2019年7月9日 星期二

【新】【昴宿星】20190705《事件--第五維度的顯化》(5D的魔法) (轉貼)

great ones,


as you continue to integrate the new 5d energies coming in from the galactic core, you are creating an opportunity to transcend all the lower laws and enter the corridors of time, where worlds and realities have more variety and flexibility your task is to re-unite with all your other selves, reaching across time-space and locking arms finally in acceptance and peace with the other yous.

隨著你繼續整合從銀河核心而來的新 5D 能量,你在創造一個機遇去超越所有較低的法則,進入時間的走廊 --- 其中世界和現實更加多樣化和靈活,你的任務就是與你所有其他的自我重新聯合,跨越時間空間,最後敞開雙臂接納其他的你並與他們處於平和

we have shared many keys with you about all of this and left as many unannounced until the appointed hour. you must transform yourselves as the sum total of the force of existence, poised in your moment of the ever-expanding now we speak to you as evolving humans –as ambassadors of light we applaud you in your great intention to re-create the next highest and most grand version of you that you can conceive.

關於這一切我們與你分享了許多的關鍵,保留了許多未被宣佈的東西直到被指定的時刻。你必須把自己(複數)轉變為存在的力量總和,在你不斷擴張的當下泰然自若,作為不斷進化的人類 --- 作為我們稱讚的光之大使,在你想要重新創造下一個最高和最宏偉自我版本的偉大意圖中

though most beings above the 5th dimensional state of consciousness rely soley on etheric communications and do not use words to communicate because of their limitations, in the outer atmosphere of 5d we often use ‘quantum language’(language that speaks in the now here time-space) for dna to respond instantly. .things work different in this density and the technology must be understood to make it useful. we suggest you re-write your new 5d galactic dictionary and the use a 5d new language that you have never spoken completely. this is the language of the heart and exactness the universe is a literal interpreter of this internal code and it listens to every letter, phrase and even the tone of feeling you put with it the universe is the quantum computer and you are the programmer of it all the output is what shows up on the holographic screen call your sensed reality and world

儘管大多數在五維意識狀態之上的存在只依靠以太通訊,不使用話語交流,因為有侷限性,在 5D 的外層大氣,我們經常使用“量子語言”(在此時此刻時間空間中述說的語言),因為 DNA 會立刻做出反應 ... 事物在這個密度不一樣地運作,科技必須被理解才能被使用。我們建議你重寫你新的 5D 銀河字典,使用你從未述說過的 5D 新語言。這是心和精確的語言,宇宙是這個內在代碼的詮釋器,它聆聽你發出的每一個字、語句、甚至感受的音調,宇宙是一台量子電腦,你是一切的程序員,“輸出”就是出現在你感知為現實和世界的全息屏幕上的東西

in 5d you transcend all the lower laws of:

在 5D 中你已經超越以下較低的法則:

~ mankind

~ 人類

~ nature

~ 自然

~ physics

~ 物理

~ and even meta-physics

~ 甚至形而上學

you must speak, feel, but quickly release a thing at the 5d level then remove all of your energy from it at once and we tell you that will come through into your world at once.

你必須述說、感受但快速地釋放一樣事物,在 5D 層面,然後永久地將你的能量從它之中移除,我們告訴你它很快就會進入你的世界。

this is the 5d way of using your creator god power and as you transmit the code with word tones the universe interprets this code literally and specifically and runs it at once.

這是使用你創造者神之力量的 5D 方式,隨著你用語調傳輸代碼,宇宙會立刻明確地詮釋這個代碼並運行它

you must remember that the only reality is now and here and the only place a thing can manifest is now and here. nothing can manifest in realities that are not real such as the past or future. everything is only now and here. this is our time-space. remember too there are unlimited perceptions of now here we call our outer world.


instead of saying, “i will start doing what i love”or “i will do what i love”, say “i am doing what i love now”then simply align with it meaning be as if it is so this alignment means being the thing now in every way sense it feel it be it live it and do it in bliss. the e-motion is the power catalyst. the question is how deep can you feel on a steady basis about all things in your life?.


the whole purpose of life is to be in the highest state of joy you can be all the time you need no thing to do this just do it play feel-good music, sing, dance, laugh, play like a child and oh my, love with all your heart mind and soul this is the way


do you want to be in heaven now? just be in it align with it you can’t bring all the old programs in and u already know it so we say when you are ready to drop all that then you will find what you seek you can’t have the new until you make peace and let the old go ditch it fast.


put yourself first, as this is the greatest act of required self-love. re-create you this very day get pen and paper out, get alone, be abstract and start dreaming and creating on the paper using imagination feel it, live it, know it then let it go and know it’s already yours now and be in bliss no matter what is going on. what is going on has nothing to do with this process unless you allow it to interfere by being drawn down into the energy of it all! observe it and do not be drawn down into it still laugh and sing right in front of it all it is what it is and who cares. you are on your own journey on a different time-line.


“i am”is the most concise piece of quantum code that exists so use it constantly!


here are some perfect examples of now-here quantum language:


•i am god

• 我是神

•i am archangel michael (replace with personal avatar here if you like)

• 我是大天使麥克(替換成你喜歡的神之化身)

•i am love

• 我是愛

•i am abundance

• 我是豐盛

•i am freedom

• 我是自由

•i am health

• 我是健康

•i am peace

• 我是平和

•i am bliss and happiness

• 我是祝福和幸福

•i am awesome

• 我是非凡的

•i am creating a new earth now

• 我在創造一個新地球

•i am immortal

• 我是不朽的

•i can fly

• 我可以飛

•i can teleport

• 我可以傳送

a note about the last three in the list: you must be a fully aware 5d being before you can do these things.at the time of this writing, this author and 3 billion other star beings on the earth are only in the outer atmosphere of 5d but the data of remembering the proper construct of dna program is coming faster and faster as we advance! you will do all of these super-human things when you become aware that you already can and this requires a full integration of 5d energy in the body!

對最後三個的一個備註:在你可以做到這些事情之前你必須是一個全意識的 5D 存在。在書寫這則信息的時刻,這位作者和地球上 30 億其他的星星存在只處於 5D 的外層大氣,但對 DNA 編程恰當構建的記憶數據正越來越快地到來,隨著我們前進!你將能夠做到這些超人類的事情,當你意識到你早就可以做到,這需要將 5D 能量完全整合到身體中

one important tip: if you do not release the thing you are wanting to manifest (meaning stop putting energy-effort towards it) at once, it cannot come to you, ever) in 5d observing (outputting energy) towards a thing makes it disappear.

一個重要的提示:如果你不釋放你想要顯化的東西(意味著停止把能量 - 努力投入其中),它就無法向你前來。在 5D 的觀察中,(輸出能量)朝向一個事物會使它消失

classic quantum physics is inverted in 5d vs 3d

經典的量子物理學就是把 5D vs 3D 顛倒過來

in 3d you can only manifest by applying energy effort observance but in 5d it holds all the quantum possibilities in super suspension including the choice you made and because you are observing-holding-on, nothing comes at all, not even the opposite! until you let it all go meaning removing your energy-effort from it, it will never let go and come to you! the second you take your focus off of it, it will come flying towards you!.

在 3D ,你只能通過運用“能量 - 努力”慣例來顯化,但在 5D ,它在超級懸停 / 暫停中持有所有的量子可能性,包括你所做的選擇,因為你在觀察 - 保持,沒什麼到來,即使是相反的東西!除非你放下一切,意味著將你的能量 - 努力從它之中移除,它是永遠都不會放下並向你前來的!一旦你將關注從它之中轉移,它會飛向你

here is how you do this:


set forth the intention but then completely let it go with no thought or energy-effort at all, re-shift focus to another thing that you love and do something else that creates a bliss feeling and the thing you wanted to manifest will show up right away.

設置意圖,但然後完全放下它,不帶任何思想或能量 - 努力,重新專注於另一樣你喜愛的事物,去做別的會創造一個幸福感的東西,你想要的東西就會立刻出現

we do this every day and it works in every case instantly and with anything


we call it 5d magic!

我們稱它為 5D 魔法

though we still exist in 3d and we enjoy the thing in 3d with our 5 senses, we use 5d magic to bring the thing into this world this also works in activating all your super-human abilities? always be simply the observer as normal in 3d and let things be what and where they are with no judgment, labels or reactions it is what it is and it is perfectly ok cause its 3d.

儘管我們依舊存在於 3D ,我們用 5 個感官享受著 3D 中的事物,我們使用 5D 魔法把事物帶入這個世界,這對激活你所有超人類能力也有效。總是成為簡單的觀察者,在 3D 中,讓事物成為它們的所是、允許它們的所在之處,不加評判、標籤或起反應,它就是它,它完全 OK ,因為它是 3D 的

you exist in all dimensions at once regardless of your awareness of this. one dimension is not related to the other in anyway and the laws of each dimension behave differently so it is important to understand how 5d works differently than 3d or 4d.

你同時存在於所有維度,不管你有沒有意識到。一個維度不在任何方式中與另一個相關,每個維度的法則都不一樣,所以很重要去明白 5D 如何與 3D 或 4D 不一樣地運作

can you imagine being aware of 6d as a first wave being in early 2017?

你能想像在 2017 年年初作為第一波存在意識到 6D 嗎?

the new data coming through is incredibly advanced but much easier to understand now as we evolve.


make 5d your current now here reality and be able to decode it correctly using your language.

讓 5D 成為你此時此刻的現實,能夠使用你的語言正確地解碼它

god-speed great beings of light,



通靈:Michael Love

翻譯:Nick Chan


