2020年11月16日 星期一

xekleidoma|2020-11-13:讓自己再次偉大起來 (轉貼)

The November 11 Timeline Correction Meditation had a strong and multipronged effect,even though the critical mass was not reached;according to my information some 125,000 people participated.The reservoir of quantum anomaly foam that the Chimera use to replenish their ranks with new spiders that they create in the manifestation chambers that Cobra mentioned is now at around 30%of the level it was at just after the Draco fleet was fully cleared.So progress is being made continually and the light forces don't give the Chimera any time to catch their breath.


The Cabal representatives on the surface have been acting really intolerably and subversively lately,seeking to tighten the straightjacket of the matrix even more.So excuse me if I am at times very irritated by them and condemning of them,it has been tough for all of us even more so because part of the members of the Army of Light have forsaken their mission leaving the rest to do more than their fair share in very difficult circumstances.But beyond all this temporary drama is a much more fundamental reality that can help us cope with things if we connect with it.There are quite a few spiritual gurus out there with their websites and channels,some of whom have departed from the physical plane;personally I resonate a lot with Bentinho Massaro and he has a series of recent podcasts out which I want to advertise:Mirror Talks on YouTube and Bentinho Massaro's website.One reader asked me what inner work is;well,see and hear for yourself.

最近,地表陰謀集團代表們的行為確實令人難以忍受且顛覆性強,他們試圖進一步加強矩陣的束縛。因此,如果我有時對他們感到非常惱火併譴責他們,請原諒我,這對我們所有人來說更加困難,因為光之軍的一部分成員已經放棄了他們的使命,留下其他人在非常困難的情況下做他們應該做的事情。但是除了所有這些暫時的戲劇性事件之外,還有一個更為基本的現實,如果我們與之聯繫起來,它就能幫助我們應對各種事情。有相當多的靈性大師在他們的網站和頻道上,其中一些人已經脫離了物質層面;我個人與本蒂尼奧馬薩羅產生了很大的共鳴,他最近有一系列播客,我想做廣告:鏡像談話在 YouTube 和本蒂尼奧馬薩羅的網站上。一位讀者問我什麼是內在工作;好吧,你自己看看,聽聽。

