I have not joined today's 144K meditation and neither have I joined a demonstration against the cojona BS.When I asked the light forces what they advise for the 144K meditation they said it's not very effective doing such a meditation if the critical mass of 144,000 participants is not reached and if it is not followed by concrete action.We have had a large string of meditations in the past years of which only a few made the mark in terms of numbers;in order for the mass meditations to really manifest planetary liberation we should have reached critical mass every month and it should have been followed up on with actions in the physical world and that hasn't happened because people including starseeds are too heavily programmed.And now after all the years of anticipation and struggle the majority of lightworkers are tired,destitute and disheartened with the results,because we have nothing much to show for our efforts.So the light forces encourage us to focus on improving our own circumstances and creating breakthroughs on an individual level,because that also helps them make progress in their efforts.
我沒有參加今天的144K冥想,也沒有參加反對cojona BS的示威。當我問光之力量他們對144K冥想有什麼建議時,他們說如果沒有達到144,000參與者的臨界質量,如果沒有具體的行動,那麼做這樣的冥想不是很有效。在過去的幾年裡,我們進行了大量的冥想,其中只有少數幾個在數字方面有所成就;為了讓大規模冥想真正展現行星解放,我們應該每個月都達到臨界質量,並且應該在物質世界中以行動來跟進,而這並沒有發生,因為包括星際種子在內的人們都被過度編程了。現在,經過這麼多年的期待和奮鬥,大多數光之工作者對結果感到疲憊、貧困和沮喪,因為我們的努力沒有什麼可展示的。因此,光明勢力鼓勵我們專注於改善自己的環境,在個人層面上創造突破,因為這也有助於他們在努力中取得進展。
I have had the idea of creating a test that measures where you currently are on the slave versus master polarity scale,and I created a separate page for it.Check it out and do the test,it may give you more clarity of where you stand in life and what subjects need additional attention in order to master them.And share the link with others that may be interested,even your unawake family members and friends.