2019-07-03 22:24:54

the schumann resonance chart is reflecting intense vibrational activity in the earth’s ionosphere which occurred several hours ago!
operation freedom earth has moved into high gear now as 5d beings are blasting the earth’s magnetic field with high-vibrational, gamma light from every angle!
解放地球行動已經進入高潮,隨著 5D 存在用高振動的伽瑪之光從四面八方轟炸地球的磁場
earth starseeds are reeling with ascension symptoms this evening as their auric fields were strongly impacted by today’s powerful light influx!
delta global security forces are on super-high alert as we edge closer a major ascension event on planet earth!
every country on earth has a secret, elevated security level tonite as the old 3d matrix continues to be taken apart by the high-frequency light coming in!
地球上每一個國家今晚都啟動了一個秘密的、提高的安全等級,隨著舊 3D 矩陣繼續被正在進入的高頻之光撕碎
a very nice but barely conscious human stumbled across one of our angelic messages today and asked this question to me:
“is all of this stuff you speak about, real michael…because when i look out into the world i only see terrible 3d stuff!”
“你所說的所有這些東西,說真的,麥克 ... 因為當我看向世界,我只看到可怕的 3D 東西”
here is what i say about this: “to be able to see celestial things and to experience literal magic and beauty, one must simply resonate with it!”those majestic things do not exist on 3d earth other than in nature! nature is 5d all the way!
我是這麼說的:“要能夠看到神聖的事物,體驗魔法和美麗,一個人必須與它共振。”那些莊嚴的事物並不存在於 3D 地球,除了在大自然中!自然就是 5D !
if you see or experience any of these beautiful things while your feet are on the ground, you are not on 3d earth, but 4d or 5d earth!
如果在雙腳踏地的時候看到或體驗到了任何這些美麗的事物,你並不在 3D 地球上,而是在 4D 或 5D 地球上
all dimensions exist at the same time in the same place! the only space and time that exists is now and here and there is a 3d version of here and now and a 5d version!
所有維度在同一時間存在於同一個地方!唯一存在的時間空間就是此時此刻,有著 3D 版本的此時此刻,有著 5D 版本的此時此刻
the reality you experience depends on how fast your atoms are vibrating!
4d resonates at 7.5 hertz and 5d resonates beginning at 40 hertz! the light coming in that is pegging 40 hertz on the schumann resonance chart is for the purpose of elevating the consciousness of the beings here so they then can perceive that higher, nicer or more magical reality!
4D 在 7.5 赫茲共振, 5D 從 40 赫茲開始!正在進入的光,在舒曼共振圖上固定在 40 赫茲的,是為了提升處於這裡的存在的意識,這樣他們可以察覺到更高、更好或更神奇的現實
only higher vibrational starseeds that are close to, or matching this 40 hertz frequency can see a 5d reality and all the celestial things, and the magic and glory that comes with it!
只有更高振動的星際種子接近或匹配這個 40 赫茲的頻率,可以看到 5D 的現實和所有神聖的事物,以及隨之而來的魔法與榮耀!
it would be impossible for an unconscious human to believe in anything we say, let alone see what we are speaking of!
a 3d vibrational being has no concept of 4d, let alone 5d! these higher dimensions do not exist for them literally so how could they believe in it?
一個 3D 振動的存在沒有 4D 的概念,更不用說 5D !這些更高的維度對他們來說並不存在,所以他們如何能相信!
we tell you the truth, angels are real, ets are here, their ships are everywhere around the earth, the ascension is triggering and a major consciousness shift known as the event is going to occur any moment, not months or years from now!
all that we say is real and it is true regardless of who resonates with it and we are here to be a living witness to it all! we have been designated for a purpose to deliver these galactic messages from the earth alliance to the starseeds of earth!
a huge planetary shift in consciousness is underway, dear one! do you believe it? are you experiencing it?
be assured that you will fully integrate the powerful central sun light data that’s coming in and you are going to notice the most profound expansion of consciousness you ever have!
a cosmic freedom celebration is coming to the earth as galactics arrive from every corner of the universe for the grand fireworks show tha’s building on this planet!
a new earth is dawning for mankind and you are the bringer of it! you are the angel and the et and the higher being we keep speaking of! there are many dimensional versions of you that exist right here and right now and so you may be coming from the sky but you are also standing on the ground! you are about to have a close encounter with the highest being that ever existed and we are super excited about it!
we salute you for all you have done to assist here!
the great sacrifices you have made in all of your incarnations here have not been in vain and as we have said, you will inherit the new earth and heaven as your very own!
all hands on deck and steady as we go!
let us know how you are doing on your grand spiritual journey and tell us what ascension symptoms you are experiencing!
通靈:Michael Love
翻譯:Nick Chan