2020年12月12日 星期六

Xekleidoma|2020-12-06:聖母瑪利亞與聖殿騎士 (轉貼)

I am finding out that the many apparitions of Mother Mary that have been reported the world over,especially around the Mediterranean Sea,were all holograms created by the Cabal to fuel the religious mind programming cults.Also the statues of Mother Mary that cried bloody tears were acts of the Cabal,because the real Mother Mary doesn't support bloodletting.Mother Mary has been portrayed by the Catholic Church as the devout mother,but that is not a complete representation of who she was;she was a priestess of Isis and Goddess worshipper who embodied the spiritual,motherly and erotic aspects of the divine feminine in equal measure.


Another thing I am discovering is a part of the source of my connections with France and Scotland.In a past life I was a French Knight Templar who fled the prosecution of the Templar Order in 1307 and found refuge in Scotland,which was not under papal authority and which has a strong vortex of the light at Roslin that offered protection.Some 40%of the Templars throughout Europe escaped prosecution by fleeing to Scotland,many of the rest were tortured to make false confessions of crimes and heresy and then sentenced to the penalty of death.The real meaning of the red cross with four legs of equal length of the Templars is the pagan four elements and the four directions of the earth symbol,not the crucifixion of Christ.The red color refers to the lifeblood and the love power of the Goddess.The original Templars were not religious but were Goddess followers and carried the secrets of the true white Goddess magic,the kind of magic that is unheard of today and would sound unbelievable to"modern man".Some of these secrets have been preserved in the Order to this day.The Templars who arrived in Scotland settled in the town Baile nan Trodach(Gaelic for Town of the Warriors),which is located southeast of Roslin and known as Temple today.In 1314 at the Blàr Allt nam Bànag(Battle of Bannockburn)the Knights Templar helped the Scottish win victory over the larger English army and eventually regain full independence for Scotland.

我發現的另一件事是,我與法國和蘇格蘭之間的聯繫來源的一部分。在前世,我是一名法國聖殿騎士,在1307年逃離了聖殿騎士團的起訴,在蘇格蘭找到了避難所,那裡不受教皇的管轄,在羅斯林有一個強大的光之漩渦提供保護。歐洲大約有40%的聖殿騎士逃到蘇格蘭以逃避起訴,其餘的許多人被折磨以逼供犯罪和異端,然後被判處死刑。紅十字架的真正含義是四個元素和四個方向的地球符號,而不是耶穌受難。紅色是指女神的生命之血和愛的力量。最初的聖殿騎士並不信教,而是女神的追隨者,他們攜帶著真正的白色女神魔法的秘密,這種魔法在今天是聞所未聞的,對"現代人"來說聽起來難以置信。這些秘密中的一部分至今仍被聖殿保存著。抵達蘇格蘭的聖殿騎士們定居在 Baile nan Trodach(蓋爾語為勇士之城),這座城市位於羅斯林的東南部,今天被稱為聖殿。1314年,聖殿騎士團在布拉爾阿爾特南布納格(班諾克本之戰)幫助蘇格蘭戰勝了更大的英格蘭軍隊,最終蘇格蘭完全獨立。

The more sensitive information on the Chimera,the top levels of the Cabal and their status I still cannot share.What has become clear however is that the Chimera have always been the brains,the evil genius,of the dark forces,also when Yaldabaoth/the Demiurge was still around.Yaldabaoth was more the big bad bully which was manipulated by the Chimera just like all the beings that turned dark.It is now 15 days before the biggest day on the calendar:

關於奇美拉的更加敏感的信息,陰謀集團的高層和他們的狀態我仍然不能分享。然而,現在已經很清楚的是,奇美拉一直是黑暗勢力的頭腦,邪惡的天才,當姚達伯斯/造物主還在的時候也是。姚達伯斯 (Yaldabaoth)更像是一個被奇美拉操縱的大惡霸,就像所有變成黑暗的生物一樣。現在距離日曆上最重要的一天還有15天:

