2019年4月26日 星期五

【本傑明·富爾福德】 2019年4月22日 新聞快訊 (轉貼)

China poised to seize Daimler Benz, Deutsche Bank as German 4th Reich collapses
Benjamin Fulford, 22 April, 2019

本傑明·富爾福德 2019年4月22日 新聞快訊

Germany and its EU 4th Reich regime are under siege and facing collapse due to a massive debt load and popular resistance in occupied states like France and Italy.  As a result, Germany may be forced to sell its crown jewels—the Daimler Benz Corporation and Deutsche Bank—to the Chinese, according to Japanese military intelligence and other sources.


The sacrificial burning of Notre Dame Cathedral to Molech (Ba’al, Set, Satan) was a desperate attempt by superstitious EU Khazarian satanists to somehow reverse their fortunes, P2 Freemason sources say.


It’s difficult for normal people to understand the superstitious mindset of these satanists, but essentially they seem to think they are in a battle against a goddess.  That is why they chose to burn “Notre Dame” or “Our Lady,” because this refers to Mary.  Mary, of course, is the Christian name for the Goddess Isis, who raised an infant until he could defeat Set or Satan.  It is for this same superstitious reason that these satanists created a horrific terror organization and tried to call in ISIS in order to weaken support for the Goddess in the minds of humanity.


2019年4月24日 星期三

【新】【外匯市場:為何應該投資伊拉克第納爾】(最值得投資的五種貨幣) (轉貼)

2019 年 4 月 18 日






我們總會在新聞中看到關於最佳投資貨幣的信息,然而並非都是事實。大多數信息都是基於歷史和趨勢,而不是當前外匯市場的情況。不過, 英國《金融時報》和《雅虎財經》等一些財經和商業文章總會對外匯市場做出公正的評估。

2019年4月20日 星期六

本傑明·富爾福德】 2019年4月15日 新聞快訊 (轉貼)

Washington, D.C. suffers from political insanity as bankruptcy approaches
Benjamin Fulford, 15 April, 2019

本傑明·富爾福德 2019年4月15日 新聞快訊

The U.S. body politic has degenerated to gibberish and empty threats, as bankruptcy and collapse are now a mathematical certainty.  That’s because the March 29th Brexit made it so that “the City of London is no longer the finance capital of the cabal,” both British Intelligence and Pentagon sources confirm.


When asked, “How is President Donald Trump responding to this?” a senior British Intelligence officer said, “Probably in a blind panic by this stage, to be very honest.”


Find this hard to believe?  Let’s step back a bit and look at what has happened so far this year to the U.S. government.  First, all military veterans withdrew from the Trump presidency as of January 1st.  Then the U.S. government shut down for 35 days, even as the U.S. military stayed fully financed.


2019年4月12日 星期五

【本傑明·富爾福德】 2019年4月8日 新聞快訊 (轉貼)

Undeclared Anglo-German war raging inside the G7
Benjamin Fulford, 8 April, 2019

本傑明·富爾福德 2019年4月8日 新聞快訊

The leadership of the Western G7 alliance is in the middle of a civil war pitting an English alliance against a Germanic alliance, multiple sources claim.  The arrival of a new British-educated Emperor in Japan and the re-arrest last week of former Nissan/Renault Chairman Carlos Ghosn are part of this war, according to Japanese military intelligence sources.


The possibility of Japan returning to being an independent country clearly has the Khazarian mafia rattled.  We received the following message last week from a perpetually drunk and widely disrespected gangster by the name of Morita:  “Your words will lead to the death of 100,000 Japanese on May 11th.”  Morita was apparently referring to a call to nationalize the Khazarian-owned Bank of Japan.  The military police need to arrest him as soon as possible and force him to disclose who paid him to convey this threat.


2019年4月6日 星期六

【柯博拉】 2019年4月4日訊息 (轉貼)

Soul Families Workshop Report and Planetary Situation Update
Thursday, April 4, 2019


Our Soul Families workshop in Budapest was extremely successful. Many key instructions for cracking the Matrix on the surface of the planet were successfully transmitted to the very awake participants of the workshop, as you can see in the workshop notes which were already published in many blogs:







Many new volunteers came to the stage to form new Sisterhood of the Rose groups throughout the planet.


Instructions for them: if your group has 3 or more people that meet physically regularly, you can make your group public so more people from your area can join. You can do so by sending an email to sotrplanetarynetwork@gmail.com, and request to be added to the main Sisterhood of the Rose list here:

這裡有一個要傳達給他們的工作指示:如果你們的薔薇聖女團有定期舉辦三個人或三人以上的實體聚會,你們可以公開自己的聯絡方式,好讓更多當地民眾參加。你們可以寄信到 sotrplanetarynetwork@gmail.com並且要求讓自己的薔薇聖女團加入主要的聯絡表單:

2019年4月5日 星期五

【本傑明·富爾福德】 2019年4月1日 新聞快訊 (轉貼)

Japanese generals ready to act against Zionist stooges as “Reiwa era” begins
Benjamin Fulford, 1 April, 2019

本傑明·富爾福德 2019年4月1日 新聞快訊

The Japanese military is ready to act against Khazarian Zionist stooges now that the new “Reiwa era” has officially begun, according to several generals who contacted the White Dragon Society.  Although the public is being told the new era starts on May 1, our NSA sources and Japanese right-wing sources say Emperor Naruhito assumed control today, April 1, 2019, or year Zero of the Reiwa era.


The name Reiwa or 令和 can be translated as “emphasizing harmonious Japaneseness” and is taken, apparently for the first time in history, from Japanese rather than Chinese classical texts, according to Japanese scholars.  This choice was inspired in part as a reaction to attempts by the Khazarian mafia to sell out Japan to the Chinese in exchange for protection, Japanese right-wing sources say.
