Initial remarks from my side:you are taking this test for yourself,it's not a competition so don't compare with others.It serves the purpose to get more clarity for yourself how far you are in leaving behind the slavish ways of being and becoming the master of your life and on which subjects there is still room for improvement.With each question,please select the answer that best represents your current position.If you cannot choose between two answers,then write them both down.If you score the maximum score of 100 points,then congratulations on liberating this planet.Obviously we are all somewhere in between the two extremes.So just be honest with yourself in answering the questions.
Question 1:How often do you use toothpaste containing sodium fluoride?
A)I always use toothpaste with fluoride.
B)I use toothpaste with fluoride most of the time.
C)I limit the use of toothpaste with fluoride as much as possible.
D)I never use toothpaste with fluoride because I know very well what it does.
Question 2:In howfar do you believe the existing system essentially serves you?
A)I believe the system really serves us,it's just the nature of reality that things simply cannot be perfect.
B)I feel the system serves us to a significant degree,but not in all respects.
C)I feel quite disillusioned with the system,but it's the best we have for now.
D)I am fully aware that the system is meant to enslave us and only give us what we need to in turn keep the system going.
Question 3:What is your relationship with money?
A)I feel it's important to earn a living by having a job and being productive.
B)I think we need money as a stimulus so that people's needs can be met.
C)I see money as simply one form of exchange between people and nothing more than that.
D)I am consciously striving for a world where money will not be needed anymore.
Question 4:How important is it for you how others view you?
A)I attach a lot of importance to how others perceive me,as we are social beings.
B)I tend to care quite a bit how others perceive me and talk about me.
C)I don't worry so much how others see me as it would drain my energy.
D)I am the sole judge of myself and my only norm is my own highest standards.
Question 5:In howfar do you feel the creator of your own life?
A)I feel like a toy of higher powers in this world more often than not.
B)I think our powers to create the life we really want are rather limited,something usually happens to bring us off track.
C)I generally feel that I am able to realize my goals and have my wishes fulfilled.
D)I don't let anything or anyone ever stop me from manifesting all the things I want.
Question 6:Do you ever feel a victim of circumstances?
A)I always have a hard time escaping from the role of victim when something unpleasant happens.
B)I think experience shows life does make victims,this world is not very fair.
C)I consciously try to avoid feeling like a victim and strive to evoke the strength in me.
D)I never subscribe to the victim role because there's always something you can do to improve circumstances.
Question 7:What guides you in taking important decisions relating to your life?
A)I like to ask other people's advice and usually follow their advice.
B)I tend to base my decisions on the knowledge of experts and others who dealt with a similar issue before me.
C)I combine input from others with my own intuition and gut feeling to come to a decision.
D)I listen to my higher self,spirit guides and ascended masters,they know best.
Question 8:In howfar do you strive to expand your consciousness?
A)I don't bother much expanding my consciousness,I know enough to get me through life.
B)I do make an effort at times to learn new things,that keeps me fresh and inspired.
C)I reserve time in my schedule to increase my understanding of things and look more deeply into matters.
D)I have made it an integral part of my life to develop my consciousness in every way that I can.
Question 9:Do you use spirit science to consciously manifest?
A)I don't spend time on that,I'm too busy with other things.
B)I do meditate and visualize at times when there's something difficult I want to accomplish.
C)I make it a habit to use the various manifestation techniques.
D)I breathe spirit science,because I see the results of it daily.
Question 10:What is your relationship to God/Source?
A)I wouldn't really know,not sure if God even exists at all.
B)I view God/Source as the highest authority in life,that which gave birth to my soul.
C)I regard God/Source as the wayshower that can help out with things you cannot do alone.
D)I am God,nobody tells me otherwise.
Once you have chosen your most fitting answer to each of the 10 questions,assign 0 points for every A,3 points for every B,6 points for every C and 10 points for every D.If there's a question where you are doubting between two answers,then count the number of points that reflects the two answers(so between B and C but closer to B would be 4 points,between C and D would be 8 points).Add it all up and you have your score to indicate approximately where you are on your path to mastery of your reality.Keep in mind that the brightest souls have been repressed the hardest by the dark forces,so don't be hard on yourself if the score is not quite what you hoped.These are the grades of mastery:
一旦你選擇了10個問題中最合適的答案,每個 a 給0分,每個 b 給3分,每個 c 給6分,每個 d 給10分。如果有一個問題,你在兩個答案之間存在疑問,那麼計算反映兩個答案的點數(所以在 b 和 c 之間但更接近 b 的是4點,在 c 和 d 之間是8點)。把這些加起來,你就得到了你的分數,它大致表明了你在掌握現實的道路上所處的位置。請記住,最聰明的靈魂已經被黑暗力量壓制得最厲害,所以如果分數不是你所希望的那樣,不要對自己太苛刻。以下是精通的等級:
0-19 points: 0-19分: | slave 奴隷 | Oh boy,you are in the unconscious slavish system idiot category 哦,天啊,你是無意識的奴隷系統的白痴 |
20-39 points: 20-39分: | slavelike 奴隷般的 | You have serious work to do to increase your conscious mastery of life's conditions 你有嚴肅的工作要做,以增加你對生活條件的有意識的掌握 |
40-59 points: 40-59分: | in the grey 在灰色地帶 | You are in the category of the average Earth citizen, lingering between slavery and mastery 你屬於普通地球公民的範疇,徘徊在奴隷制和統治之間 |
60-79 points: 60-79分: | masterlike 大師級 | You have progressed quite a lot in mastering your life and the reality you choose to experience 你已經在掌握你的生活和你選擇體驗的現實方面取得了相當大的進步 |
80-99 points: 80-99分: | master 大師 | Wow,you are very well developed as a soul that has mastered the art of living 哇,作為一個掌握了生活藝術的靈魂,你已經發展得很好了 |
100 points: 100分: | headmaster 院長 | I take my hat off for you,you are the true master and ready for ascension 我為你脫帽致敬,你是真正的主人,並準備提升 |
So if you want to increase your mastery score,look for a good book to read that can offer new insights and empower you,search for the helpful tools that are plentiful on internet or ask the angels and ascended masters for guidance in what you can do to attain a higher level of mastery over your life.After the Event those who have been repressed the most will be making the greatest strides in recovering their former original self with the help of the light forces.