2020年4月23日 星期四
通過GCR恢復共和國(摘要)|更新於2020年4月22日 (轉貼)
Source:Dinar Chronicles
Judy Note:On Tues.21 April the Petro Dollar tanked because of the crash in oil prices.Dragon bonds were paying out to provide liquidity for Tiers 1-4.The Gold Standard could be announced at any time and Tier 4b,the Internet Group,was expected to go tomorrow or Thurs.23 April.
朱迪:4月21日星期二,由於油價暴跌,石油美元暴跌。龍債券為1-4級公司提供流動性。金本位制可能在任何時候宣佈,而互聯網集團Tier 4b預計將於4月23日(週四)宣佈。
Last Wed.15 April the Elders released Global Currency Reset monies from the Dubai 1 Holding Account and now the RV could not be stopped.All would be paid out this week.
上週星期三4月15日,長老們從Dubai 1號持有賬戶發放了全球貨幣重置款,現在RV無法停止。所有的錢都會在這個星期付清。
Mon.20 April's Oil Market price crash destroyed the Deep State's Petrodollar,though it would not affect the new Iraqi Dinar rate as Iraq had signed contracts to pay back the loss.
Dragon bonds were presently paying out to provide liquidity for Tiers 1-4.
Tues.21 April 1:14 pm EDT nvflemingjr:Our Intel Military Contact said that the Departments of Defense and Justice,plus White House and US Treasury teams worked on things overnight and then on Tues.21 April at 10am EDT gave a release for all to commence over the next 48 hours–pending arrests and clean-up completion today Tues.21 April.
It was my understanding that we might obtain the 800#s by Wed.morning 22 April and no later than Thurs.23 April.
Stimulus monies for Social Security direct deposits were going out and would finish by Fri.24 April.Those Stimulus checks going through the government website would go out next week.
Presently the Prosperity Packages were going out and would finish up by next week.
Thurs.30 April was the expected deadline to redeem Zim Bonds and exchange certain foreign currencies at Contract Rates.
Fri.1 May was the expected deadline for the general public to begin exchanging foreign currencies at the new International Rates as shown on the Forex at the time of the exchange.
Right now there was a war being fought to rescue traumatized children caged in underground tunnels of the Cabal that ran throughout the US from Mexico to Canada and California to New York,according to the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force.Since last October the US Military and Marines have brought out of those tunnels,over 5,000 tortured children,babies and teens,some deceased.
Many of the over 170,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since President Trump took office concerned pedophilia and were now being served.
Billionaire George Soros and former US Presidents George Bush Jr.and Barak Obama were believed arrested and in,or headed for GITMO where they faced Military Tribunals for Treason and other serious crimes.
Documentary"Pedogate 2020"in-depth Exploration(new info):
Documentary"Out of Shadows Official":How the Mainstream Media and Hollywood manipulate and control the masses using CIA Mind Control propaganda.https://www.youtube.com/watch
Documentary"Adrenochrome":the Elite's Secret Super Drug Obtained by Torturing Children:
Documentary"The Storm is Here":Illuminati started the pandemic for the New World Order,while the White Hats were using it to rescue over 3,500 tortured children&arrest perpetrators:
Pedogate 2020:https://www.youtube.com/watch
Noah looked like an idiot,until it started raining.The rain is over.Now it's time for pain,Q:
2016 Documentary"Trump:The coming landslide"An Ancient Prophecy on Donald Trump:
A.2020年4月21日關鍵時刻,布魯斯:http://bigcalluniverse.com/callarchive/712-770-4016 pin123456#(712)770-4014
1.Late last night Mon.20 April Bruce received report that since the price of oil was so low(negative$47 below zero)it sunk the Petro Dollar,instigated the GCR,released the Heritage Funds and enough monies to fund the humanitarian projects.
2.The Gold Standard could now be announced.
3.Yesterday Mon.20 April on Fox News Business they may have given a soft introduction to Universal Basic Income(which was part of NESARA).
4.Paymasters could have their final release codes so they might be able to begin to pay out.
5.The intermediates and all groups were supposed to start today Tues.21 April,but there was no confirmation on that.
6.As a result of the oil prices 23 Global banks(not in the US)went under today Tues.21 April.
C.撒旦的戀童癖網絡被曝光,Fiona Barnett:https://thefreedomarticles.com/satanic-pedophilia-network-exposed-australia/
Fiona named people who sexually assaulted,raped and tortured her,among whom were Antony Kidman(actress Nicole Kidman's father),Dr.John Gittinger(Lithuanian Nazi concentration camp guard and CIA agent),former US President Richard Nixon,former Australian Prime Ministers Gough Whitlam,Bob Hawke and Paul Keating,US Evangelist Pastor Billy Graham and Ted Turner(CNN).
菲奧娜提到了性侵犯、強姦和折磨她的人,其中有Antony Kidman(女演員妮可基德曼的父親)、Dr.John Gittinger(立陶宛納粹集中營警衛和中情局特工)、前美國總統理查德·尼克森、澳大利亞前總理Gough Whitlam、鮑勃·霍克和鮑勃·霍克、美國福音傳教士泰德·特納(CNN)。
Fiona explained how the Satanic hierarchical pyramid worked.Roughly speaking,at the lowest level,you had street gangs;next,organized crime and the mafia;next,recruits into the elite club;then,above that you had"just"pedophiles(those who rape children but who have no Satanic connection).Finally,at the very top you have elite VIPs who were full-fledged Satanists.
Fiona stated that only bloodliners can make it to the top.These people come from the 13 or so Illumanti bloodlines(as exposed by Fritz Springmeier,David Icke and other researchers).These bloodlines are revered as demigods.The roughly 300 bloodlines or so below that could never make it to the top echelon.
The OTO,Freemasons,Scientology,Catholic Church,CIA,Australian military and many others are all branches of the same Satanic Pedophilia Network.It lies at the heart of the international child trafficking ring and New World Order.
The world is run by a Satanic cult whose members have infiltrated the top layers and power centers of Australian,American and British society as well as those of numerous other countries.They are inter-related,bound together by bloodlines and Satanism–with pedophilia,rape,murder,war and genocide to follow.Fiona warns that every organization in Australia has been infiltrated including hospitals,psychiatry,politics,child advocacy groups–everything.The Satanists have even created a False Memory Foundation,a fake organization set up by pedophiles,to stop true victims from coming forward with their stories by convincing the public they didn't really experience what they experienced.
The United States Justice Department,on behalf of President Donald J.Trump,has finalized a sealed indictment naming Dr.Anthony Fauci,director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and member of the CoronaVirus taskforce,a traitor to America,according to a Washington sources familiar with the issue.
The indictment,which currently sits on the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office,charges Fauci with numerous high crimes and misdemeanors,many of which could see Fauci stripped of his medical license and deported to GITMO for the rest of his natural life.Those charges reportedly include treason,conspiring with the enemy,and fraud.Article 2 of Section 4 of the United States Constitution states:"The president,vice president and all civil officers of the United States,shall be removed from office on impeachment for,and conviction of,treason,bribery,or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
While Fauci is neither a politician nor a government official,he is a career civil servant and therefore can be charged with criminal malfeasance as is outlined in Article 2,Section 4.
Sources close to the Fauci probe said Trump became suspicious of Fauci's intentions after reading Tweets linking the doctor to a"Deep State"coup designed to cripple his reelection campaign.These Tweets alleged Fauci and none other than Barack Hussein Obama had orchestrated a"hoax"to tank the economy,spelling doom for a president whose main presidential achievement was fostering an economic resurgence.The Tweets surmise the Coronavirus is a pretext for stripping Americans of the rights and freedoms they hold dear,and that Fauci wants to usher in a New World Order that would abolish the Constitution and replace U.S.leaders with United Nations personnel.
Fauci's fishy behavior at coronavirus press briefings further fueled Trump's suspicion.On March 20,Trump called the State Department the"Deep State Department."Standing behind him,Fauci made a dismissive hand gesture,dropped his head,and rubbed his forehead.
"Trump took it as a personal slight.Trump doesn't forgive or forget.He had his eye on Fauci,and Fauci's actions helped confirm the president's suspicions,"our source said.
Moreover,Fauci has been a frequent guest of CNN and MSNBC,networks that often criticize Trump's pandemic response endeavors.He has used his status as one of America's most notable physicians to directly contradict Trump's messages.
The Tweets,combined with Fauci's radical conduct,prompted Trump to direct the Justice Department to investigate the Fauci-Obama connection.Investigators learned—and apparently leaked—data proving that in 2015 Obama instructed Fauci to authorize a$3.5 million"donation"to a Wuhan virology lab.Fox News and the Washington Post have run articles questioning whether Covid-19 originated at the Wuhan facility.Additionally,a wiretap on Fauci's phone and electronic devices revealed the good doctor and the disgraced former president have kept a close friendship;intercepted phone calls and emails showed that Obama and Fauci had conspired to undermine Trump's authority by having Fauci give the president unsound medical advice in matters involving the pandemic.First,Fauci told Trump the virus was"nothing to worry about."Then he reversed course and warned Trump Covid-19 would utterly ravage the country unless martial law-like steps were at once taken to curb the spread.Fauci misrepresented facts and figures,and he artificially inflated the case fatality rate(CFR)by instructing the CDC to label all respiratory distress related deaths as Covid-19 fatalities,even if the person never received a Covid-19 test.
Some examples transcend absurdity.For example:In Queend,NY,a 23-year old black male had been walking home from a convenience store when a car pulled up alongside him and its driver emptied a pistol magazine in his chest.Two rounds struck his chest,collapsing both lungs.Because he had breathing difficulty and was put on a ventilator prior to death two hours later,hospital staff said the Corona Virus killed him.They did not perform a Covid-19 test.
In Brooklyn,a 96-year old diabetic woman with high blood pressure dropped dead when her heart stopped beating.The New York City medical examiner's office listed the cause of death—coronavirus.
The next day New York added over 3,000"presumptive positives"to the state's growing sum of Covid-19 fatalities.Trump's investigative team unearthed a trove of evidence that proves Dr.Fauci compelled the state to blame all inexact deaths since January on the coronavirus.
"In doing so,they've amplified the death count.The more coronavirus deaths,the worse Trump looks.And the tighter restrictions get as more states adopt martial law.Trump had enough,and decided he'd put the screws to Fauci,"our source said.
If all information is correct,Trump's special prosecutor secretly indicted Fauci,charging the"Deep State"doctor with crimes under the Patriot Act and the 1917 Espionage Act.
Nevertheless,Trump has yet to fire the popular doctor whose face is synonymous with words like"Trustworthiness,""Honesty,"and"Integrity."As the pandemic spread,so too did Fauci's popularity,and his importance at daily press briefings eclipsed that of front men Trump and Pence.Sources said Trump will not prematurely fire Fauci,because doing so might backfire in his face and cost him the 2020 election.
And Fauci will not quit because he likely hopes to plea bargain his way out of a life sentence at Guantanamo Bay.
"Although the formal accusation is sealed,Fauci knows the gig is up.They've revoked his passport.After Trump wins the election,and after the pandemic has run its course,the indictment will be opened and Dr.Fauci will face a military tribunal to answer for his crimes against America,"our source said.
F.貨幣兌換/債券贖回:請將以下內容視為我的猜測。 RV流動性和800#發布後將提供官方說明。
警告:請勿將您的外幣或Zim債券交給其他任何人來兌換或贖回。 如果小組組長告訴您他們可以為您獲得更好的價格,那麼他們並沒有說實話。 個人可以兌換和贖回自己的貨幣,並且具有獲得更高合同價的相同能力。
我不知道美國以外的人如何贖回Zim債券。 應該向安排您預約會議的人詢問。
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