2021年3月1日 星期一

通過 GCR 恢復共和國|2021年2月26日 (轉貼)


Source:Dinar Chronicles


Divide They Try,Fail They Will,for Where We Go One,We Go All to Support POTUS,Follow Q and Trust Plan 18 Years Ago X Files–Season 10–Episode 1–Conspiracy Scene:

他們分而治之,他們會失敗的,因為我們去那,我們全力以赴支持恢復共和國的總統,跟隨 Q 和信任計劃,信任18年前 X 檔案,第10季,第1集,陰謀場景:

X Files – Season 10 – Episode 1 – Conspiracy Scene – YouTube

X 檔案,第十季,第一集,陰謀場面,YouTube

Star Spangle Banner as You've Never Heard it:


Judy Note:Tier 4B(us,the Internet Group)Shotgun Start liquidity release was imminent,although no one was privy as to an exact time.

朱迪註:第4B 層(我們,互聯網集團)霰彈槍啟動流動性釋放是迫在眉睫,雖然沒有人知道確切的時間。

On Tues.23 Feb.the QFS switch was turned on and liquidity was released to platforms in Zurich.

2月23日星期二,QFS 開關被打開,流動性被釋放到蘇黎世的平台上。

On Wed.24 Feb.at 4:30 am EST Quantum Financial System funds were released.At 10 am EST they shut down the Federal Reserve System and didn't allow any more bank wires to go through the old SWIFT System.The QFS had been completely absorbed by the new US Treasury by 6pm EST on Wed.24 Feb.The fiat US Dollar had crashed and the new gold/asset-backed US Treasury Note had been activated.

2月24日星期三,美國東部時間凌晨4:30,量子金融系統基金發布。美國東部時間上午10點,他們關閉了聯邦儲備系統,不允許更多的銀行電匯通過舊的 SWIFT 系統。美國東部時間2月24日星期三下午6點,QFS 已經被新的美國財政部完全吸收。法定美元崩潰,新的黃金/資產支持的美國國庫券被激活。

Simon Parkes:The reason for the outage in the Federal Reserve was due to the difficulty in understanding how to maintain the process when the operating system was changing to a new paradigm.Many Trillions of dollars were backed up as the payment by wire system collapsed.After just over one hour,the system came back.


The QFS trading platform,where 23 global currencies were available to be traded,activated at 2am EST on Thurs.25 Feb.The total activation of the QFS System had occurred by 4 pm EST on Thurs.25 Feb.

QFS 交易平台於2月25日美國東部時間凌晨2點啟動,有23種全球貨幣可供交易。QFS 系統的全部激活發生在美國東部時間2月25日星期四下午4點。

Redemption Centers were ready with schedules for Fri.26 Feb.


Groups out West would be notified that they have access to funds sometime this weekend.


Trump would give his keynote CPAC Address at 5 pm Sun.28 Feb.

川普將於2月28日星期日下午5點發表保守派年度盛會 (CPAC) 主旨演講。

NESARA would kick off on Mon.1 March.

NESARA 將於3月1日(星期一)開始。

Tier 4B should be notified Mon.1 March or Tues.2 March,but we may be notified sooner.


Redemption Centers have been given a schedule to do exchanges through Sat 6 March.


On Mon.15 March NESARA could be announced to the general public.

3月15日,NESARA 將向公眾公佈。

Thurs.25 Feb.3:57 pm EST Isaac N:Liquidity should start March 2 to March 15 News from Zurich,Reno,Basel and Geneva were very positive,so keep the faith.Patience.I know it is very hard.Earlier than March 2 I do not think so.Nobody knows(what the hold up is).

美國東部時間2月25日星期四下午3:57艾薩克 N:流動性應該從3月2日開始到3月15日,來自蘇黎世、里諾、巴塞爾和日內瓦的消息都非常積極,所以要保持信心。耐心。我知道這很難。我不這麼認為會在3月2日之前,沒有人知道(為什麼停滯不前)。

Phantom 31:


Right so we know Trump is making an announcement Sunday 28th,dare say Gesara and military in control,we know 30 days was the word from Flynn,we know 2 days ahead of schedule,leaves 28 days,we know 27th of March Trump is reinstated,which is 28 days after 28th February,we know Trump was looking forward to 1st January,we know ancient Roman calendar March is the 1st month,we know ides of March which is also a full moon that falls on the 15th.Debts gone,and we also know that they believe and the saying wasMarch is the month of STORMS.!!!!Boom!!!!


Oneness Fund Humanitarian Program,Charlie Ward:If you had an idea for a Humanitarian project and no way to fund it,you could apply with the Oneness Fund.You would need to verify that the money would go for humanitarian purposes and not for nefarious activities.The application would be available on Charlie Ward's website in the near future:


A.Thurs.25 Feb.2021 The Big Call,Bruce:Thebigcall.net 712-770-4016 pin123456#

A. 2021年2月25日,星期四The Big Call,布魯斯:

The QFS trading platform,where 23 global currencies were available to be traded,activated at 2am EST Thurs.25 Feb.

QFS 交易平台在美國東部時間2月25日凌晨2點啟動,有23種全球貨幣可供交易。

On Wed.24 Feb.at 10 am EST they shut down the Federal Reserve System and didn't allow any more bank wires to go through the old SWIFT System.

美國東部時間2月24日星期三上午10點,他們關閉了聯邦儲備系統,不允許更多的銀行電匯通過舊的 SWIFT 系統。

The QFS was absorbed by the new US Treasury by 6pm 24 Feb.Wed.EST.

美國東部時間2月24日星期三下午6點,QFS 被新的美國財政部吸收。

Transactions now go to ledger to ledger in a min.rather than 10-11 days.


111 Trillion$was held by the US Treasury out of US taxpayer dollars.


A little over 4 trillion$of that has been designated to each state that declares themselves as a sovereign state in the restored Republic and was to be used for infrastructure.


There were 37 states so far that have indicated they will be part of the new restored Republic.


NESARA will kick off Mon.1 March.

NESARA 將於3月1日開始。

Trump will give his keynote address at 5 pm Sun.28 Feb.


All but 7 states have attached themselves to the QFS and pegged to the new UST dollar.

除了7個州以外,所有州都已經與 QFS 掛鉤,並與新的美國財政部 (UST)美元掛鉤。

The total activation of the QFS System occurred at 4 pm EST Thurs.25 Feb.

QFS 系統的完全激活發生在美國東部時間2010年2月25日下午4點。

This weekend Fri-Sun will be an amazing revelatory weekend.


Groups out West would be notified that they have access to funds sometime this weekend.


Tier 4B should be notified Mon.1 March or Tues.2 March,but we may be notified sooner.


Redemption Centers were ready with schedules for Fri.26 Feb.


We will be getting new birth certificates.


B.Thurs.25 Feb.B*iden Pretends to be President as Trump Leads War on CCP,which Manufactured Texas Ice Storms,Byington as reported in Before It's News:

B 星期四2月25日。當川普領導對製造德州冰風暴的中共開戰時,拜登假扮總統

While Biden pretended to be President, Trump was heading US, Russian and Indian forces that were helping China’s President Xi invade the Chinese Mainland to remove the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and install an interim democratic government. All would happen within the next few months according to an Alliance of nations* headed by President Trump as Scott McKay reported on Wed. 24 Feb: 

拜登(Biden)假裝為總統時,川普正在領導美國,俄羅斯和印度軍隊,這些軍隊正在幫助中國國家主席習近平入侵中國大陸,以免除中國共產黨(CCP)並建立臨時民主政府。斯科特·麥凱(Scott McKay)在星期三報導,根據川普總統領導的國際聯盟*,所有事情都將在未來幾個月內發生。 2月24日:

Of even greater concern to US citizens was that after the election B*iden was said to have made a deal with China for a 4 $ billion tradeoff that allowed the CCP to test their new weather HARP warfare machine on Texas. Last week a Military Intel Contact reported that Texas was targeted with weather warfare coming from Polar Vortex ice storms because Texas was likely to be the seat of a restored Republic federal government complex being formed in the Houston and/ or Austin Texas areas.


The restored US Republic was a whole other issue grounded in a Global Currency Reset return to gold-backed currency by 209 nations of the Alliance* – that was in the process of happening right now. See more on Before It’s News…B*iden Pretends to be President as Trump Leads War on CCP, which Manufactured Texas Ice Storms | Politics | Before It’s News


C.Feb.2021 Scott McKay,Cristen Post Election Update#38,#39: 

C. 2021年2月斯科特·麥凱 (Scott McKay)克里斯汀(Cristen Post)選舉更新#38,#39

Cristen W.is Chinese from China,lived in Singapore for years and now resides in Florida with her husband.

克里斯汀·W 來自中國,在新加坡生活了多年,現在和丈夫一起居住在佛羅里達州。

“The lifting of the restrictions of the Taiwan Relations Act was more substantive than it appeared, in-fact it was actually the dissolution of the Taiwan Relations Act. The United States government is no longer recognizing the “People’s Republic of China” as the legitimate government of the mainland. This is being done jointly with Chairman Xi and President Trump and although this cannot be brought to the public light at this time, all will be revealed shortly. Prior to the dissolution of the Taiwan Relations Act, the United States, Indo-Pacific command under the directions of President Trump and the Taiwan R.O.C. military. The military have been preparing an occupation force for the mainland when the CCP collapses in the coming month. Why do you think the Taiwan Relations Act was dissolved? If it had remained, it would have been a legal barrier to help with the occupation of the Chinese mainland with the R.O.C. Taiwan forces.” “As you are undoubtedly aware, Chairman Xi has been removing key CCP loyalists within the Chinese military structural command. Why do you think this was done? It was done to install Chinese PLA forces with military leadership loyal to Chairman Xi and the Alliance and to facilitate the upcoming occupation of the Chinese mainland with U.S. and R.O.C. occupational forces. In the coming month, Chairman Xi will be dissolving the People’s Republic of China, stepping down from the CCP leadership, and using Chinese forces to keep order and the Chinese economy from collapsing while the U.S. and R.O.C. forces install a provisional government led by Taiwan R.O.C. All of this will be done peacefully and not be that dissimilar to what happened in the former U.S.S.R. when it collapsed.”

“取消《台灣關係法》的限制比看起來要實質性得多,實際上是《台灣關係法》的解散。美國政府不再承認“中華人民共和國”為大陸的合法政府。這是與習近平主席和川普總統共同完成的,儘管目前無法公開,但很快就會揭曉。在《台灣關係法》解散之前,美國是在川普總統和台灣中華民國的指導下由印度太平洋指揮的。軍隊。當下個月中共崩潰時,軍方一直在為大陸準備一支佔領軍。您為什麼認為《台灣關係法》已經解散?如果它仍然存在,那將是協助中華民國占領中國大陸的法律障礙。台灣部隊。” “毫無疑問,習近平主席已在中國軍事結構司令部罷免中共重要的忠實擁護者。您認為為什麼這樣做呢?這樣做是為了建立忠於習近平和聯盟的中國人民解放軍,並擁有軍事領導地位,並為美國和中華民國即將佔領中國大陸提供便利。職業力量。在接下來的一個月中,習近平主席將解散中華人民共和國,從中共領導層卸任,並在美國和中華民國時期使用中國軍隊來維持秩序和中國經濟免於崩潰。部隊成立了以台灣中華民國為首的臨時政府,所有這一切將和平進行,與前蘇聯解體時發生的事情沒有什麼不同。”
D.Scott McKay Arrests Happening,MA Troops Sent to DC,CCP Collapse:

D. 斯科特·麥凱 (Scott McKay)大逮捕發生,軍隊被派往華盛頓特區,中共崩潰:

E.Thurs 25 Feb.Vandersteen,Steel:

E. 2月25日,范德斯汀,斯蒂爾:

Started with Brennan when the CIA developed Smartmatic software and Dominion voting machines that were designed to overthrow elections

從布倫南開始,中央情報局開發了 Smartmatic 軟件和 Dominion 投票機,旨在推翻選舉

Tried to use it in 2016 but White Hats stepped in and were able to reverse the illegal votes in a few states


The C19 scare was designed to institute corrupt mail in ballots


The Child Protective Services in some states were a front for the international child exploitation ring.


F.Thurs.25 Feb.Russigate,Kash Patel:

F. 2月25日,星期四,俄羅斯門,卡什·帕特爾(Kash Patel):

前川普內部人士,卡什·帕特爾(Kash Patel)在新的採訪中揭露更多細節和腐敗!

G.Thurs.25 Feb.News Update Simon Parkes:


H.Holly Celiano:

H.2月25日更新,Holly Celiano:

I.Thurs.25 Feb.Charlie Ward,Peter Franks:

I. 2月25日星期四查理·沃德,彼得·弗蘭克斯:


J.***Must Watch Videos***

J. 必看視頻

The Quantum Financial System:


Mel Gibson's"Sound of Freedom"Movie Trailer:


The true story behind Tim Ballard's Operation Underground Railroad rescues of children from International Human Se*x Traffic*king

蒂姆·巴拉德 (Tim Ballard)的《地下鐵路行動》背後的真實故事



《紐約時報》揭露 C19聚合酶鏈反應檢測欺詐行為

L.International Chi*ld Se*x Traffic*king Ring:

L. 國際兒童色情販運集團:

Elite Human Traffic*king:


精英人口販運(第一卷)-Ghislaine Maxwell 的 Terramar 項目(鏡像)!- 必看視頻

PedoEmpire 5 Books,42 chapters Free Online:https://pedoempire.org

PedoEmpire 5本書,42章免費線上閱讀:

About Satanic pedophilia:


M.Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays:

M. 邪教節日日曆:

Thurs.25 Feb.Walpurgis Day was the next Satanic Holiday according to an Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays put together by professional therapists from childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused(SRA)clients.


Walpurgis Day was celebrated with a blood sacrifice–the communion of blood and dismemberment of an animal.The human sacrifice of a child,drinking their blood and eating their flesh followed sexual orgies using child and teen victims–some kidnapped,while commonly they also impregnated children and teens to produce their own.


Be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled children and teens being forced to participate in the rape,torture and murder of themselves and other children.Months in advance Satan worshippers planned for their holidays by kidnapping children and teens.The victims were starved,tortured and used in sex orgies in preparation for human sacrifice rites.


Please report suspected Satanic activities to your local law enforcement.Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments,cover your tracks by also contacting U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE):https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form,call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 and contact the Federal Human Trafficking Website:https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking/



If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking,contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and the non-profit organization,Saving Innocence.https://ourrescue.org/https://savinginnocence.orghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT4tmI8YxCU&feature=emb_rel_end

如果你希望加入拯救兒童免遭國際性販賣的行動,請聯繫地下鐵路行動和/或非營利組織拯救無辜的 Tim Ballard。

N."Twenty Two Faces:inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,"Judy Byington

N. 《二十二張臉:珍妮·希爾和她的二十二個多重人格的非凡生活》,朱迪·拜因頓

WARNING:Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five,was raped,tortured,forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention,was almost killed herself–not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers.Satan-follower perpetrators appeared to be organized from the US Inc's CIA,Queen Elizabeth's,Illuminati Banking families'and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons,Hollywood,Pizzagate and local teenage covens.They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system–the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset.It's no wonder that President Trump has stated,"These people are sick."

警告:珍妮給出了一個生動的描述,關於她如何在5歲的幼小年齡,被強姦,折磨,被迫觀看一個兒童犧牲和為了神的干預(電影),幾乎自殺-不像其他數以千計的兒童受害者的骯髒經歷撒旦崇拜者。撒旦追隨者的行兇者似乎是有組織的,從美國公司的中央情報局,伊莉莎白女王,梵蒂岡的第九圈兒童祭祀邪教,直到克林頓,好萊塢,披薩門 (Pizzagate) 和當地的青少年聚會。他們是由同一個陰謀集團資助運行我們的全球貨幣系統正是這個組織被激活的全球貨幣重置搞垮了。難怪川普總統說"這些人病了"

O.The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA Was All About the Children

O. 全球貨幣重置和 NESARA/GESARA 都是為了孩子們

It's not about the money.It's about the children–the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan,were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office,was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.Let us fast and pray for these little ones who were now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe,and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door.Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them.The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs


Judy Note:I do not now,nor have I ever,received monies for writing my Updates and articles.The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse,Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.


The above was a summary of information from the Internet.It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.


I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is,plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites.It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/exchange appointments.


After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email,post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days,so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.


This is not a goodbye.I expect to be working with many of you in the near future.I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you.You will remain in my heart forever.


A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown;to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth;to Martha who has unceasingly worked around the clock to discern what is real in the fake news;to Brad who does great research;to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

非常感謝那些願意保持默默無聞的內幕消息提供者;謙卑的野火女士,她善於揭露真相;瑪莎,她晝夜不停地工作,以辨別假新聞中的真假;布拉德,她做了很好的研究;肯,她發現了幾乎無限的戀童癖情報,以幫助我們拯救兒童;邦尼 B,她揭露了真正發生的事情的根本原因。

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be.I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together,we will make life better for all.

讓我們感謝 Q,重置終於來臨了。我祝願你們在人道主義工作中一切順利,並期待著在另一個世界看到你們,在那裡,我們將一起讓所有人的生活變得更好。

Patience is a Virtue.Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being.Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.And,we will!!!...Judy



