This last full moon changed everything for everyone on earth. Pluto going direct has just added to all that is about to unfold. It’s about to get crazy and it’s all going to happen really fast. Grab your popcorn and watch the show.
What happened with Kavanaugh this week is about to set off a chain of events that is the catalyst to the mass arrests beginning. We are going to first watch the Democratic party implode and then the Republican party will follow. They seem like enemies but at the top they all work together to screw the American people as much as they can. There is no honor among these people. It will be every man and woman for themselves. Watch the blame game and telling on each other begin. That is why Trump had to be elected. He is not a politician and can’t be bought, bribed, or controlled. You have to be a certain level of awareness for who Trump really is to be revealed to you. He is very important to our mission. I told people 25 years ago he would be president one day and they all thought I was crazy. I am not so crazy now. All will be revealed to everyone soon Pluto going direct ensured this.
本週卡瓦諾( Kavanaugh )的事件就要點燃一連串的事件(複數),這會是大規模逮捕啟動的催化劑。我們首先會看到民主黨的內爆,然後共和黨會跟隨。他們看起來像是敵人,但在頂層,他們一起共事儘可能地玩弄美國人民。這些人根本沒有榮譽可言。他們都是自私自利的。請看責備和告發彼此的表演開始。所以川普必須當選。他不是一個政客,無法被收買、賄賂或控制。你必須擁有一定程度的意識來看到川普真正的所是。他對我們的使命來說非常重要。 25 年前我告訴人們他有一天會成為總統,他們都認為我發神經。現在不認為我發神經了吧。很快一切都會向每個人揭示,冥王星的筆直運行會確保這一點。
The event is not a wave. The waves got us there but when it happens, it will be one big flash of light that hits the entire earth at once. My guides told me this was very important to let you know, for 2 days they kept emphasizing this to me. They kept interrupting me saying “A Big Flash Of Light Is Coming” and they want you to know this.
事件不是一股波浪。波浪帶我們到那,但當它發生,它會是一個巨大的閃光轟擊地球。我的指導告訴我讓你們知道這些非常重要,因為 2 天以來他們不斷地強調這一點。他們不斷地打斷我說“一個巨大的閃光就要到來”,他們想要你們都知道。
I know this weekend was rough for everyone, the energy was off the charts. Saturday night I began to feel it in the back of my neck, then my entire body. I first started to feel the headache, then the body aches followed and of course a new batch of hives. The hives drive me crazy. Eventually my back of my head and spine were full of energy and pressure. I am getting no sleep up and down and my whole body sweating. Sweat will drip off even my legs. I didn’t even think there were sweat glands there. I know the sweating indicates I am doing a massive amount of astral traveling in my sleep. This energy is also activating your DNA. This this energy also sent the masses in the 4th dimension into kundalini. Most of my coworkers are in kundalini now and they have no idea what is happening to them. The chaos is about to begin and we are needed badly. Lightworkers may have noticed that they are seeing the numbers 911 constantly, 911 is the call to lightworkers that our real mission is about to begin. You may also have noticed seeing a lot of 1’s, 4’s, and 7’s. These are not just synchronicities these numbers are activating your DNA and getting you ready to step fully into your mission. What is about to happen will make what we have already been through seem like cakewalk. It is about to get real serious real fast.
我知道這個週末對每個人來說是艱苦的,能量已經破了記錄。星期六晚上我開始在後頸部感到能量,然後就是整個身體。首先我開始感到頭痛,然後身體的疼痛,當然還有一批新的蕁痲疹。蕁痲疹讓我抓狂。最終我的後腦勺和脊椎都充滿了能量與壓力。前前後後我都睡不著覺,我的整個身體都在出汗。汗水甚至從我的腿部滲出。我都不知道那裡還有汗腺。我知道出汗標誌著在我睡眠期間我進行了大量的星體旅行。這個能量也在激活你的 DNA 。這個能量還把處於四維的群眾發送到昆達里尼中。我的大多數同事正處於昆達里尼中,他們完全不知道他們身上正在發生什麼。混亂就要開始,我們被迫切需要。光之工作者可能注意到了他們經常看到 911 這個數字, 911 是在呼喚光之工作者,我們真正的使命就要開始。你可能還會看到大量的 1 、 4 、 7 。這些不只是同時性,這些數字在激活你的 DNA ,讓你準備好完全步入你的使命。就要發生的會讓我們已經經歷的看起來像是小兒科。一切就要開始真正地認真起來,真正地快速起來。
Many lightworkers were recently relocated and positioned. This was to get us into a safer place before the collapse begins. It is all about to collapse. When Metatron showed me, he took me way above the earth. We both looked down and he pointed for me to watch. At first a couple small boulders tumbled to the earth. Then a few more and then a massive rock slide just overtook the whole earth and it showed me everything crumbling and collapsing. This was our systems and structures collapsing not the actually earth being destroyed. It is all about to happen really fast and it will be amazing to see.
One very important thing has happened. Since the full moon a week ago. I have not had to remove any negative energy, balance a chakra, or ground myself. I stay grounded and balanced all the time. As other lightworkers know this is amazing and gives hope to all of us, that the attacks for us are coming to an end. Transmuting negative energy and keeping myself grounded and balanced was an all day everyday process. At least 2 or 3 times a day for the last 4 years I have had to remove energy, ground, and balance myself. It seems like this is over now. We are getting our protection, and we earned it. The blood, sweat and tears has finally paid off. If it happened to me, it will happen to you. We are receiving our seals of protection and nothing will be able to touch us now. They are going to turn their attention the those in the 4th dimension now, as they failed to stop us. We did it lightworkers and starseeds! We won!!!
一件非常重要的事情已經發生。從一週前的滿月起。我不需要移除任何負面的能量、平衡脈輪或穩固自己。我時刻都能保持穩固與平衡。就像其他光之工作者知道這是驚人的,給予了我們所有人希望,對我們的攻擊就要完結。轉化負面的能量,保持穩固和平衡是一個日常的進程。每天至少 2-3 次,連續 4 年,我在移除能量、穩固和平衡自己。看似這已經結束。我們在得到我們的保護,這是我們應得的。鮮血、汗水和眼淚終於得到回報。如果這發生在我身上,它也會發生在你身上。我們在接收我們的保護圈,沒什麼可以再觸及我們。它們會將注意力轉移到處於四維的人,因為它們沒能阻止我們。我們做到了,光之工作者,星際種子!我們勝利了!
I can’t tell you everything I know yet it is not safe but it will be soon. Hold on this will be very very fast. Never ever worry we are protected all the time. It is absolutely amazing that we get to be alive to see 2000 year old prophecies come true. The Hopi Indians call us The Rainbow Warriors. In The Quran we are called the Selected. In Christianity we are the 144,000. We are the Lightworkers that have come to save the world and we are doing it!! Mission accomplished! Game on!
我還無法告訴你我所知的一切,這並不安全,但很快了。抓緊了,一切將會非常非常地迅速。永遠不要擔心,我們時刻被保護著。這絶對是驚人的,我們可以見證 2000 多年古老預言的成真。霍皮人、印第安人稱我們為彩虹戰士。在可蘭經中,我們被稱為天選之人。在基督教,我們就是 144,000 。我們是光之工作者,前來拯救世界,我們正在做著!任務完成!遊戲開始!
Love and Light Brothers and Sisters,
Dawn Bailey
翻譯:Nick Chan
( 圖片來自網絡 )