousand-year schism. Will the Muslim, Jewish, and Christian schisms be next to end? Maybe we will find out soon.
Anyway, now the Templars will be merging with the Knights of Malta, and this will 「provide access for the Templars to the Vatican itself,」 according to Andrew Heim, of the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, aka the Templars. Furthermore, the Templars will be given 「access to the inner sanctum of the Abrahamic religions, seen with the access afforded to the Vatican and to the Holy Land. In addition, this inner sanctum will include access to the controversial Prieure de Sion made popular by Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code…」 says Heim.
根據安德魯·海姆(Andrew Heim)說,無論如何,現在,聖殿騎士團將與馬耳他騎士團合併,這將「為聖殿騎士提供進入梵蒂岡的通道」。根據耶路撒冷聖殿的主權軍事秩序,也就是聖殿騎士。此外,聖殿騎士將被給予「進入亞伯拉罕宗教的內部聖所,看來,梵蒂岡和聖地將開放予聖殿騎士。」此外,海姆說,加入殿堂的將包括如《達芬奇密碼》小說所講述的隱秘團體,有爭議的郇山隱修會(Prieure de Sion)。」