2019年3月28日 星期四

【本傑明·富爾福德】 2019年3月25日 新聞快訊 (轉貼)

Negotiations to create “world federation government” reach critical stage as Zionism implodes
Benjamin Fulford, 25 March, 2019

本傑明·富爾福德 2019年3月25日 新聞快訊

[轉貼者註:請一併參考【本傑明·富爾福德】 2019年2月25日 新聞快訊,大衛·威爾科克對該內容的留言]

The month of March continues its madness with an unprecedented historical event—the formation of the first-ever world government—unfolding before our eyes.  What is happening is that the P2 Freemason lodge, the people who created monotheism, are making a deal with the Asian secret societies to create a “world federation government,” P2 and Asian secret society sources confirm.  The only people standing in the way now are Satan-worshipers and fanatical Zionists who still cling to ancient superstitions.


There are multiple news events that confirm this.  For example, take look at this picture of negotiations between China and Monaco on the official Chinese news site Xinhua.



Does this look like negotiations between a two-square-kilometer country with a population of 38,400 and the government of 1.4 billion Chinese?  What is really going on is that Monaco is headquarters of the very powerful and secretive Monaco Freemason Lodge, otherwise known as P2.  This means Monaco is a powerful city-state rivaling Washington, D.C., the City of London, and the Vatican, P2 sources say.  They are discussing cooperation “in such fields as science and technology, innovation, ecological and environmental protection, wildlife conservation, and renewable energy.”


2019年3月21日 星期四

【本傑明·富爾福德】 2019年3月18日 新聞快訊 (轉貼)

Battle to free humanity from cabal control reaching vital turning point
Benjamin Fulford, 18 March, 2019

本傑明·富爾福德 2019年3月18日 新聞快訊

[轉貼者註:請一併參考【本傑明·富爾福德】 2019年2月25日 新聞快訊,大衛·威爾科克對該內容的留言]

The battle to free humanity from a cult of human-sacrificing Satan worshipers (Ba’al, Molech, etc.) is reaching a key turning point as intense battles rage on multiple fronts.  In essence, the battle is between the masses, allied with the military of most countries, against a deeply entrenched top-level elite.


People who are wondering why no mass arrests have taken place need to understand that we are dealing with a millennia-old control system that does not intend to go quietly into the night.  To understand how deep the rabbit hole runs, please take a look at the diagram below.


This chart is not just about ancient history, but rather represents a system that still to this day controls most top world rulers.


2019年3月20日 星期三


中港台馬冥想時間 :
3 月 21 日 ( 禮拜四 ) 清晨 5:58 分

 冥想簡介 :


It is also a powerful moment for Goddess energy, and a time of balance between day and night. Mother Earth is balanced between summer and winter. Night and day are in harmony.


On the Northern hemisphere, the aspect is manifesting in the Light part of the cycle. On the Southern hemisphere, the other aspect is manifesting the Dark part of the cycle. So the two hemispheres mirror each other. When we recognize this beautiful symmetry and allow ourselves to FEEL it, we can comprehend the Wholeness of Being: the truth that we are ONE.


For those of us in the North, celebrating the Spring Equinox, there are now more hours of daylight to propel our souls to move forward, and make needed changes. A time of renewal and rebirth, resurrection. It’s time of transition allow your soul to let go of the old and plant new seeds to grow for the life coming. Goddess may now stretch herself over the land, bringing new life and God may walk the greening fields, showing delight in new life sprouting.


2019年3月19日 星期二

【新】【Peter B. Meyer】《天外世界量子金融體系》(轉貼)

彼得·梅爾(Peter B. Meyer)2019年3月6日


QFS 系統沒有任何等效的先進



每個國家必須遵守 GESARA 才能參與 QFS

QFS 終結央行的腐敗陰謀

QFS (量子金融系統)將覆蓋新的全球黃金或資產支持貨幣轉移網絡,此網絡是由中國和俄羅斯發起,旨在取代美國中央控制的 Swift 系統。

QFS 是運行在基於軌道衛星的量子電腦上,並受到秘密太空程序的保護,以確保它不會被黑客攻擊。 QFS 是由善良的星際朋友所提供。新金融體系的目的是終結銀行流氓的陰謀腐敗、高利貸和操縱行為。關鍵是實施限制,與防止腐敗的銀行浪流氓牟取巨額利潤。

QFS 完全獨立於現有的中央系統,因此以前所有的傳輸系統比如區塊鏈或其他等,它們是不必要的,至少無必要使用區塊鏈技術,因為它的缺點被至少另外兩個傳輸網絡所取代,使得加密技術的必要性受到很大的質疑。此外,在貨幣重估( RV )之後,所有主權貨幣都將回歸金本位,以確保其價值的可持續性,屆時,無擔保加密數字的需求就會過時,因為它只是電腦內存銀行中的數字。


隨着 QFS 的激活,銀河聯盟將徹底擊潰以摧毀世界經濟,和陷人類於債務奴隸的央行系統。鮮為人知的真相是, QFS 與央行系統已運行了好幾個月(如果不是一年多的話),並擊退了陰謀集團多次試圖竊取資金的黑客攻擊。其結果是,許多銀行流氓在非法轉賬時被當場抓獲。

【新】【Michael Love】3月16日《昴宿星關鍵任務更新》(轉貼)

(2019/3/17 上午 10:05 截圖自:http://sosrff.tsu.ru/?page_id=7)

operation andara is a grand success and is now well underway!

Andara 行動是一個巨大的成功,現在正很好地進行著

earth frequency is in a max-q state and the planet is in a total 40 hertz gamma white out situation at this hour!!

地球頻率正處於高強度( max-q )的狀態,此時此刻地球正完全處於 40 赫茲伽瑪白光中

【推】【昴宿星】《事件更新—Andara行動 : 第二階段》(轉貼)

(第一階段請參考:【昴宿星】《事件 - ANDARA行動》(轉貼)

Approximately 8 Earth weeks ago, a green light go was given by The Councils of Light to initiate Pleiadian Operation ‘Andara’!

大約 8 個地球星期前,一個“開始”的綠燈被光之議會給出來啟動昴宿星 Andara 行動

About Operation Andara:

Andara 行動:

Pleiadian healers aboard advanced light craft surrounding this planet are using powerful monatomic ‘Andara’crystal technology to emit an intense energetic field around planet Earth at to force all low-vibrational energy to separate from the Starseeds stationed here!

昴宿星的醫療官乘坐先進的光之飛船圍繞著這個星球,使用強大的單原子“ Andara” 水晶技術發射出一個強烈的能量場域包裹地球,迫使所有較低振動的能量與星際種子分離

Phase I of this galactic mission was to assist Earth Starseeds with relief from all types of 3d matrix bondage and life difficulties!

這個銀河使命的第一階段就是協助地球上的星際種子解除所有類型的 3D 矩陣束縛和生活困境

Celestial light forces have now initiated phase II of this special mission which is to open a Central Sun portal that provides an escape route from the 3D matrix re-incarnation trap!

天堂光之力量現在啟動了這個特殊使命的第二階段,也就是開啟一個中央太陽的門戶,提供一條離開 3D 矩陣輪迴陷阱的逃脫路線

This Central Sun portal resonates at 40-100 hertz and leads directly to the 5D New Earth!

這個中央太陽的門戶在 40-100 赫茲之間共振,直接通往 5D 新地球

The scheduled Earth date marker for this grand portal to be opened is at the Spring Equinox on 3/21/2019!

這個宏偉門戶開啟的日子安排於 2019 年 3 月 21 日的春分

2019年3月14日 星期四

【本傑明·富爾福德】 2019年3月11日 新聞快訊 (轉貼)

Pope Francis fired as 13 bloodlines, Gnostic Illuminati negotiate end of Western civil war
Benjamin Fulford, 11 March, 2019

本傑明·富爾福德 2019年3月11日 新聞快訊

[轉貼者註:請一併參考【本傑明·富爾福德】 2019年2月25日 新聞快訊,大衛·威爾科克對該內容的留言]

Pope Francis has been relieved of power as a part of a deal being negotiated between the Gnostic Illuminati and the 13 ruling bloodlines, say two sources, one a European royal, the other a Pentagon boss.  The two Western power centers, one based on meritocracy, the other on historical rule, have agreed to a jubilee and a massive campaign to “save the planet,” the sources say.


The Gnostic Illuminati, strongest in the military-industrial complex, and the bloodlines, who control finance and the media, agreed to compromise because they have to present a united Western front in order to make a deal with a resurgent Asia, they said.


Francis, who may stay on as a figurehead, was relieved of power because of the fiasco over convicted pedophile Cardinal Pell who ran the Vatican Bank, the sources say.  The Vatican and the Vatican Bank with its 6,000 bribery accounts of so-called “world leaders” are now run by “a troika of cardinals,” the Pentagon source says.


2019年3月10日 星期日















2019年3月8日 星期五

【本傑明·富爾福德】 2019年3月4日 新聞快訊 (轉貼)

Vatican bribery accounts for 6,000 so-called world leaders have been shut down
Benjamin Fulford, 4 March, 2019

本傑明·富爾福德 2019年3月4日 新聞快訊

[轉貼者註:請一併參考【本傑明·富爾福德】 2019年2月25日 新聞快訊,大衛·威爾科克對該內容的留言]

The world is headed for some fundamental changes now, thanks to an ongoing coup d’état against the secret government of the West, according to both Eastern and Western secret society sources.  The biggest change is that convicted pedophile Cardinal George Pell has been relieved of control of the Istituto per le Opere di Religione (Institute for Religious Works)—that is to say, the Vatican Bank.  This means the bribery accounts of over 6,000 so-called world leaders have fallen out of satanic P2 Freemason control, according to the sources.


As a background reminder, when a person becomes a prime minister, president, central bank governor, etc., they are visited by somebody from the Vatican Bank and given a bankbook with an astronomical sum of money in it, according to P2 Freemason and other sources.  This can range from US$100 million for the head of a small country, or over US$1 billion for the leader of a large country, the sources say.  The person is then told, “Welcome to the rich man’s club,” but is also warned that if he/she refuses the money, they will be killed.  This is the famous choice between silver or lead that the secret government has used for control since time immemorial.


2019年3月5日 星期二

體驗心得分享 (5) - 覺醒者應如何幫助人


當你從現實世界的幻象中醒來,發現你(以及周圍的人)每天都在「母體」(The Matrix)中生活,追求著虛假的目標,受到諸多既定的遊戲規則限制,而感到沮喪。









如果你符合上面的描述,首先恭喜你加入「分享者」的行列。(「分享者」是在「體驗心得分享 (4) - 2019新趨勢 - 善於分享者獲得權勢」中討論到的主題)


願原力與你同在。 (May the force be with you.)

2019年3月1日 星期五

體驗心得分享 (4) - 2019新趨勢 - 善於分享者獲得權勢



競爭式社會 V.S. 分享式社會








【本傑明·富爾福德】 2019年2月25日 新聞快訊 (轉貼)

Khazarian mafia play Trump blackmail card in final bid to avoid extermination
Benjamin Fulford, 25 February, 2019

本傑明·富爾福德 2019年2月25日 新聞快訊

* 文章結尾有大衛·威爾科克對本週內容的留言

The Khazarian mafia is in a state of deep panic as more and more people, including many Jews, wake up to their horrors.  That is why they are playing their trump card by blackmailing U.S. President Donald Trump into sabotaging the restoration of the U.S. Republic and preventing the start of military tribunals, say Pentagon and MI6 sources.


Trump is also going along with his son-in-law Jared Kushner’s Chabad plan (2,800 goyim slaves for each Jew) to start World War III with a war on Iran, the sources say.  The result is that U.S. military intelligence are coming to the conclusion that Trump must go.
