2020年8月3日 星期一

我們愛集體冥想|2020/8/1 獅門開啟期間的生命之花冥想 (轉貼)

Every year on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year(August 8th),there is a cosmic alignment called"the Lion's Gate Portal"or"the Lions Gateway".During this period of time,there will be increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms.


Last year,we organized a Flower of Life Meditation during the opening of Lion's Gate Portal.


This year,we will do the same again in order to help manifesting the most positive Ascension timeline for humanity and support the positive grid reinversion process being carried out by the Light Forces.


We suggest doing the Flower of Life meditation at any time on August 8th when the energies of Lion's Gate Portal are at their peak,and during any time until the closure of Lion's Gate portal on August 12th.


Also,as suggested by Cobra,if you wish to support the positive grid reinversion process,you are welcome to do the Flower of Life meditation as often as you feel guided,from now on until the end of 2020.

此外,正如 Cobra 所建議的,如果你希望支持正向柵格復原過程,歡迎你經常進行生命之花冥想,只要你感到有指引,從現在開始直到2020年底

Here is the link to the Facebook event for the Flower of Life Meditation during this year's Lion's Gate Portal opening:

以下是今年獅門開幕期間,Facebook 上關於生命之花冥想活動的連結:

And here is the link to the guided audio playlist for the Flower of Life meditation in many languages:




1.Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.


2.Visualize your soul star chakra shining with brilliant white light.Visualize this light in the form of a vortex spiraling down throughout your energy field.


3.State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to stabilize the transition on Earth and manifest the most positive Ascension timeline for all living beings.


4.Visualize the golden Flower of Life sphere around the Earth,expanding below the surface and also expanding all the way up to the Moon's orbit.Visualize the Flower of Life sphere assisting the planetary liberation process,clearing all darkness from the surface of the planet.Then visualize the Flower of Life sphere purifying the leylines and vortices within the planetary Light grid.


5.Visualize the Flower of Life sphere creating harmony,protection and peace for humanity and all other living beings,and especially those who are holding the Light for the planet.


6.Now,visualize the golden Flower of Life sphere encompassing the Earth and elevating the vibration of the entire planet.Visualize the Flower of Life sphere manifesting harmony and the most positive Ascension timeline for all living beings.


Special thanks to International Golden Age Group for creating this gif

特別感謝國際黃金時代集團創建這個 gif

You may also say the following mantra silently or out loud at the end of the meditation if you feel guided:



So be it,and so it is."


Victory of the Light!


