2021年1月29日 星期五

柯博拉訊息|2020/01/28 一條給地面民眾的短信 (轉貼)

No intel can be released now for several reasons.


Both mainstream and alternative media are almost completely taken over by disinfo,and blindly following outside sources can only lead to disappointment.


Since the collapse of the Alpha timeline in January 2018,details of the planetary liberation plan can not,and will not be published anywhere on internet.


I can only repeat that planetary liberation does NOT depend on who is the president of the United States.

Xekleidoma|2021/01/26:接管剩餘負面地下基地 (轉貼)

Yesterday the Resistance Movement busted into all remaining negative underground bases simultaneously and took control of them.These are hundreds of bases below major cities around the globe that were operated by reptilian supersoldiers in human bodies.The reptilians have mostly been killed and their spirits get a one way ticket to the Galactic Central Sun.What the Resistance Movement finds in the bases is very bad:children,adolescents and souls in captivity that have gotten a Chimera style treatment,it's Josef Mengele on steroids.They sought to inflict as much suffering as possible on the children and the souls were trapped in capsules with no way to escape and nothing to do but witness the atrocities that were being committed while receiving elektroshocks.Many of the children that have been disappearing over the years have ended up in these bases,unfortunately.The Resistance Movement is liberating the children from the cages and the souls from the capsules they are held in and applying the most advanced healing technologies the light forces have.The children cannot be brought to the surface yet;for one thing they are not used to daylight and fresh air,and the light forces don't want to bring them into the quarantine situation,so they will only be reunited with their families sometime after the Event.The hellish suffering that was being inflicted in these bases and the Chimera controlled bases formed the energetic backbone of the Matrix and the light forces are keen on transmuting that energy to dissolve the Matrix further so that it will be somewhat easier for humanity to accept the truth without totally freaking out and lynching suspected Cabal members.


是時候來點超高的昴宿星振動了!|Michael Love (轉貼)









2021年1月26日 星期二

通過GCR恢復共和國|更新星期日2021年1月24日 (轉貼)


Source:Dinar Chronicles


"The Plan to Save The World"


The US Patriot Party:


"Our Journey is Just Beginning.The Best is Yet to Come."…Donald J.Trump 20 Jan.

"我們的旅程才剛剛開始,最好的還在後面。"——唐納德·J·川普(Donald J.Trump)2010年1月20日。

Judy Note:There has been no new Intel on the GCR release since last Fri.

朱迪註:自從上週五,關於 GCR 的發佈沒有新的情報。

Bonds were to be in place by Sun.24 Jan.so as to provide liquidity to Tiers 1-4A,B.


Tier 4B us,the Internet Group,could start at any time through Tues.26 Jan.when 1.4 million notification emails for Tier 4B would go out from Wells Fargo servers.

我們4B層,即互聯網集團,可以在1月26日星期二之前的任何時間開始運行,屆時將有140萬封 4B層的通知電子郵件從富國銀行的服務器上發出。

[大轉變] “金字塔頂層”已開始恐懼 (轉貼)

 ●莫妮克·瑪修(Monique Mathieu)於2021年1月16日傳導


2021年1月25日 星期一

xekleidoma|2021/01/23:到底發生了什麼? (轉貼)

Like many I was seriously disappointed when nothing happened on January 20 and the whole anticipation for visible action by the light forces fizzled out. There was really action planned to be taken (arresting the whole clique of Cabal smurfs that was gathered in Washington DC for the fake Biden inauguration) but it was aborted at the last minute. Everyone in the alternative media has been grasping for straws to explain why the operation was aborted without coming up with a good answer. Yes, there was the threat of a terror attack with a dirty bomb (a nuclear radiation dispersal weapon) but that was not the main issue. The main issue is the overall situation, especially the status of the underground war. Unfortunately the Cabal still has some aces and trump cards up its sleeve.

和許多人一樣,當1月20日什麼也沒有發生時,我感到非常失望,對光明部隊可見行動的整個期待都以失敗告終。他們真的計劃採取行動(逮捕整個聚集在華盛頓參加假的拜登就職典禮的陰謀集團) ,但是在最後一分鐘流產了。替代媒體的每個人都在抓住最後的救命稻草,解釋為什麼這次行動沒有得到一個好的答案就被取消了。是的,確實存在使用髒彈(一種核輻射擴散武器)進行恐怖襲擊的威脅,但這不是主要問題。主要問題是全局,特別是地下戰爭的現狀。不幸的是,陰謀集團仍然有一些A和王牌在袖子裡。

昴宿星的卡拉|壓縮突破的操作 (轉貼)

I am KaRa.I appreciate these times that I can come and be with you,and be able to open up and share.Share what we know.Share what we see with our eyes from our ships as we look down,and what was said within the meditation:we see the beauty everywhere.


Just think about the beauty of this planet:the rushing waters,the oceans,the waterfalls,the fields and streams,the great meadows,the majestic mountains,and the peaceful valleys everywhere across the planet.So much of this planet that you have not even yet seen,for many of you have found yourselves within the environments of where you grew up,where you were born.


Some of you have ventured out.Some of you have seen parts of the world,yes.But there is so much yet to see and appreciate.But beyond this planet there are worlds,vistas that you haven't even begun to dream of yet that are there,and that you will be able to visit when you are ready.



Whoa,whoa,whoa,my dear Patriots!Please don't go over the"rails"after witnessing today's"faux affair"…there is still much more to happen,and as you are finding out the hard way,it is not always as soon as you would like it to be.Well,let me help to take your mind off of those dour thoughts,my beautiful ones!


I would like to talk a little bit about"time lines"…yes,time lines!Some of you may not be very aware of how many different,and yet similar,time lines are occurring in each moment…however,this becomes important with regard to what is happening right now in the U.S…and the world.


為什麼川普拒華盛頓於門外,再也不回白宮了? (轉貼)

Source:Rumor Mill News |By Mr.Ed


Date:Thursday,21-Jan-2021 22:33:33


INTEL-Why Trump Fenced Off DC&Moved Out-Never to Return to the White House?


What is Maritime Law?



Jan 20,2021


Washington DC,Westminster,the Vatican and also the UN.


Known as Independent city/states which together create"The Empire of the City",but it is really the Empire of the Global Estate Trust!


【約書亞】2021年新年致辭 (轉貼)





聖哲曼|這就是那些時刻 (轉貼)

I am Saint Germain.


I ask you now to take a moment as you are coming back into your body to take several deep breaths.Breathe.Hold the light within you.Be the light within you.Allow yourselves now to feel the love that is coming into you.Just feel it permeating throughout your body:the love of the Creator,the Source.The Source that is within all of you,all of us.Feel that immense love.That higher consciousness coming over you and through you now.Know that you are going to be taking this love of this higher consciousness and assimilating it within yourself,and then spreading it out.Spreading it out to all that are ready for this.


For this is the awakening.The awakening that you have all been working for,and working toward,and preparing for.Not only for this lifetime,but through many lifetimes you have been preparing for these moments now.This great awakening that is upon us all.


This awakening is about to happen to many across the planet and to this country,The United States of America,as people are awakened,what has been happening to what is in the process of happening right now.It is not something they can hold off,even if they try to.Even if those ones that are yet still asleep,if they say nothing is happening,it will be happening regardless.


FM144|2021/01/19 2021年 (轉貼)

The year 2021 has just begun and,as expected,the chaotic conditions are increasing.


Lockdowns are being successively extended,tightened and people's range of motion is becoming more and more restricted.Vaccinations would not change this:


The Cabal want to establish"ghettos,"so to speak,especially in urban areas,where they can control the population more effectively:


薩拉博士|2020/01/18 地球的秘密神秘統治者在美國領導的全球深州的摧毀中被消滅了嗎? (轉貼)

On January 15,it was announced by multiple news sites that Baron Benjamin de Rothschild unexpectedly died of a heart attack at the age of 57 while at his Swiss home.According to best-selling author David Wilcock,Rothschild was the world's"Pindar"–the secret occult ruler of our planet reporting directly to off world extraterrestrial masters.


What makes Wilcock's claim particularly intriguing is that he says that only a day earlier,the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a coded message through his Twitter account authorizing the final stage of a covert military operation to take down the Deep State around the planet.Wilcock's claims raise intriguing questions about Rothschild's death,his possible role as Earth's Pindar,and a covert US led takedown of Global Deep State.

威爾科克的說法特別耐人尋味的是,他說,就在一天前,美國國務卿邁克·蓬佩奧通過他的 Twitter 賬戶發出了一條加密信息,授權進行一次秘密軍事行動的最後階段,以摧毀地球周圍的深層國家。威爾科克的言論引發了有關羅斯柴爾德之死、他可能扮演的地球品達角色以及美國主導的秘密打擊全球深州的有趣問題。

2021年1月17日 星期日

我們愛集體冥想|為整個美國錨定菩提光柱:1月20日至22日(中港台馬:1月21日至1月23日) (轉貼)






2021年1月15日 星期五

柯博拉訊息|20200114 (緊急)給地表民眾的簡短信息 (轉貼)

There will be an important timeline node from January 20th to 22nd that will to a significant degree influence the future course of events on the surface of this planet.During that time,it is very important to anchor as much Light as possible.


The Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to do the Buddhic Column meditation for the continental United States every 4 hours starting from January 20th at noon EST and ending at noon EST on January 22nd.


Instructions for the meditation are here:


通過 GCR恢復共和國|更新於2021年1月14日星期四 (轉貼)


Source:Dinar Chronicles

Trump Caught Them All


Wed.13 Jan.President Trump Releases Urgent Message to the American People


General Flynn Message to America:"Be not Afraid:Take Your Country Back."


Judy Note:


The US Office of the Comptroller of Currency has informed all banks that the US dollar would revalue on Jan.27.

美國貨幣監理署(The Office of The Comptroller of Currency)已通知所有銀行,美元將於1月27日重新估值。

Legally if the US dollar revalued on Jan.27,the general public would have to be allowed to exchange at the new International Rates by that same date.


通過 GCR恢復的共和國特別報告|2021年1月12日星期二 (轉貼)


Source:Dinar Chronicles



Trump Live Address to the Nation at 9pm EST Tues.12 Jan.Newsmax TV:


Trump Live Alamo Speech at 3pm EST Tues.12 Jan.:


"Trump is Awesome"


"The Time Has Come"Trump:


Judy Note:This week would change history.Watch President Trump's Address to the Nation at 9 pm EST Tues.12 Jan.on Newsmax TV:


阿斯塔|期待改變 (轉貼)

I am Ashtar Sheran,here to help calm the frazzled nerves of the Light community across planet earth.


Yesterday's events were not the events that many of you expected.To hear today what appears to be a message of concession from Donald Trump is also another shock.So many of you expected that he would lead your world into a new era of freedom for humanity.


But as Sharon has pointed out on so many occasions,what do you define as freedom?Is freedom still going to work?Is freedom having to earn a pay check to feed yourself?Or is there a broader definition still?


地球智能報告 2021年1月》全球大清洗就在眼前 (轉貼)

我們在這里通知您,您到達了生活在新地球上的新高峰。這一巔峰代表著一種強大的變革,正在以嶄新的方式將一個新世界橋樑接連到那些敞開胸懷的人類,並在慈悲和支持下服務於更大的整體。 2021年將是深刻變化的一年,它將為新的機會與事件打開大門,包括外星生命的勢頭。隨著舊權力的剝奪和死亡,各國都將煥然一新。新技術應運而生,並提供給在能源,交通,醫藥和教育等許多不同領域工作的公眾。

我們愛集體冥想|1月13日下午8點(中/港/台/馬:14日凌晨4點),集體植入物移除會議 (轉貼)

According to Cobra,due to the huge success of the Age of Aquarius Final Activation on December 21st,the Light Forces have begun with gradual clearing of the implants of the surface humanity,


And we can help them in this process with implant removal techniques mentioned here:


And here:


After a successful trial,the Lightworkers groups in France and Hungary are going to do organize a group implants removal sessions every 2 weeks,with the next one on Wednesday,January 13th at 8 PM UTC.


xekleidoma|2021/01/11:暴亂法案已經在美國生效 (轉貼)

Never in my life have I seen the level of mendacity,sanctimony and hypocrisy from politicians and mass media as in these days since January 6.People who consider themselves as intelligent and discerning spewing utter misguided nonsense from their beaks on TV.What little they really know and how much shit they have in their eyes that blinds them.And how much they will be humbled once the real truth comes out!


Simon Parkes talks about recent developments with much integrity and he is on top of things.He interprets the storming of the US Capitol and subsequent events.And in his yesterday's update he states that US president Donald Trump has activated the Insurrection Act to facilitate the rounding up of Cabal crooks.Meanwhile the Cabal puppets keep extending lockdowns and injecting as many slaves as they can.But not for long anymore.I cannot mention specifics about the status of the clearing of the Chimera except that the light forces are almost done with it.

西蒙·帕克斯 (Simon Parkes)坦率地談到了最近的事態發展,他對此瞭如指掌。他解讀了對美國國會大廈的衝擊以及隨後發生的事件。他在昨天的更新中表示,美國總統唐納德·川普(Donald Trump)已經啟動了暴亂法案,為圍捕陰謀集團歹徒提供便利。與此同時,陰謀集團傀儡們繼續延長封鎖,並儘可能多地注入奴隷。但這不會再持續太久了。我不能提及清理奇美拉的具體情況,除非光明勢力幾乎完成了清理工作。


銀河聯邦|是時候站起來了 (轉貼)

This message is to go to the people of the United States regarding the events that have occurred in connection with corruption and fraud within the Constitution and the turnout in the American election.It is now time for the American people to take part in the lies and the enormous fraud that has been going on for a very long time.There have been very large and difficult acts against people in this country and also in the rest of the world,but especially in the United States.The Illuminati has had to rule with very great power and over the years has brought with it a lot of the people who due to difficult financial problems and therefore had easy to fall for large gifts in the form of money,among other things.This fraud against the rest of the population must end now.


These Illuminati have infiltrated Congress,every conceivable corporation and higher authority.The incumbent president has tried to mitigate the actions of these people in ruining the lives of the people who have a very difficult balance between their livelihoods and also between the various groups in the population.This must be given immediate priority in order for the population to continue to live a better life for and to make America great again.There will be a period of severe contradictions between those who shoe themselves at the expense of others and those who want to survive and have a better life for their families.


2021年1月12日 星期二

通過 GCR 恢復共和國|2021年1月11日更新 (轉貼)


Source:Dinar Chronicles

Judy Note:We were in a battle for our Republic against our own Deep State political elites,Vatican,CIA,British MI6,the C*e Communist Party and Mass Media,who conspired to switch Trump votes to Biden in the fraudulent 2020 Election and turn America into a socialist state.


Washington DC remained on Lockdown.


POTUS would soon be activating the Emergency Broadcast System.


On Sat.9 Jan.the 2018 Executive Order Insurrection Act was enacted by President Trump.This DOES NOT mean martial law,though gives President Trump many powers.


On Sun.evening 10 Jan.Mass Arrests began in the US and UK.For the next nine days until Wed.20 Jan.and at any time expect an Internet blackout and/or power outage(turn your Apple auto update toggle off on your phone so you can hear Emergency Broadcast System messages See this link).


2021年1月11日 星期一

羅伯特大衛斯蒂爾:10天的黑暗從現在開始,沒有自動取款機,信用卡,互聯網|Kat (轉貼)

Source:Dinar Chronicles|By Kat

This video was just posted on Twitter in 2 parts:

這段視頻分為兩部分發佈在 Twitter 上:

Robert David Steele video 1-9-21


10 days of darkness are about to begin.


2021年1月7日 星期四









柯博拉訊息|2020/01/06 緊急事件:對華盛頓特區局勢的持續冥想 (轉貼)

This is the moment that potentially has the same historical impact and significance as the storming of the Bastille which started the French Revolution:


Today in Washington D.C.,many protesters have managed to enter the Capitol building while the Congress was in session and are in armed standoff with police:


This is an expression of the collective will of the people who are standing against fraud.The Light Forces have communicated that they support the will of the people but are suggesting everybody to refrain from violence.They are clearing all negative non-physical entities from that area,and are involved in some"other operations".They are asking everybody who feels so guided to do the following meditation immediately after reading this,and then as frequently as guided,until the situation is resolved:


xekleidoma|2021/01/05:上帝是個業餘愛好者 (轉貼)

I have been having a heavy heart in recent days.


It has started to dawn on me that a couple of members of my own soul family are on the other team,they have been compromised by the dark to the degree that they will need to have a soul reset,if they haven't had it already.


It is becoming clear to me that the anger,pain and resentment that I have been feeling is not all mine,it is my spiritual connection with them that made me feel this way.


The light forces of the Jupiter Command don't take the decision to have a Cabal member be sent to the Galactic Central Sun lightly,because it is the most extreme measure if no other options are left.


恢復共和國通過 GCR|更新至2021年1月6日星期三 (轉貼)


Source:Dinar Chronicles

Millions were expected at the Save America Rally Trump Speaks 11am EST Wed.5 Jan.


Judy Note:There has been no Intel from our Military Intel Contact since Sun.3 Jan.At that time he said us in the Internet Group Tier 4B would be started by some time Wed.6 Jan.

朱迪註:自從1月3日星期日以來,沒有情報從我們的軍事情報聯繫。當時他說我們互聯網集團 4B層將在1月6日星期三的某個時候啟動。

Also on Wed.6 Jan.was the Electoral College Bombshell,Mass Arrests,Mass"Stop the Steal"rallies in Washington DC and elsewhere,plus a possible announcement of a return to a gold-backed US dollar–as explained in the below Restored Republic Events.


The next day Thurs.Jan.7 was expected to be the first of ten days of a Period of Enlightenment than ran to Sun.Jan.17.


As soon as we obtained a Safe Link Website used to obtain an appointment to exchange/redeem,it would be posted here and on various Dinar websites.


大揭露報告 - 2021年1月4日(Google翻譯)







傑佛遜(Jefferson)在1796年的大選中以民主共和黨人的身份競選總統,但在對聯邦主義者約翰·亞當斯(John Adams)的選舉中名列第二。根據當時的法律,傑佛遜的第二名使他成為美國副總統。傑佛遜堅決反對包括《客籍法》和《煽動叛亂法》在內的聯邦制計劃,該國日益分化。傑佛遜和亞當斯在1800年總統大選中再次成為各自政黨的主要總統候選人,亞倫·伯爾(Aaron Burr)是民主共和黨的副總統候選人。亞當斯的競選活動因不受歡迎的稅收和對他在準戰爭中的行為的惡毒聯邦主義者內鬥而被削弱。民主共和黨人指責聯邦主義者是秘密君主制,而聯邦主義者則指責傑佛遜是屈從於法國的不敬虔的自由主義者。

2021年1月3日 星期日

通過 GCR 恢復共和國|2021年1月1日更新 (轉貼)


Source:Dinar Chronicles

Must Watch Video


Levin on The Blaze:1月6日,我們將瞭解到我們的憲法是否將維持:

Judy Note:Deep State politicians and bureaucrats,FBI,CIA and Ch*e Communist Party co-conspirators had held back the RV and Global Currency Reset because it took away their money supply,and interfered with their goal to install a New World Order where they could have complete control over peoples of the globe.

朱迪註:深州的政客和官僚,聯邦調查局,中央情報局和中共的同謀阻止了RV和全球貨幣重置,因為它帶走了他們的貨幣供應,並干擾了他們的目標 - 建立一個新的世界秩序,他們可以完全控制全球人民。

POTUS,the US Department of Defense,Russian,Israeli,German,French,Swiss and other Alliance nations'Spec Op(SOF)units were hunting down Deep State Globalists.Because of the Nashville RV bombing a special mission by SOF units was formed to take down the Deep State.

總統、美國國防部、俄羅斯、以色列、德國、法國、瑞士和其他聯盟國的特種部隊正在追捕"深州全球主義者"。由於納什維爾的 RV 轟炸,特種部隊成立了一個特別任務,以打倒深州。

In order to complete the mission and assure safety in the redemption/exchange process,the Tier 4B start was moved to Mon.-Wed.4-6 Jan.2021.

為了完成任務並確保贖回/交換過程中的安全,4B 層的起點被移到了週一。2021年1月4日至6日。

Tier 4B would be given at least 7-8 days to do Zim redemption and exchange foreign currencies at special rates,after which the general public would be notified that they could exchange foreign currencies at the new International Rates.

第4B 層將獲給予最少7至8天的時間,以特別匯率兌換中央銀行的貨幣,然後通知公眾他們可以按新的國際匯率兌換外幣。

Xekleidoma|2020/12/31:2020年概況 (轉貼)

It's the last day of the year 2020 AD and again a year has passed without the Event manifesting.That in itself is very disappointing,especially considering we had 4 global meditations this year that achieved critical mass.But I want to give a brief overview of the successes and setbacks the year brought:


林伍德的特別推文|Sierra(NZ) (轉貼)


Wow!Lin Wood tweeted that VP Pence has committed treason and may be executed.Head is spinning.


Scroll down the comments on the Lin Wood tweet.Anons are stunned by this development.As one said:'Wow.2021 here we go.'An Anon believes that the Alliance is trying to give the[D]eep[S]tate a false sense of security.I honestly don't know.It's interesting that my favourite tweeter who re-tweeted it didn't have any words either.


Meanwhile Secretary of State Pompeo tweeted a pic of a book written by[C]linton.Interesting week ahead.


2021年1月2日 星期六

一場靈魂之戰: 如果總統不採取行動,美國人民就會 (轉貼)



舞弊,竊選,最重要的不是關乎誰當選總統,最重要的是,公民的選票還算不算數,美國的民主與共和之基還存不存在。 這個權利,單靠總統一人,是無法維持的,靠的是每一個美國人自己。


