2020年4月30日 星期四

難以下嚥的紅藥丸 (轉貼)

The red screen appearing when you enter the site probably went up because we posted Wikileaks document dump.


We've responded by removing the hyperlinks while leaving them in as links.Follow the links for the files.


Our IT guru is away for the weekend.When he returns we hope to have the remainder of the issue fixed asap.

我們的 IT 大師週末不在。當他回來的時候,我們希望儘快解決剩下的問題。

As I watch Janet Ossebaard's Cabal,Deep State,Q Anon(below),I feel at deeper and deeper levels the impact of her allegations.

當我觀看珍妮特奧塞巴爾的陰謀集團,深州,q 匿名(下),我感到在更深層次的影響,她的指控。

I'm shaken on every score.I'm disgusted at what we've done with our freedom.I'm appalled at what this says:That this kind of rape,torture,and murder of children is going on as we speak.It's a bit redpill to swallow.


Why are we not shouting from the rooftops?


In her video,Janet says:


"When the video of Hillary Clinton and her right hand,Huma Abedin,raping,torturing,mutilating and killing a little girl comes out in the open,do not watch it.You will not sleep again."(1)


THAT is the video I watched at Xenia that completely undid me.THAT is what I've been unwilling to talk about.I do know what it feels like to be traumatized by a video.


I've agreed to support Magenta Pixie's Three Step process(2)and the first step is to know the plan of the dark.

我已經同意支持 Magenta Pixie 的三步法(2),第一步是瞭解黑暗的計劃。

Janet's hard-hitting video is the one I'd suggest people watch that both covers everything and is professionally handled.



I'm amazed at the synchronicity of her video,Wikileaks data dump,(3)and David's relaying the message that the takedown has begun.(4)


If David is right,then we're being given the picture.We're being given the evidence.And we're being given the green flag.


If I were planning this event,I think this is entirely the way I'd arrange it too.I hope that anon lightworkers are busily at work on the Wikileaks dump,looking for verification of events which so far have only been known from leaks.



Leaving the video to one side and looking at the bigger picture,the way things are being handled ties in with the meticulousness of detail in Q.I feel reassured that a very smart team is unfolding events.

把視頻放在一邊,看看更大的畫面,處理事情的方式和 q 中細緻入微的細節聯繫在一起。我感到放心,一個非常聰明的團隊正在展開事件。

At the same time,we're assigned the task of knowing the plan of the dark forces.It's our assignment right now to make sure that you the reader are shown what power structure this planet has faced for millennia,whose grip stood to become complete.


Your mission may be more internally focused at this time.I applaud that.There's no need for you to keep up with the progressive revelation that Blossom's sources and various others have predicted as coming.(5)


However,the Accountability phase of Ascension,which we're now in,will feature a very large amount of important but very uncomfortable revelations.(6)


The plans of the dark must be made known and understood–at least by some in whose service contract it falls.We have to know our own history to know what to avoid and what to nurture in the future.




(1)"Cabal,Deep State,QAnon–Full Length Film,"Apr 16,2020,at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA5HcfVUYlo&lc=UgxC1uHqVZAaIqBQwZ54AaABAg.97qnwuRC6-g97qo-qDekQt


(2)"Totally Agree with Magenta Pixie's Three Step Process,"April 17,2020,at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/17/309299/

(2)《完全贊同 Magenta Pixie 的三步法》,2020年4月17日

Step One.Understand the dark plan.Integrate the emotions that you feel when you understand the dark plan.


Step Two.Make your declaration of sovereignty.Make the statement that you do not consent,you do not give permission for global control,vaccines,microchips,etc.This is you laying down your boundaries.…[This]is where you are the warrior.


Step Three.Through forgiveness and gratitude you send love to those beings.


You are making your boundaries firm but fair with love.


We need to do this on a grand scale.We need to get all the starseeds,truthers,lightworkers and aware individuals to do this.(Magenta Pixie,"Three Step Process to Stargate Ascension in Lockdown(Full Monadic Download),"April 14,2020,at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysRSoJHUX74&feature=youtu.be.)

我們需要大規模地做這件事。我們需要得到所有的星際種子,真相者,光之工作者和有意識的個體來做這件事。(Magenta Pixie,"三步進程到封閉的星門提升(完全單子下載)",2020年4月14日。)

(3)"Wikileaks Full Data Dump,"April 24,2020,at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/24/wikileaks-full-data-dump/


(4)"David Wilcock 4/22:Wikileaks Dumps All Files!."April 23,2020 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/23/david-wilcock-4-22-wikileaks-dumps-all-files/

(4)"大衛.威爾科克 4/22:維基解密轉儲所有文件!"2020年4月23日

(5)There is so much going on right beneath your noses and yet it is still kept under wraps.That which is taking place is releasing from…that which is/has been…and all such knowledgeable atrocities are being cracked open.Hence,much sadness,anger and all forms of lower vibrational exposés[are]entering into your very air.


This is clean up time,Dearest Ones.…


And the Topsy-Turviness still has to get a lot worse?


Yes.Due to that which is to'come out into the open.'And it will.Little,by little,by little.


You are correct in keeping quiet to those who are not yet ready.They will come and find you…Each one of you…when they need to.


There shall be non-stop opportunities to soothe another's bewildered soul and your words will be a balm on their troubled and confused minds.(The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild,April 18,2020,at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/18/the-federation-of-light-through-blossom-goodchild-april-18-2020/.)


(6)It may or may not feature the Reval.I personally wouldn't release funds until the cabal are removed.

(6)它可能有也可能沒有 Reval。我個人不會釋放資金,直到陰謀集團被清除。



