2019年12月25日 星期三

本傑明|20191216 隨著秘密太空計劃揭開面紗,南極洲正處於封鎖狀態 (轉貼)

An unusual flurry of events and press announcements makes it clear the U.S.government is unveiling its secret space program,multiple sources agree.We are also hearing of a Chinese secret space program,a Nazi secret space program,and a Russian secret space program.


All of these revelations are being accompanied by unusual movements of gold and other financial anomalies.


The recent trade agreement between the U.S.and China is also linked to these secret space programs,Chinese and Pentagon sources agree.These are all signs that some sort of mind-boggling planetary event may be coming.


Typically this writer does not tread lightly into the UFO world and believes extra-ordinary claims require extraordinary proof.However,such proof is now undeniable.

通常情況下,這位作家並不輕易涉足 UFO 世界,他認為超乎尋常的聲明需要超乎尋常的證據。然而,這樣的證據現在是不可否認的。

The biggest evidence is a series of public announcements by multiple government officials,including U.S.President Donald Trump.The official launching of a U.S.Space Force by Trump is just the start of a gradual process of disclosure,Pentagon officials say.



The media is now being filled with stories about UFOs and secret U.S.military technology as part of this process.As we have previously reported,the U.S.Navy has released patents for anti-gravity flying saucers and compact nuclear fusion.Now we have a recently retired air force general talking about already existing technology that can take us"from one part of the planet to any other part within an hour."





Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala. and Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett both called publicly this month for the declassification of “a large amount of information about America’s military space programs.”

(眾議員Mike Rogers,R-Ala。 空軍部長芭芭拉·巴雷特(Barbara Barrett)和美國空軍部長本月都公開呼籲解密“關於美國軍事太空計劃的大量信息”。)


The $21 trillion missing from the U.S. government budget since 1998, as documented by Catherine Austin Fitts and others, was spent on the secret space program, Pentagon officials confirm.  Much of this technology is now being released to the general public, they say.

(五角大樓官員證實,凱瑟琳·奧斯丁·菲茨(Catherine Austin Fitts)等人證明,自1998年以來,美國政府預算中缺少的21萬億美元用於秘密太空計劃。 他們說,許多這種技術現在已經向公眾發布。)


We are also getting far more UFO sightings around the world that are being recording on high-quality video.  If you get into the habit of looking at the sky as I have, it won’t be long before you can see for yourself with your own naked eyes.

(我們還在全球範圍內看到越來越多的不明飛行物,它們正在以高質量的視頻進行錄製。 如果您養成了像我一樣仰望天空的習慣,不久之後您就可以用自己的裸眼看到了。)



Now that the Antarctic summer has begun,we are again getting multiple reports of strange goings-on there,too.On December 10th,a Chilean military plane carrying 38 people vanished in good weather on its way to Antarctica.



A senior CIA officer,and relative of Admiral Richard Byrd of Antarctic exploration fame,told us:


"The Chilean military were ordered by their controllers not to go near Antarctica.They thought they were smarter and knew more than their masters.The C-130 has been removed.It wasn't who was on the plane,it was what they were carrying that resulted in'the disappearance.'At this stage,there are no entries and exits taking place on Antarctica.The Southernmost continent is on lockdown until further notice(not due to this incident)."


A member of the"Cobra resistance"who has recently returned from Antarctica provided us with the photograph below.


They claim it is a photograph of a cloud ship or a large alien vessel using cloud-type camouflage.However,what interests us more is the faint picture of what looks like large buildings on the distant coastline.Whatever is going on there,it is clearly more than just a few scientists studying penguins.


"Many Russian and American scientists have been killed in Antarctica,"says a senior P2 Freemason source,citing Russian FSB and CIA reports."I know for sure there are ancient alien bases,"he adds.This is why Antarctica is closed off,he says.


This is the person who told us in advance that the P2 were going to fire Pope Benedict XVI.He was also found once by the CIA near the BIS with a gun and a sophisticated lock-picking device.

就是這個人提前告訴我們 p2要炒掉本篤十六世。有一次,中情局在 BIS 附近發現了他,身上帶著一把槍和一個精密的開鎖裝置。

This source also says the earthquake recorded last week at Mindanao in the Philippines was caused by an attack on a hostile underground military base.



Let us now take a look back at the here and now geopolitics on which this newsletter usually focuses and see how the secret space programme relates to the recent US-China partial trade agreement.


The leaders of the Asian secret society have long told us that they wanted the US to reveal their secret space programme to them.


This was agreed at the recent trade talks between the US and China.That is why the details of the agreement have not yet been made public.


What has been published shows that China has offered to buy USD 200 billion worth of additional goods from the US every year.


Economists have scratched their heads over this because the official US economy does not have the capacity to export so much.


If,however,secret space technology is included in the picture,everything makes sense.The US will now also end its germ war against Chinese agriculture as part of the deal,according to CIA sources.


The story at the following link,which attempts to accuse Chinese gangsters of drones triggering swine fever in pig farms,is almost certainly an attempt by the CIA to deflect the blame for these attacks.



The other thing that happened this week is that the financial markets continue to move strangely.


According to a CIA source in Southeast Asia,Indonesia has suddenly announced a$40 billion infrastructure project that it believes is a payout to the government for giving the Rothschilds access to some of their gold.


Goldman Sachs confirms this in part by reporting that 1,200 tons or 57 billion US dollars have recently been discovered at�ungeklärten Goldflüssen�

高盛(Goldman Sachs)部分證實了這一點,它報告稱,最近在 ungekl rten goldfl ssen 發現了1200噸黃金,價值570億美元

According to Zero Hedge,Ruth Judson,a Fed economist,wrote in 2017 that by the end of 2016 about 60%of all U.S.currencies and about 75%of 100-dollar bills had left the country–a total of about 900 billion U.S.dollars were stored overseas.

根據 Zero Hedge 的數據,美聯儲經濟學家露絲·賈德森(Ruth Judson)在2017年寫道,截至2016年底,約有60%的美國貨幣和約75%的100美元紙幣已經離開美國——總計約有9000億美元儲存在海外。

This figure is now over$1 trillion,according to CIA sources.



All this is related to a growing market consensus that it will be impossible to keep the current US equity bubble going much longer.


When mainstream publications like the Wall Street Journal say that companies are cooking their books to make profits appear bigger than they are,the end is near.



The FRB's announcement that it will pump 500 billion US dollars into the financial markets in the coming days is a further sign that this is not the usual business on the financial markets.


P2 According to Masonic sources,the money is being pumped into the repo market in response to a proxy war between Deutsche JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank against Rothschild's Goldman Sachs and Trump.

P2據共濟會消息人士稱,這筆資金正被注入回購市場,以回應德意志摩根銀行(Deutsche JP Morgan)和德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)與羅斯柴爾德(Rothschild)的高盛(Goldman Sachs)和特朗普之間的代理人戰爭。

When we talk about the FRB,we are sad to note the death of former Fed chief Paul Volcker.


I met him several times and he convinced me that the central bankers were only accused of trying to keep the money in line with the real economy,which he outperformed.


What Volcker didn't tell me was that it was his Rockefeller bosses who secretly decided how the money created by the central bankers was to be distributed.


We also find that the issue of an anniversary or debt relief for the average Joe is now part of a mainstream discussion.


This is another indication of some kind of financial event that could be associated with the disclosure of space.



After British Prime Minister Boris Johnson received an overwhelming mandate to resign from the German EU,it is time for a new agreement for Europe,according to P2 Freemason and British Intelligence.

據 P2共濟會和英國情報機構稱,在英國首相鮑裡斯·約翰遜接到從德國歐盟辭職的壓倒性命令後,歐洲是時候達成新的協議了。

An agreement in principle had been reached to let Europe be led by a triumvirate of Germany,Russia and Great Britain.


The British secret service also says that the permanent impeachment and"Russian interference against Trump was carried out by a particular British faction.


This campaign is now being stopped,they say.This means that the attacks on Russia and Trump will be stopped.


This is what our Pentagon source near Trump had to report this week:Trump may have to invade Mexico not only to fight CIA drug cartels,but also to keep lithium and other resources out of Chinese hands.


The backlash against Boeing continues as China finally questions the safety of the 737 MAX and paves the way for a global ban on flying coffins,while the Department of Defense discourages Boeing from the$85 billion ICBM replacement contract.

隨著中國最終質疑737 MAX 的安全性,併為全球禁止飛行棺材(737 MAX)鋪平道路,反對波音的聲浪仍在繼續,同時國防部不鼓勵波音簽訂850億美元的洲際彈道導彈更換合同。

The source added:"The 90%Christian majority is showing their conservative muscles against cursed J,while the Hallmark Channel is banning lesbian advertising and Brazil's indignation over a Netflix portrait of a gay Jesus in the first temptation of Christ.


Finally,we can confirm that there may be a meeting in mid-January between the British Commonwealth,the P2 Freemasons,the Pentagon and the Asian secret societies to discuss the establishment of a world planning agency with an annual budget of$1 trillion.


The establishment of this agency,an anniversary,disclosure of the secret space programme and a financial relaunch will be discussed at this meeting,which P2,British and Asian sources agree to.





