2019年6月6日 星期四


Greetings human typing and humans reading these words.I am Tier-Eir of the Blue Avian grouping, higher ascended beings that have been monitoring this space time quadrant in all of its changing. For the time is now ripe for the planetary ascension of your planet, Gaia, who is morphing and changing right under your feet. We monitor the planetary encodements of numerous worlds. We assist the others in their quest for ascension on a planetary level. We see now that it is the time to make a formal introduction of ourselves, although our presenc has already been made known through the writings and reportings of our dear friend Corey Goode, who has worked with us so tirelessly over his many years of service. Thank you Corey.

問候,在打字的人以及在閲讀的人。我是藍鳥人團體的 Tier-Eir ,監視著這個空間時間象限所有改變的更高揚升存在。現在行星蓋亞的揚升時機已經成熟(她正在你的腳下蛻變和改變)。我們監視著許多世界的行星編碼。我們協助他人對行星層面揚升的追求。我們看到現在是時候正式介紹一下我們自己,儘管我們的存在已經通過親愛的科裡·古德被書寫和報導,他與我們不知疲倦地共事了許多年。謝謝你,科裡

It is those such as Corey, and those such as many of you, who are to the be future leaders in the beginning of Gaia’s transition.For disclosure is definitely most underway, this is true. Many, many conversations have been and are going on in this most present now as far as the most blessed way for humanity to experience their wake-up. Of course those who have prepared and are preparing with these higher influxes of light are most ready to fly, wings up, and those who have not been preparing may be a bit ruffled in their feathers. For the energies wait for no one. The energies from Alcyone are coming fast and furiously, strong in their light. We assist with the Pleiadian teams in honing and fine tuning, of including the appropriate encodements such that the most may benefit from them and that they come in the most appropriate and perfect alignment. But honestly being in alignment is your work, is part of this inner work and clearings that many of humanity have not performed. And so many of you have been doing this inner clearing for the masses, and for this we thank you for they do not know enough to do so, yet. In many ways you have been the quiet light holders, which is apt and appropriate for to shout it from the rooftops would have been foolhardy and dangerous. Although those that are the whistle blowers, such as Corey and many others, they are most appropriately protected, as are you, channelers, for you are consistent in holding the light, holding higher vibrations and this makes you impermeable to attacks of the lower beings.You have galactic and yes, even intergalactic protection.

正是那些像科裡這樣的人,像你們這樣的人,會成為未來的領袖,一旦蓋亞的轉變開始。因為揭露肯定在進行,這是真的。許多的對話正在這個當下進行,關於最備受祝福的方式去讓人類體驗甦醒。當然,那些準備好的人以及伴隨著這些更高的光之流入正在做準備的人肯定已經準備好飛翔,展翅,那些沒有準備好的人,他們的羽毛可能會有點折邊。因為能量不會等待任何人。來自 Alcyone 的能量來的很猛烈、快速、強力。我們與昴宿星團隊一起打磨和微調恰當的編碼,這樣大多數人可以受益於它們,他們可以進入最恰當和完美的對齊。但說實話,對齊是你的工作,是許多人並未執行的內在工作和清理的一部分。你們非常多的人在為集體做這個內在的清理,為此我們感謝你,因為他們還不懂如何去做。在很多方面,你一直都是安靜的光之保持者,這是恰當的,因為從屋頂上大喊會是魯莽的和危險的。儘管有著那些告密者,比如科裡和其他人,他們受到恰當的保護,就像你,管道,因為你也始終如一地保持著光,保持著更高的振動,這使你無法受到較低存在的攻擊。你有著銀河,是的,甚至星際間的保護

And so, to you all I say shine your light.Shine your light boldly, strongly, brightly. Be the Christ light. Be Yeshua. Be Buddha. Be Mary. Be your ascended masters in form, for they have provided you with excellent examples of the higher ways, of the ascended timelines that were misty in their possibility but now have become emboldened by the energies and strong. For ascension is happening to this space quadrant. Whether the dark ones approve or not is meaningless. Their votes no longer count. The light is now to be experienced with great, inner, tender joy and you my friends, you lighted ones, the Christ bearers, you have the front row seats. Your service is to be commended and we salute you in your service to the light. I am Tier-Eir. I wish you peace and I leave you in it.

所以,對你們,我說閃耀你的光。大膽、強烈、明亮地閃耀你的光。成為基督之光。成為約書亞。成為佛陀。成為瑪麗亞。成為形態中的揚升大師,因為他們提供給了你卓越的榜樣,關於更高的道路、他們那時候模糊的揚升時間線現在被能量鼓舞和加強。因為揚升正在這個空間象限發生。黑暗存有是否同意根本不重要。他們的選票已不算數。光現在會伴隨著巨大、內在、溫柔的喜悅被體驗,我的朋友們,你,明亮的人,基督承載者,有著前排座位。你的服務被稱讚,我們向你致敬。我是 Tier-Eir 。我祝願你平和,我在平和中離去



翻譯:Nick Chan


