2020年10月22日 星期四

通過 GCR 恢復共和國|截至2020年10月21日星期三更新 (轉貼)


Source:Dinar Chronicles

Judy Note:On Tues.evening 20 Oct.Bruce reported that his Contacts in Europe were talking about everything releasing at 4 am EDT Wed.morning 21 Oct.and we could be notified to set our exchange/redemption appointments as early as Wed.afternoon 21 Oct.,or could more likely start on Thurs.22 Oct.Be ready for Tier 4B notifications any time from now to Wed.midnight 21 Oct.

朱迪註:10月20日星期二晚上,布魯斯報導說,他在歐洲的聯繫人正在討論在美國東部時間10月21日星期三凌晨4點發佈的所有信息,我們可能會被通知最早在10月21日星期三下午進行兌換/贖回,或者更有可能在10月22日星期四開始。從現在到10月21日午夜,準備好接受4B 層通知。

Culmination of Red October:All Hallows Eve(Halloween)–the Cabal’s major S*tanic holiday of the year–was fast approaching for Thurs.29 Oct.through Sun.1 Nov.


From now through Halloween and the Nov.3 Presidential Election,the[Deep]State would likely be trying to cause extensive chaos by disrupting food and delivery system distribution,funding riots in major cities,along with causing confusion at the voting booths for a purpose of stopping Trump’s re-election and RV exchanges.


All US military have been notified to be on Alert,plus the National Guard has been called up for duty at any time and at least by Oct.30.The military was needed for protection of voters at the voting booths and arrests of high end individuals including Hillary Clinton.


During this same time children were at risk and a prime target for the Cabal’s s*x orgies and child s*crifice rites during their All Hallows Eve celebrations in honor of S*tan.Please keep an eye out to protect children from Cabal k*dnappings,plus stock up on provisions in case of shortages in your region during a possible declaration of Martial Law.


A.2020年10月20日星期二,布魯斯:Thebigcall.net 712-770-4016 pin123456#

1.Redemption Centers were training


2.Boxes of bonds have paid out in Hong Kong,Miami,Reno,London.


3.Contacts in Europe were talking about everything releasing at 4 am EDT tomorrow morning Wed.21 Oct.


4.We could be notified as early as Wed.afternoon 21 Oct.,or could more likely start on Thurs.22 Oct.


5.Nine currencies were going up in value.The rest were split in those which would stay the same and those that would go down in value such as the British Pound and Euro.Slight adjustments would be made over the next six months.


6.The US was printing new money for Cuba at Guantanamo.The Mexican peso would not change in value.The Canadian dollar was at$.70 to the US dollar,but could go up to a 1:1.


7.On Rates:


The Zim:If you have 100T they will make you a very favorable rate.If you have beyond that your humanitarian project would play a role in your rate–those rates were very strong.

Zim: 如果你有100 T,他們會給你一個非常優惠的價格。如果你的人道主義項目超過了這個數字,那麼這個數字將會對你的費率產生影響——這個費率是非常高的。

Dinar and Dong front screen rates were very high.

Dinar 和 Dong 的前屏幕費率非常高。

8.Arrive at your appointment around 10 min.early.


9.Your Non Disclosure Agreement(NDA)will extend for at least three months.During that time your phone calls will be monitored and tracked so don’t talk about anything regarding the exchange.



Since at least 1913 the Cabal had run the world monetary system through use of US taxpayer dollars filtering through US Inc.in Washington D.C.,the British Crown’s City of London,the Vatican Bank and Central Banks across the world–all owned by private entities such as the Rothchilds,Rockefellers,Pope Francis,Queen Elizabeth,[C]lintons and other global elites.They held their power via a worship of S*tan through blackmail and an International Child Expl*itation and P*dophile Ring run by the Vatican and enforced through various mafias.

至少自1913年以來,陰謀集團一直通過過濾美國納稅人的美元來管理世界貨幣體系。這些美元通過位於華盛頓特區的美國公司(US inc.)、英國王室的倫敦金融城(City of London)、梵蒂岡銀行(Vatican Bank)和世界各地的中央銀行(Central Banks)過濾。這些銀行都由羅斯柴爾德家族(Rothchilds)、洛克菲勒家族(Rockefellers)、教皇方濟各(Pope Francis)、伊麗莎白女王(Queen Elizabeth)、林頓(lintons)等私人實體和其他全球精英擁有。他們通過對撒旦的崇拜、勒索和梵蒂岡管理的國際兒童解放組織以及通過各種黑手黨實施的戀童癖團夥來掌握權力。

The BRICS Alliance–composed of Brazil,Russia,India,China and South Africa–formed in 2008 during the so-called“mortgage crisis.”That global monetary crisis was caused when the Cabal couldn’t even pay interest owed on gold borrowed from the Chinese Elders that backed the now-fiat US Dollar–a basis for international trade.The purpose of BRICS was to take world dependence off the fiat US Dollar and revalue currencies of 176 countries and 31 territories of the world into being gold/asset-backed.


By 2013 that Gold Treaty was signed off by those nations,though wouldn’t be implemented until a Global Currency Reset(GCR)happened after the fall of the Cabal in Oct.2020.


The Alliance was in charge of that Oct.2020 GCR:The Alliance was composed of President Trump,Russian President Vladimir Putin,Chinese President Xi Jinping,Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi,India Prime Minister Narendra Modi,Q(composed of around 800 special ops who advise President Trump including Pentagon Generals Chairman Joint Chief Mark Milley,Vice Chief John Hyten,Gen.James McConville,Adm.Michael Gilday,Gen.C.Q.Brown,Gen.Paul Nakasone and Gen.Jay Raymond),[Q]Anons(headed by JF Kennedy Jr?),the National Security Agency and various militaries across the globe,including the international force authorized to make arrests in any country,Interpol.

聯盟負責2020年10月GCR:聯盟由特朗普總統、俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾·普京、中國國家主席習近平、伊拉克總理穆斯塔法·卡迪米、印度總理納倫德拉·莫迪(由大約800名特種部隊組成,他們為特朗普總統提供建議,其中包括五角大樓聯合主席馬克·米利、副主席約翰·海滕、將軍詹姆斯·麥康維爾、海軍上將邁克爾·吉爾迪、將軍 C.Q.布朗、保羅·納卡松將軍和將軍傑·雷蒙德),匿名者Q(由小甘迺迪領導?)國家安全局和全球各地的軍隊,包括國際刑警組織授權在任何國家進行逮捕的國際部隊。



Last weekend a Whistleblower from South Africa gave Ward 1,500 pages of explosive already litigated evidence on the theft of$Trillions of dollars and gold by the Royals,[O]bama,[C]lintons and[B]idens.The White House also had that same Intel,with all set to be released this week:


Rice Crypto Clears the Air Charlie Ward:







F.Justice Dept.Files Lawsuit Against G00gle:https://trendingpolitics.com/doj-files-historic-antitrust-suit-against-google/Internet censorship of the Big Tech companies continues to run rampant with just two weeks left until the Presidential Election.With Twitter and Facebook currently in the hot-seat,the Department of Justice has summoned Google as the next company to answer for their unethical business practices.The Justice Department is expected to file a lawsuit Tuesday alleging that G00gle has been abusing its online dominance in online search to stifle competition and harm consumers.

美國司法部對谷歌提起訴訟:距離美國總統大選只剩下兩週時間,針對大型科技公司的互聯網審查制度依然猖獗。隨著Twitter 和Facebook 目前處於緊要關頭,司法部已經傳喚谷歌作為下一個對他們不道德的商業行為負責的公司。美國司法部預計將於週二提起訴訟,指控谷歌濫用其在線搜索領域的主導地位,扼殺競爭,損害消費者利益。


關於 C19的紀錄片,By Janet Ossebaard:https://youtu.be/JNjIDr1c0C0

Ward 和Young 博士對C19騙局的研究:


https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2020/10/consent-factory-covidian-cult.html#more People who are able to easily recognize totalitarianism in cults and foreign countries—cannot perceive the totalitarianism that is taking shape now,right in front of their faces(or,rather,right inside their minds).Nor can they perceive the delusional nature of the official“C19”narrative,no more than those in Nazi Germany were able to perceive how completely delusional their official“master race”narrative was.Such people are neither ignorant nor stupid.They have been successfully initiated into a cult,which is essentially what totalitarianism is,albeit on a societal scale.


Their initiation into the Covidian Cult began in January,when the medical authorities and corporate media turned on The Fear with projections of hundreds of millions of deaths and fake photos of people dropping dead in the streets.The psychological conditioning has continued for months.The global masses have been subjected to a constant stream of propaganda,manufactured hysteria,wild speculation,conflicting directives,exaggerations,lies,and tawdry theatrical effects.Lockdowns.Emergency field hospitals and morgues.The singing-dancing NHS staff.Death trucks.Overflowing ICUs.Dead Covid babies.Manipulated statistics.Goon squads.Masks.And all the rest of it.

他們加入 Covidian 邪教始於今年1月,當時醫療當局和企業媒體打開了“恐懼”頻道,播放了數億人死亡的預測和人們倒在街上死亡的假照片。這種心理調節已經持續了幾個月。全球大眾已經受到了不斷的宣傳、製造的歇斯底里、瘋狂的猜測、相互矛盾的指令、誇張、謊言和華而不實的戲劇效果的影響。封鎖。緊急野戰醫院和停屍房。唱歌跳舞的 NHS 工作人員。死亡卡車。溢出的艾支斯。死去的科維德嬰兒。篡改的統計數據。打手小隊。面具。還有其他的一切。

Eight months later,here we are.The Head of the Health Emergencies Program at the WHO has basically confirmed an IFR of 0.14%,approximately the same as the seasonal flu.And here are the latest survival rate estimates from the Center for Disease Control:99%survival rate.

八個月後,我們在這裡。世界衛生組織緊急衛生項目負責人基本上確認了 IFR 為0.14%,與季節性流感大致相同。以下是疾病控制中心最新的生存率估計:99%。


啦啦隊運動的共同所有人安吉拉·羅傑斯(Angela Rogers)戀童癖:


I.Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays:All Hallows Eve(Halloween)–the major Satanic holiday of the year–was fast approaching for Thurs.29 Oct.through?Sun.1 Nov.


According to Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors(SRA),there would be human sacrifices performed in thousands of local Satanic Covens using victims of any age,male or female,as per an Occult Calendar compiled by licensed therapists using childhood accounts of their SRA clients.


Be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled children and teens being forced to participate in the rape,torture and murder of other children.Months in advance Satan worshippers planned for the event by kidnapping children(especially on Halloween night).Over the three day Halloween Celebration,the victims were starved,tortured and used in sex orgies in preparation for human sacrifice rites.


Please report suspected Satanic activities to your local law enforcement.Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments,also contact U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE):


If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking,contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and/or the nonprofit Saving Innocence.

如果你希望加入拯救兒童免遭國際性交易的行動,請聯繫地下鐵路行動的?Tim Ballard?和/或非營利組織拯救無辜。

Here is a list of over 2,000 organizations in the United States and internationally that serve survivors of human trafficking.Click map.Zoom in.Research organization.Volunteer.


J."Twenty Two Faces:inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,"Judy Byington

J. "22張臉:珍妮·希爾和她的22個多重人格的非凡生活的內幕",朱迪·拜因頓

WARNING:Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five,was raped,tortured,forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention,was almost killed herself–not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers.Satanfollower perpetrators appeared to be organized from the US Inc's CIA,Queen Elizabeth's,Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons,Hollywood,Pizzagate and local teenage covens.They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system–the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset.It's no wonder that President Trump has stated,"These people are sick."



It's not about the money.It's about the children–the thousands of mal nourished and traumatized children.The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office,was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by global elites.Let us fast and pray for these little ones who were now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe,and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door.Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them.The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:

Judy Note:I do not now,nor have I ever,received monies for writing my Updates and articles.The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse,Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.


The above was a summary of information from the Internet.It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown;to humble Wildfire Lady who was adept at exposing the truth;to Martha who worked around the clock to discern what was real in the fake news;to Brad who did great research;to Ken who uncovered almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children and to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening.

以上是來自互聯網的信息摘要。這將取決於讀者做他們自己的研究,並決定是否有效。非常感謝那些願意保持默默無聞的內幕消息提供者;謙卑的野火女士,她善於揭露真相;瑪莎,她晝夜不停地工作,以辨別假新聞中的真假;布拉德,她做了很好的研究;肯,她發現了幾乎無限的戀童癖情報,以幫助我們拯救兒童;Bonni B,她揭露了真正發生的事情的根本原因。

Divide They Try,Fail They Will;WWG1WGA to Support POTUS,Follow Q&Trust Plan


Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be.I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together,we will make life better for all.


Patience is a Virtue.Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being.Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.Judy


