Cobra has posted an important article with updates on the situation. The interview that is linked at the end of the post is dated December 2 and sounds quite conservative as to how far we are, but his post is more optimistic. The 80,000 people meditating in the Timeline Correction Meditation on November 11 that Cobra mentions is also rather conservative, he only counts the people who did a meditation with sufficiently strong focus, but the total number of people meditating was larger. I can now reveal that the Chimera were able to pull in quantum anomaly from the universe on November 25 which increased their reservoir of quantum anomaly foam back from less than 5% to 14% of its original size. This caused a small delay in the clearing of the Chimera, and I was upset when I found out, but the light forces are making sure the Chimera don't pull in any more anomaly. The most important take aways from Cobra's post are that the Chimera fleet has now been fully cleared and that more officers that are part of the system are starting to disobey and act against the system. The remaining Chimera are all underground. The projection of the light forces is that the clearing of the last toplet bombs and last Chimera will coincide.
柯博拉已經發佈了一篇重要的文章,更新了相關情況。本文末尾的採訪日期是12月2日,對於我們的進展情況聽起來相當保守,但他的文章更為樂觀。在11月11日的時間線修正冥想中,8萬人冥想,Cobra 提到的也是相當保守的---- 他只計算那些做冥想的人有足夠強的專注力,但是冥想的總人數更多。我現在可以透露,奇美拉能夠在11月25日從宇宙中引入量子異常,從而將它們的量子異常泡沫儲存庫從不到原來大小的5% 增加到14% 。這導致了清理奇美拉的小小延遲,當我發現時我很沮喪,但是光明勢力正在確保奇美拉不會再拉進任何異常物質。從柯博拉得到的最重要的結果是,奇美拉艦隊現在已經被完全清除,更多的軍官是系統的一部分,開始不服從和反對系統的行動。剩下的奇美拉都在地下。光明勢力的推算是,清除最後頂夸克炸彈和最後奇美拉的時間會一致。