星期六編製。2021年5月29日,美國東部時間12:01,Judy Byington,LCSW,臨床醫學家,記者,作者,《22張臉:珍妮·希爾和她的22個多重人格的非凡生活》
Watch the Water:"Bitcoin mining was connected to China earthquakes that followed the centuries-old child trafficking Silk Road along the water that ran east to west leading to the Three Gorges Dam,next to Wuhan,the epicenter…China banning BTC&BTC contracts expiring May 29 would lead to a Bitcoin and Market crash,causing a storm as we switched from SWIFT to the Quantum Financial System with it's rippling waves that flowed gold into the new financial market.Timing was everything."…Whiplash347 Fri.28 May.
注意看水:"比特幣開採與中國地震有關,那次地震發生在數百年前的販賣兒童的絲綢之路上,這條水路從東向西一直通向三峽大壩,緊挨著震中武漢(…)。中國禁止比特幣和比特幣合約於5月29日到期,將導致比特幣和比特幣市場崩盤,引發一場風暴,因為我們從SWIFT轉向量子金融系統(Quantum Financial System),它的漣漪般的波浪將黃金流入新的金融市場。"…。時間就是一切。"Whiplash347,5月28日星期五。
Judy Note:Notification at any time.