2020年7月1日 星期三

通過GCR恢復共和國(摘要)|更新於2020年6月28日星期日 (轉貼)

2020年6月28日美國東部夏令時12:01作者:Judy Byington,MSW,LCSW,臨床醫學家,記者,作家,《22張臉:珍妮·希爾和她的22個多重人格的非凡生活》

Source:Dinar Chronicles

Everyone needs to take a break and enjoy more Riot Bloopers.pic.twitter.com/JuxzEghAng

每個人都需要休息一下,享受更多的Riot Bloopers

Judy Note:A Fri.26 June afternoon Department of Defense Update confirmed that a new RV rollout schedule had been finalized and set in stone:Fri.evening 26 June through Tues.30 June.They had until Mon.29 June to do the arrests.The 800#s release for Tier 4b was slated for Tues.30 June.In Canada financial agents were told and confidentiality forms were signed to prepare for a"financial blackout"July 2 through July 9.Flynn testimony was about to take down the Deep State.


Sat.27 June 7:00 pm EDT:Fleming's Military Intel Contact said that as of 7 pm this evening EDT Sat.27 June the Department of Defense and US Treasury sent a release to keep everything moving forward as audits were passing and arrests were preceding Behind the Scenes.All was still on track.


There were numerous reports of Historic Bonds being positioned for payout,Dong and Dinar were no longer available for sale,banks were restricting circulation of US dollars and coins of the old fiat system,the Mexican and Canadian borders were tightly sealed and the Tiers including Tier 4a SKRs,were being paid out–all of which signaled a gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset that Trump had made public in a"soft announcement"of the Gold Standard in a Tweet on Wed.24 June.


Over the weekend groups were scrambling to update information on their members and that all appointments set for Fri.26 June were not held and changed to Mon.29 June.


Tier 4b had not yet started because there were 41 Deep State Antifa/Anarchist rioter ring leaders who have been carrying out riots,looting,violence and pulling down statues in cities across the country.Deep State Rioter Ring Leaders were also going to deploy Antifa foot soldiers to disrupt and attack certain Redemption Centers in major cities when Tier 4b started.


The Department of Defense advised Trump that he needed to do an Executive Order authorizing rioter arrests in a way that Deep State Democrat politicians could not stop.Trump signed the EO Thurs.25 June.DoD security teams started arrests on Fri.26 June and would continue through their deadline of Mon.29 June.As of Sat.evening EDT 27 June the arrests and all else were still proceeding on track.




The Chinese were beyond angry at US delays in releasing liquidity for Tier 4b due to the need for those security arrests.It took overnight discussions that went into the next afternoon to convince them they should not pull the US out from redeeming Zim.The Chinese finally agreed that the US could participate in Zim redemption,but if there were any more American delays with Tier 4b release,they would intervene.


A.June.26 2020 11:57 am EDT@‪JoTaann‪@SantaSurfing:I can confirm this.I've heard from a family member high high up in Davis LLP(Toronto)that there is a financial blackout coming to Canada!Canada is the testing grounds for#GESARA in the USA!I just got word from a financial agent here in Canada.July 2nd-July 9th they are to prepare for a'financial blackout'and had to sign confidentiality form.Update:I just got off the phone with my friend who told me about July 2nd-July 9th.She asked her boss'why the secrecy to the mainstream news media about this.'Her boss told her she has no clue.Never seen this happen b4!

A. 2020年6月26日上午11:57 EDT@‪JoTaann‪@SantaSurfing:我可以確認這一點。我從戴維斯律師事務所(多倫多)高層的一位家庭成員那裡聽說,加拿大正在進行金融管制!加拿大是#GESARA在美國的試驗場!我剛從加拿大的一個金融代理那裡得到消息。7月2日-7月9日,他們準備進行"金融管制",並簽署了保密協議。更新:我剛和朋友通完電話,他告訴我7月2日到7月9日的事。她問她的老闆為什麼對主流新聞媒體隱瞞這件事,她的老闆告訴她,她一無所知。從沒見過這樣的事情發生!


C.美國法律與正義中心:我們已經警告過你們,深州會做任何事情來破壞保守派的議程,包括踐踏憲法。聯邦上訴法院(Federal Appeals Court)下令撤銷針對邁克爾·弗林中將(lt.gen.MichaelFlynn)的案件,並稱法官在此案中的行為是"前所未有的侵犯",這對深州來說是一個重大打擊

Now we've learned that not only did President Obama know about the investigation,but just days before leaving office,he ordered fired FBI Director Comey to put"the right people on it."This has become an unparalleled abuse of power.


The ACLJ is directly engaged in each of these matters.We've filed numerous lawsuits against the Deep State FBI and intelligence community.We've been battling in federal court to expose the Deep State's deceptions-including the unmasking of Lt.Gen.Flynn going back to the Obama Administration.A federal hearing in our case is in the next few days.As we prepare to defend the Constitution,we need YOU with us.Sign Our Petition:Defeat the Deep State in Court.


Sign Our Petition:Defeat the Deep State in Court

D.2020年6月17日Dark Outpost 06-17-2020深度偽造技術與喬治·弗洛伊德:David Zublick Channel  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSpM5GGrhrI一起十惡不赦的罪行震驚了整個國家,引發了抗議、社會動盪、騷亂、搶劫和無政府狀態。但這真的發生了嗎?誰是喬治·弗洛伊德?誰是德里克·肖文?我們在明尼阿波利斯那次臭名昭著的遭遇中看到的是事實嗎?它是按照我們被告知的方式發生的嗎?那麼,金棺材裡是誰或者什麼東西?一個國會候選人聲稱我們被耍了,我們所見證的是一個巨大的精神病患者,她有事實支持她的說法。

E.International Child Sex Trafficking:In their quest for power and glory,New World Order advocates of Satan worship have controlled the global monetary system since it's inception.They have funneled the US dollar from their privately owned US Inc.'s IRS and Federal Reserve to Queen Elizabeth's Bank of London,to the Vatican Bank to Central Banks across the Globe.This elite's International Child Trafficking Ring was believed to be part of this same system and was run out of the Vatican.







(傑西開始在9分30秒的馬克)祖布利克的客人傑西·切博塔爾提供了目擊者證詞,證明了地下隧道的存在,在那裡兒童被折磨、強姦和強迫吃人。最近,特朗普總統的五角大樓戀童癖工作組監督了海軍海豹突擊隊、海軍陸戰隊和其他特種部隊營救數千名受虐兒童的行動。祖布利克和Czebotar談到了Timothy Charles Holmseth,他們稱他非常可信,他報導了這些被嚴重虐待的兒童的營救。









Divide They Try,Fail They Will,WWG1WGA to Support POTUS,Follow Q&Trust Plan


Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be.I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together,we will make life better for all.


Patience is a Virtue.Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being.Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.Judy




