2020年11月2日 星期一

xekleidoma |2020/10/30 熱度開啟 (轉貼)

In short succession, both FM144 and Cobra have given an important update on the planetary situation. Cobra confirms that the Draco fleet and the Illuminati Breakaway Complex have both been wiped out and that "The main problem now remaining is the Chimera with their advanced exotic military technologies, especially quantum superposition toplet bombs." FM144 writes: "Soul Parts of many Key Lightworkers are being recovered, which the Dark Ones absorbed during the invasion of Atlantis (and also later on) to manifest many incarnations of prosperity and success (e.g. for many Illuminati artists), while the affected Lightworkers only experienced incarnations of struggle and destitution."


On the surface the Cabal is also under fire. Purdue Pharma, producer of the pain killer OxyContin and catalyst of the opioid crisis in the United States, has settled on 3 legal charges for 8.34 billion US dollars. Many Americans got addicted to the opioid and in total some 420,000 US citizens have died from a drug overdose since 2000. Other American producers of pain medication are also being sued.


Then there is the interview of Tank with Kimberly Ann Goguen where Kim mentions Rothschilds, generals of the Order of the Black Sun and top bankers having been eliminated in their respective meetings. Some people cheered that all Rothschild heads of family are dead and gone, but that is an inaccurate conclusion; Evelyn and Jacob Rothschild did not physically attend the family meeting in Zug, Switzerland, but were calling in and are still alive, the ones who were physically present at the meeting however were indeed killed. The Order of the Black Sun is a worldwide secret society that I didn't specifically mention before, and it is of a higher denomination than other secret societies such as the Rosicrucians, Loggia P3 or Ordo Templi Orientis. It is in fact the highest level organisation of the physical Cabal, higher than the Vatican, the Jesuits and the Black Nobility, and is working directly for the Chimera. The leaders of the Order of the Black Sun have telepathic contact with the Chimera. This organisation is especially involved in human sacrifice and extreme forms of bloodshed and violence in their rituals and is energetically the most closely related to the Chimera.

然後是塔克對金伯利-安-戈根的採訪,金提到了羅斯柴爾德,黑太陽騎士團的將軍們,以及在各自的會議中被淘汰的頂級銀行家。一些人歡呼所有羅斯柴爾德家族的首腦都死了,但這是一個不準確的結論;伊芙琳和雅各布·羅斯柴爾德沒有親自出席在瑞士祖格舉行的家庭會議,而是打電話來,而且還活著,但那些親自出席會議的人確實被殺了。黑太陽騎士團是一個世界性的秘密組織,我以前沒有特別提到過,它的教派比其他秘密社團,如玫瑰十字會, P3或奧多聖殿騎士團都要高。事實上,它是物質陰謀集團的最高級別組織,高於梵蒂岡、耶穌會士和黑色貴族,直接為奇美拉工作。黑太陽騎士團的領袖們與奇美拉有心靈感應的接觸。這個組織在儀式中特別涉及到人類祭祀和極端形式的流血和暴力,在能量上與奇美拉關係最密切。

October 31 is the next 144k meditation to counteract black rituals during Halloween:


144K Mass Meditation Part I: Blue Moon Peak, Hunter's Moon exact conjunct Uranus


