2021年1月7日 星期四

恢復共和國通過 GCR|更新至2021年1月6日星期三 (轉貼)


Source:Dinar Chronicles

Millions were expected at the Save America Rally Trump Speaks 11am EST Wed.5 Jan.


Judy Note:There has been no Intel from our Military Intel Contact since Sun.3 Jan.At that time he said us in the Internet Group Tier 4B would be started by some time Wed.6 Jan.

朱迪註:自從1月3日星期日以來,沒有情報從我們的軍事情報聯繫。當時他說我們互聯網集團 4B層將在1月6日星期三的某個時候啟動。

Also on Wed.6 Jan.was the Electoral College Bombshell,Mass Arrests,Mass"Stop the Steal"rallies in Washington DC and elsewhere,plus a possible announcement of a return to a gold-backed US dollar–as explained in the below Restored Republic Events.


The next day Thurs.Jan.7 was expected to be the first of ten days of a Period of Enlightenment than ran to Sun.Jan.17.


As soon as we obtained a Safe Link Website used to obtain an appointment to exchange/redeem,it would be posted here and on various Dinar websites.


Tier 4B would be given at least 7-8 days to do Zim redemption and exchange foreign currencies at special rates,after which the general public would be notified that they could exchange foreign currencies at the new International Rates.

第4B 層將獲給予最少7至8天的時間,以特別匯率兌換中央銀行的貨幣,然後通知公眾他們可以按新的國際匯率兌換外幣。


With his November 2,2020 Executive Order,POTUS put us in NESARA–120 days after November 2 is March 2'21 for the required new NESARA Elections.


Charlie Ward:Trump stepped down on Nov.3 and went from president to presidential candidate.With Trump stepping down and once things were settled with Biden/Harris gone–the Power House would step in(JF Kennedy Jr.).


On Jan.1 2021 Trump said,"It's big,it's all signed and goes into effect Jan.1."Evidently he was referring to a return to the gold-backed dollar.https://youtu.be/t6NKAOu_MGI(min.12:35)


As of that same Jan.1 2021 there were said to be 209 nations including the US,which were in the process of implementing NESARA/GESARA and debt forgiveness–all having placed their gold/asset-backed currencies at a 1:1 par with each other.

截至2021年1月1日,據說包括美國在內的209個國家正在實施 NESARA/GESARA 和債務減免——所有這些國家都將其黃金/資產支持貨幣相互之間的比例定為1:1。

A.Restored Republic Events Schedule:

A. 恢復共和國活動時間表:

On New Years Day Fri.1 Jan.2021 Delta Forces raided a Biden Family 200 acre estate in the Ukraine.A maze of tunnels beneath the complex that ran for miles was believed to have been used for human trafficking and to launder money,gold,guns and ammunition.Delta Forces seized$300 million in gold bullion,Chinese-made guns,ammunition and laptops filled with evidence of a massive international money laundering,gun running,child and human trafficking scheme.


The next day on Sat.2 Jan.Joe Biden was said arrested for Treason and was now wearing an ankle bracelet,while Mike Pence stepped down as VP so he could preside over the 6 Jan.Electoral College without prejudice.


On Mon.4 Jan.Trump Attorney Lin Wood tweeted that Chief Justice John Roberts&a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide were being blackmailed in a horrendous scheme involving rape and murder of children captured on videotape.


On Wed.6 Jan.at 9am EST just prior to Congress meeting in the Electoral College,the Trump legal team would present documentation of foreign intervention in the US 2020 Election and arrests of political and global elites involved in Election Fraud and pedophilia.An announcement about the new Quantum Financial System could be made.


On Wed.6 Jan.Vice President Mike Pence would preside over a session of both houses of Congress to count Electoral College votes and hear challenges from Republican lawmakers.Disputes over election results in Georgia,Pennsylvania,Michigan,Wisconsin,Arizona,and Nevada remain unresolved after courts refused to address the allegations of election fraud and irregularities,and state legislatures were out of session.Over 140 members of the House and many senators have announced they would dispute the results and argue cases of Voter Fraud.


On that same Wed.6 Jan.Mass Quit Stealing the Vote Rallies would be in full force in Washington DC and major cities.


Between now and Jan.7:Period of Darkness"The Storm is Upon Us"…President Trump


Thurs.7 Jan.was also the Satanic Holiday of St.Winebald Day that called for blood sacrifice and dismemberment of a victim age 15-33 according to an Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays put together by professional therapists from childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused(SRA)clients.


Thurs.Jan.7 to Sun.Jan.17:Period of Enlightenment


Thurs.Jan.21 2021:The Great Awakening


March 2021:John F.Kennedy Jr.(Juan O'Savin)repeatedly said that the Inauguration would not take place on Jan.20,but on April 1.The election would be transparent,instantaneous and take place under the new and already tested Quantum Voting System where US citizens could vote using their own computers or phones.

2021年3月:小約翰·甘迺迪(胡安·奧薩文)一再表示,就職典禮不會在1月20日舉行,而是在4月1日。此次選舉將是透明的、即時的,並將在已經經過測試的新量子投票系統(Quantum Voting System)下進行。美國公民可以使用自己的電腦或手機進行投票。

March 30 2021 Restored Republic Elections.


By 1 April 2021 all political criminality would be exposed and prosecuted.


B.Trump Attorney Lin Wood Tweets on Mon.4 Jan.2021:

B. 川普律師林·伍德2021年1月4日發推:

I believe Chief Justice John Roberts&a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide are being blackmailed in a horrendous scheme involving rape&murder of children captured on videotape.

我相信首席大法官約翰·羅伯茨(John Roberts)和世界各地許多有權勢的人正在一起涉及強姦和謀殺兒童的可怕陰謀中被勒索。

I have the key to the files containing the videos.Others also have the encryption key.


This blackmail scheme is conducted by members of ten of the world's most well-known&"elite"intelligence agencies.


One of those groups was hacked by a group known as Lizard Squad.The blackmail files of rape&murder were obtained and a copy was provided to Isaac Kappy.


Kappy gave the files to one friend and the encryption key to another friend shortly before he was murdered in May 13,2019.


The blackmail targets are approached with a gun,a child,&a camera.The target is ordered to rape the child on video.The target is then ordered to shoot the child on video.The target is then owned&controlled by the blackmailers until blackmail evidence loses its value.


Jeffrey Epstein used this same blackmail scheme of child rape&child murder to either further his own interests or those of any intelligence agency with whom he worked.


I have no idea extent of blackmail scheme of raping&killing children but given the number of agencies involved,the hundreds of thousands of missing children,&the otherwise inexplicable actions of many powerful officials,celebrities,&business leaders,I fear the worst.


Many issues in our world may be tied to this blackmail scheme,including the bizarre behavior of officials&judges in the recent election.


C.Mon.4 Jan.Delta Force Raids Biden-controlled Compound in Ukraine on Jan.1 2021:

C. 2021年1月1日,三角洲部隊襲擊拜登控制的烏克蘭大院

New Years Day 1 Jan.2021 Delta Force raided a Biden 200 acre estate stronghold in the Ukraine in cooperation with Ukraine government.


It was found to be the headquarters of Paradine Global Advisors.

它被發現是 Paradine 全球顧問公司的總部。

In the late summer of 2006 the Biden family bought Paradine Global Advisors as a hedgefund and fired 95%of staff.

2006年夏末,拜登家族收購了 Paradine 全球顧問公司作為對沖基金,並解僱了95%的員工。

June 2009:The company was found to be a slush fund for laundering money.


Delta Forces seized$300 million in gold bullion,Russia made guns and ammunition and laptops filled with evidence of a massive international money laundering scheme.


Beneath the property was a maze of tunnels running for miles that contained ankle and wrist shackles with human flesh on them.


D.Biden Arrested,SCOTUS Roberts Caught,CIA Child Trafficking,Gun and Drug Running Ring Exposed:

D. 拜登被捕,最高法院羅伯茨被捕,中情局販賣兒童,槍支和販毒集團曝光:

E.Tues.5 Jan.Charlie Ward with Carly and Julia:

E. 2010年1月5日星期二查理沃德與卡莉和朱莉婭:

Nine states had more votes than registered voters


Most of the Cabal have been dealt with


According to JFK Jr.:


There was a total of over 600,000 indictments served


Prisons were at GITMO,Artic Circle and Greenland


They processed in a year around 2,000 a day


In the first three months no one appealed because there was so much evidence against them.


They included celebrities,politicians,CIA Operatives,lawyers,Cabal leaders


All confessions were videotaped


A lot of information would come out in the next two weeks


It will be exposed quickly


F.Mon.4 Jan.2021:President Is Ready to Use the#1 Wood(Martial Law&Insurrection Act)O'Savin,Steele,transcribed by Kat:

2021年1月4日星期一:總統準備使用#1 伍德(戒嚴法和暴亂法案)

Judy Summary:


1.The Presidential Inauguration would not take place on Jan.20,but on April 1.


2.NESARA was put in place on Nov.2 2020

NESARA 於2020年11月2日開始

3.Q hints:


Jan.4:"Guardians of the Pedophiles"(Lin Wood Tweets on Jan.4)


Jan 5:"Panic in D.C."


Jan.6:the historic Trump Rally in D.C.is"FisaGate"Obama and Hillary.


4.The foreign Interference in our 2020 Election was C*a,but the UK City of London's Rothschild was a major culprit who has been coordinating with the CIA.


5.All of the conspirators from the US side,McCain's staff,the FBI people,Peter Strzok and Lisa Page…they all went to the City of London…the created this whole dossier thing was out of the City of London…MI5 and MI6 behind that whole operation.


6.Obama sent to Iran…$152 Billion dollars.Only a few Billion was in cash in a couple of pallets…the rest of it was digital…Digital money went to the Ukrainian banks and down to the Vatican banks…in order to steal this Election…in favor of those U.S.tr/ai/tors people who could only be controlled through the Brits…So/ros is really a covert British puppet agent…the money came from crashing the Pound and it was a Black Operation to create a Straw Man that they could then use as this figurehead for real mischief throwing their money around the world as though it was being done by this id/iot So/ros…


7.The courts in each of the Battleground States have been compromised,and it goes all the way up to Supreme Court Justice Roberts.


8.It really comes down to these Battleground States…and determining how we're gonna deal with that…you can't have 4 or 6 states where Capone's running them…you don't say because Capone's running the City of Chicago he gets the rest of the country…or the rest of Illinois…


9.17:38 RDSteele:I think Justice Ro/berts is a dead man walking…I think he's toast and he's inevitably going to have to commit suicide or resign…

9.17:38 斯蒂爾:我認為羅伯茨法官已經是個行屍走肉了......我認為他已經完蛋了,他不可避免地要麼自殺,要麼辭職.....。

10.18:37 Juan O'Savin:When he's allowed the Justice system to run its course…the President is ready to use the#1 Wood(Martial Law)as soon as everybody else has gotten off the turf…

10.18:37 胡安·奧薩文:當他允許司法系統繼續運作的時候,總統已經準備好了,只要其他人一離開地盤,他就會使用一號木材(戒嚴法)。

G.Juan O'Savin:the Inauguration will NOT take place on January 20th.Bets are for April 1st,April Fool's Day.The original Inaugural date was March 20th.


With his November 2,2020 Executive Order,POTUS put us in NESARA–120 days after November 2 is March 2'21 for the required new NESARA Elections.


Executive Order on Establishing the President's Advisory 1776 Commission 2 Nov.2020:


The Plan is to reveal NESARA,the Quantum Financial and Voting systems,have public arrests and Military tribunals.We will have our country back and we'll do it as cleanly as possible with the least risk of ongoing infection or complications after the surgery is done.The surgery is scheduled.This is all about the preparation,the pre-op and then laying ground work for a nice rapid healthy post-op recovery.

該計劃是要揭露 NESARA,量子金融和投票系統,有公開逮捕和軍事法庭。我們會讓我們的國家回來,我們會儘可能乾淨俐落地完成手術,以最小的持續感染或併發症的風險。手術已經安排好了。這一切都是關於準備,術前準備,然後為術後快速健康康復奠定基礎。

Jan.4:"Guardians of the Pedophiles"Lin Wood Tweeted on Jan.4:


Jan 5:"Panic in D.C."


Jan.6:The historic Trump Rally in D.C.is"FisaGate"with prominent photos of Ob/ama and Hil/lary.Perhaps they are among the public arrests that will occur on Wednesday?Keeping in mind,the arrests have already happened.


0:15 RDSteele:When people talk about Foreign Interference they always talk about China but you and I have always talked about the United Kingdom City of London,Rothschild's lair…what is your sense on who is the TRUE Foreign Interference power behind the Russian witch hunt and the Election fraud…

0:15 斯蒂爾:當人們談論外國干涉的時候,他們總是談論中國,但是你和我總是談論英國倫敦城,羅斯柴爾德的老巢...你對誰是俄羅斯政治迫害和選舉舞弊背後真正的外國干涉力量有什麼看法..。

0:30 Juan O'Savin:Robert I've been talking about the Brits being behind all this mischief against the President all the way back when he was running as a candidate in the Summer of 2016…


0:44 All of the conspirators from the US side,McCain's staff,the FBI people,Peter Strzok and Lisa Page…they all went to the City of London…the created this whole dossier thing out of the City of London…MI5 and MI6 behind that whole operation…


1:04 Up to now most people just kinda blew that off…didn't'understand that even to this moment in the Election…this is about Brits working and coordinating with American trai/tors…U.S.based tr/aitors…embedded in U.S.3-letter agencies…coordinating their actions…


1:25 CIA has been coordinating with British Intelligence friends…and with other Intelligence agencies,including Mossad,to cook this vote…


1:35 Those servers in Frankfurt,Germany…they were just a pass through location…an important one,there was some forensic data there on those servers but the ultimate location that we're looking at is Italy…


1:55 And it was British INTEL officers who were at that location that were coordinating this stolen vote through the Dominion system…


2:20 The taxpayer money that Obama sent to Iran…$152 Billion dollars…only a few Billion was in cash in a couple of pallets…the rest of it was digital…Digital money went to the Ukrainian banks and down to the Vatican banks…that location in Italy is where all this was being coordinated out of…in order to steal our votes…steal this Election…in favor of those U.S.tr/ai/tors people who could only be controlled through the Brits…


2:48 RDSteele:Let me bring you back to the English Government:Royals,House of Lords which is owned by the Zionists…City of London which is owned by Rothschild's specifically…then you have MI6&MI5 as Agents of the Crown…are there any other pieces of the British Govt.that I've left out?

2:48 斯蒂爾:讓我帶你們回到英國政府皇室,上議院,屬於猶太復國主義者...倫敦城,屬於羅斯柴爾德的特別擁有...然後你們有軍情六處和軍情五處,作為英國政府的代理人...還有其他的英國政府部門嗎。還有什麼遺漏的嗎?

3:21 Juan O'Savin:Well remember So/ros is really a covert British puppet agent…the money came from crashing the Pound and it was a Black Operation to create a Straw Man that they could then use as this figurehead for real mischief throwing their money around the world as though it was being done by this id/iot So/ros…


7:42 Juan O'Savin:Well the Forensic fraud I think we can make a pretty good case all the way through but nobody has pulled all the pieces into 1 thread…I think that probably needs to be done…


8:27 RDSteele:Let's go to the courts…one of the things that fascinates me given that Sidney Powell has written several books,the most important one being License to Lie…it's clear now to me that the entire court System…not only in the state courts…but also the Supreme Court with Justice Roberts that's under the gun as an alleged pe/do/phile blackmailed by a foreign government…

8:27 斯蒂爾:讓我們去法院吧,其中一件讓我著迷的事情是,西德尼·鮑威爾寫了幾本書,最重要的一本是《說謊許可證》,現在我很清楚,整個法院系統,不僅在州法院,而且在最高法院,羅伯茨法官被指控為被外國政府勒索的私人偵探。

8:50 It's clear to me that the courts in each of these states have been compromised…they're not actually doing justice in the American interest…


9:00 Juan O'Savin:If you can't get to Justice in the Justice department what's your alternative?...the courts are a captured operation…Rosenstein was running honey-pots,blackmail,extortion…I believe we'll find eventually mu/rder…ALL OF THE JUDGES ARE COMPROMISED…on the Federal level…

9:00 胡安·奧薩文:如果你不能在司法部門伸張正義,你還有什麼選擇?...法院是一個被俘的行動...羅森斯坦運行蜜罐,勒索,敲詐...我相信我們最終會發現謀殺...所有的法官都妥協了...在聯邦一級..。

9:20 RDSteele:I agree with you and you've just made the case for Military Tribunals and the Insurrection Act…because Military Tribunals and Martial Law are there when the Civil system breaks down…so the courts cannot be relied on therefore we need Military Tribunals,etc…

9:20 斯蒂爾:我同意你的觀點,你剛剛為軍事法庭和法暴亂案提出了理由,因為當民事系統崩潰時,軍事法庭和戒嚴法就在那裡,所以不能依賴法庭,因此我們需要軍事法庭等等。.

9:44 Let's talk about the Legislatures…uniquely and Lou Dobbs pointed this out…5 of the Battleground states,both Chambers are run by Republican legislators who have a Constitutional right to reject the fraudulent Election rigged by the Executive and to send Trump Electors to congress on the 6th of January…what's your view in terms of the Legislatures rejecting the fraud…

9:44讓我們來談談立法機構...獨一無二的 Lou Dobbs 指出了這一點...5個戰場州,兩院都由共和黨議員管理,他們有憲法權利拒絶行政部門操縱的選舉舞弊,並在1月6日把川普的選舉人送到國會...你對立法機構拒絶舞弊有什麼看法..。

POLITICO's 8 states where 202 election will be won or lost:Arizona,Florida,Georgia,Michigan,Minnesota,North Carolina,Pennsylvania and Wisconsin


11:58 RDSteele:Juan let me take you to Congress…Congress has one vote per Delegation and this time,unlike 2016,we do have Senators that will endorse the House Republican objections to many of these states…how do you see that playing out?

11:58 斯蒂爾:胡安讓我帶你去國會......國會每個代表團只有一票,這次不同於2016年,我們有參議員支持眾議院共和黨人反對這些州中的許多州......你怎麼看待這種情況?

12:12 Juan O'Savin:Again,I wouldn't bet the country on these Politicians being able to get their act together…we've got some good guys in there but there's a number of em comin in the door lookin a certain way but will be compromised…it's like the issue with Mark Mea/dows…I haven't fallen any particular way with Mark…Mark's done a lot of good stuff over the years…the other side of the coin is…at the critical moment,which way is he going to go?

12:12 胡安·奧薩文:再說一次,我不會把全國賭注押在這些政客們能夠一起行動上......我們有一些好人在裡面,但是他們中的一些人進來的時候看起來像某種方式,但是會妥協......這就像馬克·米道斯的問題......我和馬克沒有任何特別的關係......馬克這些年來做了很多好事......硬幣的另一面是......在關鍵時刻,他會走哪條路?

12:44 Same thing with Pe/nce…the entire history of his political public life will be reduced down to a few seconds in the Media,in History books,of what happens with Mike Pen/ce…as we get to the critical moments there in the vote…

12:44 彭斯也是一樣......他的整個政治生涯的歷史將會縮短到幾秒鐘,在媒體上,在歷史書上,關於彭斯發生了什麼......當我們進入投票的關鍵時刻.....。

13:25 RDSteele:I get all that…let me keep you on track here…why would the President wait until after the vote to do the Insurrection Act?Why shouldn't he do the Insurrection Act on Monday and say,we're gonna slow this whole thing down,and we're gonna delay it by 30 days,or even 15 days…for the Congressional Vote…is the President ready…and I don't think he is…is the President ready to present compelling evidence under television cameras on the 6th of January?

13:25 斯蒂爾:我明白你的意思...你是說...為什麼總統要等到投票之後才採取暴亂法案?為什麼他不能在星期一提出暴亂案,然後說,我們要把整件事放慢,我們要把它推遲30天,甚至15天......等待國會投票......總統準備好了嗎......我不認為他準備好了......總統準備好在1月6日,在電視攝像機前提出令人信服的證據了嗎?

13:46 Juan O'Savin:The President has options,about a half a dozen,I don't'believe they've absolutely locked in on a specific option…they're all just at options…


16:39 Juan O'Savin:Yeah it really comes down to these battleground states…and determining how we're gonna deal with that…you can't have 4 or 6 states where Capone's running them…you don't say because Capone's running the City of Chicago he gets the rest of the country…or the rest of Illinois…


17:38 RDSteele:I think Justice Ro/berts is a dead man walking…I think he's toast and he's inevitably going to have to commit suicide or resign…

17:38 斯蒂爾:我認為羅伯茨法官已經是個行屍走肉了......我認為他已經完蛋了,他不可避免地要麼自殺,要麼辭職.....。

18:37 Juan O'Savin:When he's allowed the Justice system to run its course…the President is ready to use the#1 Wood as soon as everybody else has gotten off the turf…


H.2021年1月5日星期二,布魯斯:Thebigcall.net 712-770-4016 pin123456#

1.The buy/sell bond transactions have been traded and completed.The owner's accounts were hydrated and would be made liquid by Wed.5 2021.


2.A couple of bankers felt we in Tier 4B would receive notification Thurs.7 Jan.and start Fri.8 Jan.

2.一些銀行家認為我們在4B 層會在1月7日收到通知,從1月8日開始。

I.Mon.4 Jan.JFK Jr Will Be First President Of The NESARA Compliant United States!!(And He's Q!)

1月4日星期一,小甘迺迪將成為符合 NESARA 標準的美國第一任總統

J."The Storm is Upon Us"


"The Storm is Upon Us"…President Trump on Mon.4 Jan.2021


"If"Donald Trump:


Help Stop a Ch*se Communist Party Takeover of America:



Dr.Wakefield Warns C19 Vaccine Caused Irreversible Genetic Modification:

維克菲爾德博士警告 C19疫苗導致不可逆轉的基因工程:

The"approved"vaccines remain experimental under that EUA and no one can be forced to take them.Nonetheless the presumptive president-elect,Joe Biden,has issued a major,but profoundly disturbing,anti-science statement on COVID calling upon all Americans to mask when in public(he said'It is our patriotic duty',in the face of the vast tide of scientific studies that show literally no place for masking in the general public),during his anticipated first 100 days as president,and promising 100 million vaccinations in the first 100 days.

根據歐盟協定,"批准的"疫苗仍然處於試驗階段,不能強迫任何人服用。儘管如此,當選總統喬·拜登(Joe Biden)還是發表了一份關於 COVID 的重要但令人深感不安的反科學聲明,呼籲所有美國人在公共場合戴口罩(他說,面對大量科學研究表明在公眾面前幾乎沒有戴口罩的地方,'這是我們的愛國責任'),在他預計就任總統的頭100天,並承諾在頭100天內接種1億針疫苗。

That is one million jabs each day.For a rapidly developed pair of vaccines whose carefully screened and selected recipients have been observed,in a few cases for as long as 14 weeks and,in most cases,for a total period of only 8 weeks.


Consider that the FDA/CDC had established a smart phone App for First Responders to report vaccine adverse reactions.After over 5,000 serious reactions in just the first few days,the App was terminated.It appears that the adverse reaction rate for the EUA vaccines is running between 2 and 4%.This is a very high adverse reaction level,even for vaccines!...

考慮到 FDA/CDC 已經為第一反應者建立了一個報告疫苗不良反應的智慧型手機應用程序。僅僅在最初的幾天裡就有超過5000個嚴重的反應,這個 App 被終止了。似乎 EUA 疫苗的不良反應率在2%至4%之間。這是一個非常高的不良反應水平,即使是疫苗!...

But here's the kicker,the heart of my prediction.


Anyone running the numbers can see that there will be a huge increase of people who are sick and dying following vaccination--UP TO 50,000 EACH DAY!But all that illness will be blamed on a new,worse,more devastating version of the C19 virus and more vaccines,including vector and DNA vaccines,will be called for.

任何人運行的數字都可以看到,疫苗接種後生病和死亡率將有一個巨大的增加 每天高達50,000人!但是,所有這些疾病都將歸咎於一種新的、更糟糕的、更具破壞性的 C19病毒,人們將需要更多的疫苗,包括載體疫苗和 DNA 疫苗。

L.International Child Sex Trafficking Ring:

L. 國際兒童性交易集團:

Sun.3 Jan.2021 Charlie Ward:"When hospitals do abortions they take the babies to W*n C*a where they are tortured to create Adrenochrome."


PedoEmpire 5 Books,42 chapters Free Online:


M.Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays:

M. 惡魔節日的神秘曆法:

Thurs.7 Jan.was the Satanic Holiday of St.Winebald Day that called for blood sacrifice and dismemberment of a victim age 15-33 according to an Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays put together by professional therapists from childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused(SRA)clients.


Be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled children and teens being forced to participate in the rape,torture and murder of other children.Months in advance Satan worshippers planned for their holidays by kidnapping children and teens.The victims were starved,tortured and used in sex orgies in preparation for human sacrifice rites.


Please report suspected Satanic activities to your local law enforcement.Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments,cover your tracks by also contacting U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE):https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form,call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 and contact the Federal Human Trafficking Website:https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking/



If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking,contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and/or the non-profit Saving Innocence.https://ourrescue.org/https://savinginnocence.org

如果你希望加入拯救兒童免遭國際性販賣的行動,請聯繫地下鐵路行動和/或非營利組織拯救無辜的 Tim Ballard。

N."Twenty Two Faces:inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,"Judy Byington

N. 《二十二張臉:珍妮·希爾和她的二十二個多重人格的非凡生活》,朱迪·拜因頓

WARNING:Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five,was raped,tortured,forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention,was almost killed herself–not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers.Satan-follower perpetrators appeared to be organized from the US Inc's CIA,Queen Elizabeth's,Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons,Hollywood,Pizzagate and local teenage covens.They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system–the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset.It's no wonder that President Trump has stated,"These people are sick."

警告:珍妮給出了一個生動的描述,關於她如何在5歲的幼小年齡,被強姦,折磨,被迫觀看一個兒童犧牲和為了神的干預(電影),幾乎自殺-不像其他數以千計的兒童受害者的骯髒經歷撒旦崇拜者。撒旦追隨者的行兇者似乎是有組織的,從美國公司的中央情報局,伊莉莎白女王,梵蒂岡的第九圈兒童祭祀邪教,直到克林頓,好萊塢,披薩門 (Pizzagate) 和當地的青少年聚會。他們是由同一個陰謀集團資助運行我們的全球貨幣系統正是這個組織被激活的全球貨幣重置搞垮了。難怪川普總統說"這些人病了"

O.The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA Was All About the Children

O.全球貨幣重置和 NESARA/GESARA 都是為了孩子們

It's not about the money.It's about the children–the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who,in honor of Satan,were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office,was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by global elites.Let us fast and pray for these little ones who were now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe,and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door.Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them.The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs


Judy Note:I do not now,nor have I ever,received monies for writing my Updates and articles.The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse,Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.


The above was a summary of information from the Internet.It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown;to humble Wildfire Lady who was adept at exposing the truth;to Martha who worked around the clock to discern what was real in the fake news;to Brad who did great research;to Ken who uncovered almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children and to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening.

以上是來自互聯網的信息摘要。這將取決於讀者做他們自己的研究,並決定是否有效。非常感謝那些願意保持默默無聞的內幕消息提供者;謙卑的野火女士,她善於揭露真相;瑪莎,她晝夜不停地工作,以辨別假新聞中的真假;布拉德,她做了很好的研究;肯,她發現了幾乎無限的戀童癖情報,以幫助我們拯救兒童;邦尼 B,她揭露了真正發生的事情的根本原因。

Divide They Try,Fail They Will;WWG1WGA to Support POTUS,Follow Q&Trust Plan


I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is,plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites.It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it would generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to agree to in order to get appointments.


After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email,post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days,so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.This was not a goodbye.I expected to be working with many of you in the near future.I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know all of you.You will remain in my heart forever.


Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be.I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together,we will make life better for all.


Patience is a Virtue.Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being.Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.Judy



