When the breakthrough of the Light finally happens,we should never forget the courageous investigative journalists,bloggers,vloggers and whistleblowers that paid with their lives for speaking up and telling the truth.In the last 5 years alone,98 journalists were murdered with a confirmed motive.And that list doesn't include Max Spiers,who was about to expose the global black magic ring of the Black Nobility(no coincidence he coughed up black liquid after being poisoned;it hints the Black Nobility and refers to black goo).Also quite a few whistleblowers were either jailed or killed for uncovering the truth.
The most common form of attack the Cabal employs is through scalar waves,which disrupt the brain waves,nervous system,energy bodies and toroidal field and can have various effects such as itching,irritation,sleeplessness,lack of focus,mind chatter and general discomfort.Scalar waves are generated by almost all modern electronic equipment,like computers,mobile phones,smart meters and any other equipment that has a chip inside.The scalar waves abuse the inventions of Nikola Tesla and others on energy for the Cabal's agenda.You can protect yourself from scalar waves at night by unplugging equipment,by placing Himalayan salt around your bed and by washing your face and scalp,spine and feet with water that has sea salt dissolved in it;don't wipe off the salt when drying,just gently dab your skin so that the salt crystals remain.Also giving yourself a face massage and pulling crazy faces helps shed the residual energy of scalar waves that has settled around the aura of your head and relax the muscles of the face,which in turn are connected to the brain.
Keep the spirits up even when the dark forces are biting your toes and pulling your arm,the light forces are determined to manifest the Event before year end.Here's some songs to keep you going through this'darkest before the dawn'phase: