2020年11月7日 星期六

大衛推特更新|2020/11/7 偷竊是不可能的,請記得繼續使用禱告和冥想的力量,下周開始開封 (轉貼)

CONFIRMED: Two reliable insider sources just confirmed secret, trackable markings on certain pieces of paper were installed! Known for weeks. Stealing is impossible! 

Top guy also said there are FIVE MORE solutions like this in play, and this is the last battle, now or ever.



We are now going through the climax of everything we have been hearing about all this time. The risks are very high. PLEASE remember to keep using the power of prayer and meditation. Let's land this plane!


It is entirely possible for each piece of paper to have elaborate secret tracking!

I believe silence has been exercised in order to generate the appropriately useful level of indignation.

Be VERY alert for FF-type events. Next week the unsealings begin. This is it folks!!



對FF類型 (FF-type)事件保持高度警惕。下星期開始開封(密封起訴書)。就是這樣了,伙計們!

As I said in the video, you have to hit bottom in order to get better. This is our global Dark Night of the Soul and at first the loss must appear total. 

Dreams and briefings convince me this will trigger the marvelous healing we all really need. More coming. Stay strong!



