2020年4月3日 星期五
通過GCR恢復共和國(摘要)|更新於2020年4月2日 (轉貼)
Source:Dinar Chronicles
"Extraordinary times,it turns out,do not always call for extraordinary measures,or even extraordinary people.They often call for ordinary measures and ordinary people finding ways to do ordinary things when everything around them seems to make ordinariness impossible."
—Michael Austin,By Common Consent blog post
朱迪:所有情報公司都表示第4b層 (Tier4b)(我們,互聯網集團)的RV開始日期將在明天(4月2日)。
這次RV的發佈是一場戰爭的一部分,目的是打敗深層國家(Deep State)——深層國家顯然創造了冠狀病毒(Corona Virus),作為他們干預全球貨幣重置(全球貨幣重置正在奪走他們的貨幣供應)和減少世界人口議程的一部分。
Overnight on Mon.30 March from 10pm to midnight local times along the West Coast(CA,WA,TX&Midwest),and East Coast(FL,NC,VA,NY,etc)there was rolling phone and internet black outs to cover Spec Ops and other law enforcement arresting the rats(Deep State criminal cartel leaders and pedophile child and human traffickers).
Be Prepared:Evidently today on 1 April a Sherriff's department in California received a communiqué from the White House saying that there was a possibility that they could be under Martial Law by Fri.3 April.The general population would be asked to remain at home,with all but essential businesses closed down for two weeks.They were asking that the population be warned to be prepared.It was not known if that order just pertained to that particular county,the whole state of California,or the entire nation.
Martial Law:Evidently President Trump,the Department of Defense,Alliance and decision-makers felt that there has been enough significant Deep State arrests and containment of Deep State leaders globally under Alliance military and operations in Europe,USA and China that there would be no need to declare Martial Law.
Judy Note:It was interesting to note in relation to the above mass arrests and potential phone and internet blackouts,that today Wed.1 April in my own state of Utah,the governor appointed a retired general with no public health experience,to temporarily take over Utah's COVID-19 response.
Stock Market:On Wed.1 April at opening the Stock Market plunged over 800 points in the red,flat lined in the red all day and closed at 973 in the red.
The U.S.Dollar Index(USDX)was the value of a U.S.dollar relative to the value of a basket of currencies.The Market was said to have crashed when the US Dollar Index reached 100.Today Wed.1 April the Index rushed steadily upward all day toward 100.At this writing it was 99.727.https://www.investing.com/currencies/us-dollar-index-streaming-chart.
NESARA: According to Fleming Mortgage debt forgiveness and student loans forgiveness was happening now as part of NESARA.There were 100 different types of loans being forgiven now,with the interest paid out now being paid back.According to Bruce,NESARA started Mon.30 March when there were a number of mortgages forgiven.As of Tues.31 March morning the mortgage debt forgiveness applied to 23,000 mortgages.MarkZ heard that many home foreclosures had been stopped.That debt forgiveness program would continue and be completed by the end of April.On Student Loans you could call and have them suspended and they would not accrue any more debt.
NESARA: 根據弗萊明抵押貸款債務免除和學生貸款免除現在正在發生作為NESARA的一部分。現在有100種不同類型的貸款被免除,利息已經償還。根據Bruce的說法,NESARA從3月30日開始,當時有一些抵押貸款被免除了。截至3月31日星期二上午,抵押貸款債務免除申請了23,000筆抵押貸款。馬克斯聽說許多房屋止贖已經停止。債務減免計劃將繼續進行,並將在4月底前完成。關於學生貸款,你可以打電話要求暫停,他們不會增加任何更多的債務。
Stimulus Checks:As part of the release of monies to all Tiers,the bulk of Stimulus checks and direct deposits payments from the US Treasury were scheduled to go out by direct bank deposit tomorrow Thurs.2 April.According to Bruce and Fleming on Mon.30 March 638,000 Stimulus checks have already gone out.If you did not receive a direct deposit Stimulus check and you were a US citizen,you could go to a US Treasury site to set up your account and receive your monies.According to Bruce,the Stimulus Checks would not be just for two months,but were a precursor to a Universal Basic Income for US citizens.
Fri.27 March:The fiat US Dollar became gold-backed,the privately owned Federal Reserve integrated into the new US Treasury owned by The People,new currency rates of 209 sovereign nations were locked into bank screens and the Powers That Be began releasing liquidity for the Global Currency Reset.
Sun.29 March:After paying out certain Tier 3 groups and making some arrests the Department of Defense released the RV from their control.
Mon.30 March President Trump signed the final paperwork and Tier 3 began being paid.
Tues.31 March was the World Court mandated RV start date.The Admiral completed conversion of fiat USD to gold-backed USN process that was started last week in order to make sure that transactions processed in the QFS under the USN.The rest of Tier 3 was said to be paid out after which the intermediates were paid out.
Wed.1 April Groups in Reno were told they would be liquid.
Thurs.2 April was the deadline for Tier 4b(us,the Internet Group)to be notified on how to set our redemption appointments.
Wed.15 April currencies could no longer be exchanged at the Contract rates,Zim no longer redeemed,while the general public could exchange foreign currencies at banks and receive the new international rates.
For the latest news see Q's George News:https://george.news/#/
A.April 1 2020 Afternoon Fleming Update:Our Military Contact Verified that:
A. 2020年4月1日下午弗萊明更新:我們的軍事聯繫人證實:
1.We needed to get ready.
2.As Bruce stated we were in the midst of the 48 hours leading to Tier 4a,b start(that ended Thurs.2 April at 10 am EDT).
3.As Bruce said a total of 638,000 Stimulus checks have been cut by the US Treasury.The IRS started sending them out on Mon.30 March,and would continue to send them out.
4.Starting today Wed.1 April or tomorrow Thurs.2 April the US Treasury/IRS would be starting the direct deposit Stimulus payments.
5.Mortgage debt forgiveness and student loans forgiveness was happening now as part of NESARA.There were 100 different types of loans being forgiven now,with the interest being paid back.
6.The Mass Arrest operations would not take the Internet or phone service completely down,but there could be sporadic rolling outages in regions where Deep State rats were being arrested and where"dark nodes"in the internet were being removed("dark nodes"were used by Deep State agents to spy on us through cell phones,computers and smart appliances).
7.He said what Corey Goode said in David Wilcock's Sun 29 March Youtube video was true that phone and internet communications would not be going down entirely.
8.The virus was the Cabal's last ditch effort,though may be the perfect screen to do the arrests.The military units had been planning to do these arrests for years.They have been training in warehouses how to get in and out and how to get the people out alive and safely.They don't want to kill people.They want these people to be on trial.This was not a mass murder.This was arrests and apparently there's nothing that these[Deep State]guys could to do run.
9.He said Tier 4 a,b start was still at an any moment and has not changed.
10.Last night Tues.31 March the phone call between Trump and Hong Kong went well,though he couldn't reveal the details.
11.The Mon 6 April start date for Tire 4 was disinformation.
11.4月6日星期一是Tire 4的開始日期,這是假情報。
12.Having said the start was still imminent,he said that like it or not,this RV release was part of a war to defeat the Deep State,all changes in timing that happened till now have been part of the war and have been related to the strategic military goal of making us safe post-RV from the rats trying to steal our monies and harming us and our families.
13.We needed to remain patient and look at the big picture.
14.He said that my other military contact's Intel was accurate in that Tier 4a,b notifications were still imminent.
15.He said that the claim was ludicrous(and misinfo from obstructionists)that Tier 4a,b currency holders going out and spending money would"cause more danger and make things worse as far as the virus is concerned."He said that was exactly what Trump,the Department of Defense,Elders and decision-makers wanted to happen to kick start the economy again during and after the pandemic quarantine.
16.He said politicians cannot stop Tier 4b(us,the Internet Group)now and opposition from Pelosi,Schumer and other Deep State politicians on that level was being bypassed as many of them were subject to their sealed indictments being unsealed and executed through arrest.
17.Many rats were running scared now,and that was a good thing for all,he said.
18.He said that it was irrelevant what the banks wanted or did not want.The banks would send out the 800#s emails when Trump,the Department of Defense,Elders,and the US Treasury gave the green light.
19.The banks would comply on the pain of being arrested by Interpol and domestic law enforcement,because this was an issue of national security and the world needed the release.
20.He said that swabbing at the Redemption Centers would not be mandatory for currency-holders but they would hand you a mask and ask you to use it.
21.He confirmed the Covid-19 was a man-made weaponized virus that was developed by Bill Gates and supported Deep State labs,including the bio-weapon labs at Ft Detrick MD.
21.他證實新型冠狀病毒病毒是一種人造的武器化病毒,由比爾·蓋茲開發,並支持深州實驗室,包括位於Detrick MD.的生物武器實驗室。
22.The Covid-19 virus was developed for the Deep State by Dr.Charles Lieber of Harvard University and his Chinese research aides.Dr.Lieber was arrested by the Department of Justice on 28 Jan.2020.
22.新型冠狀病毒病毒是由哈佛大學的Charles Lieber博士和他的中國研究助手為深層國家開發的。利伯博士於2020年1月28日被司法部逮捕。
23.The Covid-19 virus was smuggled into the Wuhan lab,where it was combined with 5G microwave radiation to increase Covid-19 symptoms,thus killing thousands of Chinese.
24.He said the same thing happened in Italy,Iran and NYC,etc.
25.He said that the virus was real,highly contagious but the death rate(without 5G radiation help)was like normal flu death rate of less than 1%.
26.He recommended that at our appointments we practice cautions,social distancing and respect the concerns of others for protection,especially exchange personnel at the Redemption Centers.
"Robert Steele:World Health Organization Lies,Weaponized 5G reductions"
"Dr.Charles Lieber Harvard arrested 28 Jan.2020"
"Dr.Anthony Fauci New England Journal of Medicine Covid-19"and see paragraph 3.
B. 2020年4月1日美國東部夏令時12:56情報: "Military Contact"-Nick V Fleming Intel Update 3-31-20
Our military Intel contact confirmed:
1.The last country has been processed for final release through the Quantum Financial System.
2.Liquidity Releases started Tues.31 March pending Trump&decision-makers finalizing things Tues.night.
2. 3月31日週二開始釋放流動性,等待特朗普和決策者週二晚上最後確定事宜。
3.Tier4a was expected to start Wed.1 April,with Tier4b notification started at the same time,or immediately(hours)after Tier4a.
3.第4a層 (Tier4a)預計將於4月1日星期三開始,第4b層 (Tier4b)通知將在同一時間或第4a層 (Tier4a)之後立即開始。
4.Trump,the Elders,Department of Defense and all other decision makers were in the process of working through how to roll this out.Trump's speech on Tues.31 March at 6:30 pm EDT may have had veiled announcements signaling victory over the Deep State rats.
5.Trump met with HK banks at 8 pm EDT Tues.31 March to make decisions on how everything would proceed.
6.On Tues.31 March the Admiral completed conversion of fiat USD to gold-backed USN process that was started last week in order to make sure that transactions processed in the QFS under the USN.
6. 3月31日星期二,海軍上將完成了從法定美元到黃金支持的USN的轉換過程,該過程於上週啟動,以確保在USN下的QFS處理交易。
7.After the Admiral's inner and outer core groups(about 226 Tier 3 and Tier 4a groups)were processed,the way was cleared for all T4a groups(total of about 356 groups including the inner and outer core groups)to start being processed.
7.在處理了海軍上將的內部和外部核心小組(大約226個第3層和第4a層小組)之後,所有第4a層 (T4a)小組(總共約356個小組,包括內部和外部核心小組)開始處理。
8.All Tiers would have full liquidity when Tier 4b(us,the Internet Group)were started.
9.Wed.1 April was looking good for that timing(of Tier 4b liquidity release),though the Admiral could not specify Tier 4b timing for security/sensitivity reasons.
9. 4月1日星期三是釋放第4b層流動性的好時機,不過出於安全/敏感的原因,海軍上將不能具體說明第4b層的時機。
10.There were 1,200 Stimulus checks mailed out through USPS to some citizens.
11.As part of the release of monies to all Tiers the bulk of Stimulus checks and direct deposits payments from the US Treasury were scheduled to go out the week of Mon.6 April.
12.Overnight on Mon.30 March from 10pm to midnight local times along the West Coast(CA,WA,TX&Midwest),and East Coast(FL,NC,VA,NY,etc)there was rolling phone and internet black outs to cover Spec Ops and other law enforcement arresting the rats(Deep State criminal cartel leaders and pedophile child and human traffickers).
13.See for last 24 hours the outage spikes from about 10pm to midnight local times:https://downdetector.com/status/t-mobile/and https://downdetector.com/status/verizon/and https://downdetector.com/status/att/and https://downdetector.com/status/sprint/).
14.Phone and Internet blackouts would be rolling on and off in different regions to cover the arrests not yet in a nationwide 24-hour phone-Internet blackout.
15.Redemption Centers have CDC and Homeland Security representatives in place now to enforce CDC health measures to protect exchange personnel and currency holders from Covid-19 viral infection during our redemption appts.
16.Tier 4b(us,the Internet Group)would start any time in the next 24 hours.
17.The first appointments would be for 20-25 min.each.
18.For security purposes the goal was to have three redemption appointments per hour.
19.Zim holders especially should count on a second appointment to examine the need for higher Zim rates for their projects.
20.The second appointment would be safe.The currency-holder's health and the health of your assigned Wealth Manager and private banking team has been safeguarded with the CDC measures in place.
20.第二次預約會議是安全的。貨幣持有人的健康和您指定的財富管理人和私人銀行團隊的健康已通過疾病控制中心 (CDC)措施得到保障。
21.Phone Outages,Cell Reception,Internet Problems:
Real-time status and outages for T-Mobile USA:T-Mobile USA down?Current outages and problems?Service down?No cell reception or mobile internet?Here you could see what was going on:downdetector.com
Real-time outage overview for Verizon:Verizon outage or service down?Current problems and outages?Was wireless down?Home Internet not working?Here you could see what was going on:downdetector.com
Real-time outage and problem overview for AT&T:AT&T outage or service down?Current problems and outages?Was Internet down?Got problems with TV or phone?Here you could see what was going on:downdetector.com
Real-time outage overview for Sprint:Sprint outage or service down?Current problems and outages?Problems with your TV signal,phone issues or was Internet down?Here you could see what was going on:downdetector.com
No news to report.Ministry groups were expecting funds today Wed.1 April.MarkZ's personal opinion was that they would print more fiat dollars until we had hyperinflation and then we would have the reset.He has heard that a lot of people who were in foreclosure and that those foreclosures were suddenly stopped.
There were two separate FBI criminal investigations on Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.
One was on Hillary's Secret Server.
The other regarded an allegation that Hillary turned the State Department into her personal slush fund.
One of the allegations regarding that slush fund was that when Hillary was Secretary of State she granted permission to a Canadian to buy shares of a Uranium mine in Utah,who then sold the shares to Putin,and then the Canadian contributed 80%of his profits to the Clinton Foundation.
爭取取消對每年超過345,000例墮胎手術,每天花費我們稅收170萬美元的國際計劃生育聯合會的資助。JaySekulowACLJ首席法律顧問Take Action
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