2020年12月16日 星期三

柯博拉訊息|2020/12/15 水瓶座時代激活更新和一個新的柯博拉採訪 (轉貼)

Time is slowly approaching for the Age of Aquarius final activation and the energies are rising as more and more people have made a decision to join us and we are gaining momentum.We have a real possibility of reaching the critical mass,and even exceeding it significantly.


If the critical mass is reached,the Light Forces will be able to intervene more directly in the global situation,start dissolving the Matrix,and a cascade of events will follow that will inevitably lead to the Age of Aquarius.


Next six days will be decisive for how many people join us and how much impact our activation will have on the planetary situation.Therefore I would ask all of you to spread the news about this meditation far and wide.Youtube videos are the easiest way to make this viral and many short version promotional videos and longer guided meditation videos have been created in almost 40 languages:

接下來的六天將決定有多少人加入我們以及我們的激活將對地球形勢產生多大的影響。因此,我希望你們所有人把這次冥想的消息傳播開來。Youtube 視頻是製作這個病毒式傳播的最簡單的方式,許多短版本的宣傳視頻和更長的指導冥想視頻已經被製作成近40種語言:

The main page with instructions for the activation is here:


Many people are supporting our activation.


Corey Goode:



Kelley Rosano:


Sementas das Estrelas:


Prepare for Change:


And many others.


All articles,videos,interviews,facebook groups ad meme posters about the Age of Aquarius activation are gathered here:

所有文章,視頻,採訪,facebook 群組廣告,關於水瓶座激活時代的海報都收集在這裡:

Open letter to invite spiritual leaders to our meditation is here:


Age of Aquarius Twitter account is here,and you can retweet if you feel so guided:


Main facebook event for our meditation is here:

我們冥想的主要 facebook 活動在這裡:

Many Youtube channels have created playlists of promotional videos for our meditation in many languages:

許多 Youtube 頻道已經為我們的冥想創建了許多語言的宣傳視頻播放列表:

Promotional anime video playlist is here:


Guided audio meditation videos in 38 languages are located in this Youtube playlist:

38種語言的引導音頻冥想視頻位於以下 Youtube 播放列表:

Live stream for the meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC on December 21st here:


If we wish to achieve an impact on the physical plane and reach the critical mass,tt is extremely important that we do our meditation exactly at the time which has been determined by the Light Forces to have the maximum positive impact,which is at 6:22 pm UTC on December 21st.Timetable for other times zones is here:


Doing the meditation earlier or later,or doing it in a significantly different way will NOT help us reaching the critical mass,as we are living on a physical plane that is subject to laws of space and time and if we wish to influence the physical plane,we need to do this with laserlike precision,especially timewise and with unified and focused intent.


There will be two important moments before the activation where you are encouraged to meditate as well,as you will assist in the buildup of energies before the activation and assist in reaching the critical mass for our main meditation on December 21st.


These two moments of astrological and planetary significance,when this additional booster meditation will be very effective,are:


1.Saturn entering Aquarius on Thursday,December 17th at 5:04 am UTC



2.Jupiter entering Aquarius on Saturday,December 19th at 1:08pm UTC



You can convert that time into your time zone here.


Audio guided meditation playlist for both booster meditations in 31 languages is here:


And instructions for booster meditations are here:


A new Cobra interview has been conducted by Sisterhood of the Rose to bring more awareness of our Age of Aquarius activation.

薔薇聖女團(Sisterhood of the Rose)進行了一次新的柯博拉採訪,以提高人們對水瓶座激活時代的認識。

The transcript in English is here:


In Polish here:


With transcripts in many other languages coming soon.


And the Youtube video is here:

Youtube 視頻在這裡:

Victory of the Light!



