2020年10月7日 星期三

柯博拉訊息|2020/10/6 向地表民眾發送的短消息(重要) (轉貼)

Time frame between September 19th and October 4th was the moment of peak darkness for the surface of this planet.There were absolutely brutal attacks on many of the key Lightworkers and Ligthwarriors that sometimes led to physical consequences.On the global scale,there was also an outbreak of war between Azerbaijan and Armenia:


Situations are now slowly expected to improve,but there is a new peak of war in Low Earth Orbit that is expected to precipitate towards the surface of the planet on October 9th as increased violence among members of the surface population,and as violence from the Cabal towards the surface humanity.


Therefore the Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to join the Flower of Life meditation at the exact moment of Mars Pluto square on October 9th at 1:09 pm UTC:

因此,光明勢力正在請求每一個感覺如此被引導的人加入生命之花冥想,在火星冥王星四分相的確切時刻,世界標準時間 (UTC)10月9日下午1:09(中/港/馬/台:10月9日晚上21:09)

冥想影片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u19sWuVP-Zg (感謝國際黃金時代團隊提供)

The dark forces appear to be far too successful in their plans for the second wave lockdowns,therefore the Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to participate in daily meditation at 9:30 pm UTC to counteract these lockdowns:

黑暗勢力似乎在他們的第二波封鎖計劃中太成功了,因此光明勢力要求每個感到被引導的人在世界標準時間 (UTC)晚上9:30(中/港/馬/台:每日早上5:30)參加每日冥想,以阻止這些封鎖:

A full situation update will be posted on this blog at some point after October 9th when situations are expected to improve and some intel can finally be released.


Victory of the Light!



