Source:Dinar Chronicles
Judy Note:We were in a battle for our Republic against our own Deep State political elites,Vatican,CIA,British MI6,the C*e Communist Party and Mass Media,who conspired to switch Trump votes to Biden in the fraudulent 2020 Election and turn America into a socialist state.
Washington DC remained on Lockdown.
POTUS would soon be activating the Emergency Broadcast System.
On Sat.9 Jan.the 2018 Executive Order Insurrection Act was enacted by President Trump.This DOES NOT mean martial law,though gives President Trump many powers.
On Sun.evening 10 Jan.Mass Arrests began in the US and UK.For the next nine days until Wed.20 Jan.and at any time expect an Internet blackout and/or power outage(turn your Apple auto update toggle off on your phone so you can hear Emergency Broadcast System messages See this link).
You were asked to stay out of major cities especially Philadelphia and there was a possibility of a request to stay indoors for the nine days,for it could be a bumpy ride.
Mass arrests and power outages have begun in Pakistan,Germany,Italy and other parts of Europe.The arrests were ongoing and would be done in waves and phases by SOF units.
The arrests were potential cover for the RV Tier 4B and Shotgun Liquidity release as part of the war to bring down the Deep State globally.
Satellites leased to the Vatican were used by Deep State Vatican,CIA,British MI6 and the Chinese Communist Party to switch Trump votes to Biden in the 2020 Election Fraud.
Expect confusion,a lot of disinformation from the Mass Media,high profile arrests,more bombshell evidence released and Trump to serve another four years.
A.Link to live Newsmax News:
A. 連結到 Newsmax 實時新聞:
B.Sun.10 Jan.Fleming's Military Intel Contact:
B. 星期日1月10日弗萊明的軍事情報聯繫:
POTUS signed the Insurrection Act on Sat 9 Jan.and asked for law and order:
POTUS would likely activate the Emergency Broadcast System to communicate with We The People,as the fake stream media and social media shut down conservative news and truth telling.
美國總統可能會啟動緊急廣播系統,與"我們人民"(We The People)進行交流,因為虛假的串流媒體和社交媒體關閉了保守的新聞和真相報導。
There would be much confusion over the coming ten days until Wed.20 Jan Inauguration(if it was not postponed by POTUS&DoD)and the Inauguration would be in the White House and not in the Capitol Building.
POTUS survived another assassination attempt as of Sat morning 9 Jan as Juan O'Savin and Robert David Steele stated.
Overnight Sat.9 to Sun.10 Jan.there have been arrests in multiple countries by Special Force(SOF)units.
Some arrests were in regard to a Islamabad Pakistan temporary power outage where the Nevada Secretary of State emailed voter rolls to a Pakistani intelligence related company,and to stop a$5.4 Billion sale of General Electric to a*C*P C*e corporation.
There were arrests regarding a Rome Italy temporary power outage early Sun morning 10 Jan at the Vatican.There were road blocks in Italy as part of pandemic but they were used to help SOF units take care of business related to the Leonardo data satellites leased to the Vatican that were used by Deep State Vatican,CIA,British MI6&*C*P C*a to coordinate vote switching from Trump to Biden in the swing states Tue-Wed 3-4 Nov 2020.
Half of Vatican City's 650 leaders,about 300+,were already arrested last March 2020 when the 13 Satanist bloodline family heads,the Venetian Dark Nobility families,were arrested.
There were arrests regarding a Berlin Germany temporary power outage on Sat 9 Jan.2021 regarding administrative related SOF unit collection of equipment related to Scytl/Dominion Voting System/Smartmatic CIA servers seized in Frankfurt.
2021年1月9日星期六,德國柏林暫時停電,涉及在法蘭克福繳獲的與 Scytl/Dominion 投票系統/Smartmatic 中央情報局服務器有關的與特種部隊行政有關的設備收集,逮捕了一些人。
Arrests of the higher profile Deep State folks(Biden Pelosi level)would not happen until the latter part of the Ten Days of Darkness and before the Wed 20 Jan Inauguration(that could be postponed).
The arrests would be done in waves and phases by SOF units.
The UK and USA arrests waves could start at any time(with power and communication outages)from Sun.night 10 Jan.and onward this week.
The arrests were potential cover for the RV Tier 4B and Shotgun Liquidity release as part of the war to bring down the Deep State globally.
There would be more massive MOABs of disclosure and declassified documents showing criminality coming out over the next ten days.
Italy has been found complicit in our 2020 Election Fraud.
Everyone will be getting emergency alerts on their phones,tv's,radios&internet.It would override all other broadcasts and could last for several hours at a time.
Do not to be scared of what's coming as it is for the safety of our nation for this to unfold.
DO NOT travel to any large cities(especially Philadelphia)for the rest of the month.Military operations will be taking place in many of the major corrupt cities.
People Deep State Antifa BLM will start rioting once this Intel breaks.The propaganda would be that Trump was a military dictator.
一旦情報洩露,Antifa黑命貴 (BLM)組織就會開始暴動。會宣傳說川普是個軍事獨裁者。
Trump and the Department of Defense Special Force Units have only 13 days to put this down.
Marines and National Guard troops were being moved as needed for the riots that would start after the national release of the Intel.
The Intel would be dropped for everyone to see and hear in loops that would be several hours long.
A few days ago the system was checked by the FCC alerting ALL media that they could not block the flow of Intel under federal regulations.
幾天前,聯邦通信委員會 (FCC) 對該系統進行了檢查,並警告所有媒體,根據聯邦法規,他們不能阻止情報的流動。
Trump would be moved continuously like a chess piece from now until the 20th in order to avoid any retaliation against him and family.
Trump had to exhaust ALL other means legally before this operation could commence.He gave everyone a fair chance to come clean and they refused.
His press release of a"smooth transition"did not include the word,"concede"as he has no plans to do so.Rather,there will be a smooth transition of power to his new cabinet,staff and Vice President,General Flynn.
The rally in DC Wed 6 Jan was an awesome event!The raids on the Capitol started with BLM and Antifa members(many from the Philly area)and included Capitol police or those posing as Capitol police.They opened up the barricades and doors to the Capitol and let them in.
1月6日星期三在華盛頓的集會是一個了不起的事件!對國會大廈的突襲開始於黑命貴 (BLM)和Antifa成員(許多來自費城地區),包括國會警察或者冒充國會警察的人。他們打開通往國會大廈的路障和大門,讓他們進入。
It appears there were some Special Ops members dressed as Trump supporters who went in with the crowd of protesters that were able to secure 20+laptops w/hard drives with data regarding sex trafficking Intel from both,Pelosi and Schumer's offices.
C.Sun.10 Jan.Simon Parkes Update:
C. 西蒙·帕克斯更新:
‧Source close to decision making team said"This is not a drill."
‧We expected the announcement next Wed,not last night.
‧The original plan was for the President to do an address last night at midnight EST and Mike Pompeo to release information every half an hour,then every 5-10-15 min.
‧This didn't happen because of events that occurred.
‧Pakistan has had a 40%outage–General Electric–many US fighters have GE engines.Most of employees of GE did not realize it was sold to the Chinese–The Chinese wanted to do the deal in Pakistan,but the Trump team found out.The Chinese found out about Trump through Nancy Pelosi and now they wanted this deal very fast in China.
巴基斯坦停電了40%-通用電氣-許多美國戰鬥機都有通用電氣的引擎。通用電氣的大多數員工並沒有意識到它被賣給了中國人——中國人想在巴基斯坦做這筆交易,但川普團隊發現了。中國人通過南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)發現了川普,現在他們想儘快在中國達成這筆交易。
‧President Trump and family were not at White House but in secured hiding.
‧An Italian judge signed warrant for PM and a general to be arrested because of their involvement in 2020 Election fraud.
‧Power outage in Germany has to do with the Dominion voting machines used in the 2020 Election.
德國停電與2020年選舉中使用的 Dominion 投票機有關。
‧Closing borders to Canada so certain groups won't flee.
‧Coast Guard,Navy and Air Force were looking for groups trying to flee from the US.
‧The Vatican controlled the satellites that threw Trump votes to Biden,Pope involved in pedophilia and believed dead but if not,will be arrested.
‧Curfew in Quebec
‧Yesterday regular troops were deployed in California
‧Insurrection Act signed last night by President
‧Trump will be inaugurated in the White House not publically
‧They were expecting power outages in UK that could affect water pumps
‧Big names would not go in first phase.
‧Flynn could be next VP for Trump
‧Mainstream Media would blank everything out at this point.
‧All mainstream media clips would be made up.
‧If alternative sites can't be used they will use EB System
如果替代網站不能使用,他們將使用緊急廣播系統 (EB System)
‧This will go on until Jan.19
‧They are after big guys
‧Biden will have to be arrested
‧Biden's laptop has pedophilia,survivors of Ritual Abuse by Hunter Biden
‧Think you will be asked to stay indoors.
D.Fri.8 Jan.Letter from the Nye County Nevada GOP Chairman:
D. 內華達州奈伊縣共和黨主席來信:
As I write to you today,I have no doubt that this letter will find many of you crushed under the weight of despair or perhaps lost in a maze of confusion.It is my hope that by the time you finish reading this letter you will be able to confidently join millions of others who support the president and another four years.
Let me be clear:Trump will be president for another four years.Biden will not be president.Yes,I know those are shocking words in these crazy days.
I have been approached by many saying,"It's over…"and"Trump conceded the election…".Nothing of the sort has taken place.Go back and listen to the videos all the way through.At no point does Trump even mention Biden's name.At no point does he say he concedes.He does say that there will be a peaceful transition to a new administration and he does say that this is only the beginning.Those phrases are important to note.Indeed,we will have a new administration made up of a new vice president and cabinet as the current ones have all made their treason complete.I will touch on this in more detail shortly.
We do well to remember that for more than four years Donald Trump has been five steps ahead of everyone in every attempt to derail him,impeach him,or confound him.For example,he announced on election night in the early hours of the morning that he"didn't want a dump of ballots at 4AM."What happened in just a few short hours at almost exactly 4AM?A huge ballot dump took place which showed that he already knew that it was going to take place.That was a public word to the enemies of our country that he was on to them.Also,consider the recent incident at the capitol building in DC.Trump was late to his speaking engagement and then spoke on a number of rehashed things to the crowd of 500K+but this created a problem.You see,if Trump had spoken on time and briefly,the MAGA crowd would have been at the capitol building with the Antifa faction and likely would have been drawn into the fray by accident and confusion due to the crowd size.With Trump speaking late and long,the MAGA crowd was PROTECTED and SEPARATED from the Antifa groups.It would be very clear that the disguised Antifa people were 95%+of the people in the building.Again,Trump countered because he was steps ahead of them.This was clearly a staged event meant to blame Trump supporters and try to frame Trump so the 25th amendment could be used by Congress but it failed.Nevermind the numerous videos showing the police opening the gates for Antifa(they didn't fight their way in)and then leading them throughout the building.
我們應該牢記,四年多來,唐納德·川普在每一次試圖破壞他、彈劾他或混淆他的嘗試中都領先所有人五步。例如,他在大選之夜的凌晨宣佈,他"不想在凌晨4點收到大量選票"在幾乎凌晨4點的短短幾個小時裡發生了什麼?一個巨大的投票站發生了,這表明他已經知道將要發生的事情。對於我們國家的敵人來說,這是一個公開的詞語,表明他已經盯上了他們。還有,想想最近發生在華盛頓國會大廈的事件。川普在他的演講會上遲到了,然後在50萬以上的人群中重複了一些事情,但是這造成了一個問題。你看,如果川普及時發表簡短的講話,MAGA 的人群就會和 Antifa 派系一起在國會大廈,很可能會因為人群的規模而意外和混亂而捲入這場爭論。由於川普的演講又晚又長,MAGA 的人群被保護起來,與 Antifa 團體分開。很明顯,95%以上的人都是偽裝的Antifa人士。川普再次反擊,因為他領先他們一步。這顯然是一場舞台表演,旨在指責川普的支持者,並試圖陷害川普,以便國會可以使用第25修正案,但它失敗了。不要介意大量的影片顯示警察打開了Antifa大門(他們沒有殺進去),然後帶領他們穿過大樓。
I say all this as only two examples out of many that at no point has our president been in a fight of desperation.
Now you may ask,"Why hasn't Trump arrested anyone yet?Why did this have to go all the way to Congress?"Multiple reasons:first,Trump has been adamant in following the rule of law and the Constitution.He gives everyone,no matter how dirty,an opportunity to do the right thing(sometimes with warnings such as the phone call with the Georgia Secretary of State recently).He pushed cases through the courts,he presented evidence to the legislatures,and he even told the vice president to do the right thing.But with the betrayal by Pence and Congress,the treason is now complete and nobody can say that Trump did not allow the process to finish before acting.Second,in order to drain the swamp you have to know who are the swamp creatures.They can blend in very well with the crowds.But the false event in the capitol revealed the final traitors for who they were regardless of party affiliation.Trump flushed them out of hiding.
I need to take a moment to speak on Pence.With his treason completed,many of you may not know of his dealings and political posturing prior to the infamous day in the capitol.Pence was already wheeling and dealing way back during the 2016 election season with…wait for it….Paul Ryan.Remember Ryan?The RINO speaker of the house?Look at these emails that were recently revealed:
我需要花點時間談談彭斯。隨著他的叛國行為的結束,你們中的許多人可能不知道他在國會大廈臭名昭著的那天之前的交易和政治姿態。彭斯早在2016年選舉期間就已經在和保羅·萊恩打交道了。還記得萊恩嗎?RINO 的發言人?看看這些最近曝光的電子郵件:
Pence was also involved with a scheme to oust Trump sometime during his first four years that was orchestrated by Rod Rosenstein and supported by the Clintons.The plan:get rid of Trump,become president and then appoint Rod Rosenstein as the new VP.Why would they want that?Because they felt Pence could be controlled.See these links for the 3 part series for more information:
在川普任期的頭四年裡,彭斯還參與了一項由羅德·羅森斯坦(Rod Rosenstein)精心策劃並得到克林頓夫婦支持的推翻川普的計劃。這個計劃是:除掉川普,成為總統,然後任命羅德·羅森斯坦為新的副總統。他們為什麼要這麼做?因為他們覺得彭斯可以被控制。欲瞭解更多信息,請參見以下3部分系列的連結:
More could be said but I don't want this letter to become more of a book than it already is.Suffice it to say that when Trump said at the DC rally that he hoped Pence would do the right thing,he already knew what he was going to do but was,yet again,giving the man space to choose to do the right thing.
Now,nobody has been more supportive of Trump than Lin Wood.This man's career has been fighting defamation lawsuits which means that he doesn't say things,no matter how outrageous they may seem,without them being true as he knows the consequences of slander.With this in mind,Lin Wood has become a fountain of information and leaks of hitherto unknown information revealing some of the depths of corruption and evil in our highest offices.
This is the same man who recently said that arrests are coming over the next few days.He called Pence a traitor well before the counting of the elector votes on the 6th.But did you know that he also said that the president,following the capitol incident,left DC on a"Doomsday"aircraft(used for communications in the event of a nuclear war)with his family and was in Abilene,TX.This aircraft was confirmed by both flight trackers and eyes on the ground.In short,he is a trustworthy source of information.If you have a means to follow Lin Wood on Parler,I would highly recommend that you do so to stay abreast of things taking place.You can also listen to this podcast:
就是這個人最近說接下來幾天會有人被逮捕。在6號選舉人點票之前,他就把彭斯稱為叛徒。但你知道嗎,他還說,總統在國會大廈事件後,乘坐一架"末日"飛機(用於核戰爭時的通訊)離開華盛頓,與家人在 TX 的阿比林。飛行追蹤器和地面監視器都證實了這架飛機的存在。簡而言之,他是一個值得信賴的信息來源。如果你有辦法在 Parler 上關注林‧伍德,我強烈建議你這樣做,以瞭解正在發生的事情。你也可以收聽這個播客:
So,what comes next?I don't have the particulars but I can give you milestones to watch for as the coming days unfold:
Expect the emergency broadcast system to be activated.The FCC just recently released a memorandum speaking to the requirements under Federal law to send messages from the president to the public.See this link
Expect confusion.We are in a battle for our republic against elites that are attempting the very coup that they are accusing Trump of doing.In battle,there will be disinformation but know that plans are being fulfilled.
Expect high profile arrests to take place over the next 12 days and at any time.You may wake one morning to find someone in high office is no longer there.
Expect this to be a bumpy ride to the very end.This is not a television show where things are resolved in 45 minutes.
Expect more bombshell evidence to be released between now and Jan.20th.
Expect some sort of internet blackout or outage:Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,and Gmail are likely going to be affected.If you don't have alternate forms of communication established now,it would be a good idea to start forming them even if it's just checking on your next door neighbors.
預期會有某種形式的互聯網中斷或中斷:Facebook、Twitter、Instagram 和 Gmail 可能會受到影響。如果你現在還沒有建立其他形式的交流方式,那麼最好開始建立這種交流方式,即使只是去看看你的鄰居。
Expect Trump to be inaugurated on Jan 20th!
Expect the 2018 Executive Order Insurrection Act to be enacted.This DOES NOT mean martial law.Remember that we have been under a state of emergency since 2018 which gives the president many powers to act.
These things may happen out of the order listed and some may happen multiple times.As I have been watching closely,many things have been and are in play as we speak.Remember that Trump has not and will not give up.He actually takes his oath of office to defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic very seriously.This is why they are so panicked in DC:they know that Trump will fight while Congress just rolls over.
I've mentioned this before but it bears repeating.None of us would have believed what we all now know except that Trump and his team have painstakingly taken the time to show the public.Want to show what Congress thinks of you?Highlight that the stimulus bill only sent$600 to each American but billions to other countries(payoffs,money laundering).Want to show the extent of collusion with the*C*P at all levels of government?Bring multiple lawsuits against the election fraud from the local courts all the way to the Supreme Court which will show just how brazenly treasonous the judges are.Want the public to see how rigged the election system has been for many years?Present the evidence openly as we have seen.Even this week we have sworn testimony out of Italy that the Leonardo defense contractor used satellites to change the votes from our election in the USA from Italy.These Dominion voting machines were actively sending data to Germany,Serbia,China,Iran,and now Rome.This corruption is MUCH bigger than any of us expected but none of us would have believed it until now.This is why things seem to have taken so long.
Now,the American public is awake and ready to take back their long forgotten responsibilities to hold the elected officials accountable.I have heard from many of you how upset you are with the obvious and willful disregard for the truth and for justice.
As the days unfold,let's maintain communications among ourselves and try to help our neighbor to understand what is happening.Turn off the television as they have demonstrated they are clearly only falsifying the media to maintain control over your thinking.Do not despair but pray for our country,for Trump and his supporters,and for a national repentance to be stirred nationwide.
The next 12 days will be something to tell the grandchildren!It's 1776 all over again!
E.Sun.10 Jan.1:44 am EST"This is just in Regard to Blackout and NESARA"Kat:
E. 美國東部時間1月10日凌晨1點44分"這只是關於停電和NESARA"凱特:
Everything is moving fast now.These Tweets just in,FYI.I cannot say whether they are true or not,I just offer the information.With blessings unceasing and absolute confidence that all is well,all is going to be well,and when we come out the other side,what a gorgeous deep state free world we will CELEBRATE!!xo,Kat
Lin Wood 15 min.ago:Be prepared for an imminent Blackout.President Trump will be using emergency broadcast system.We have a man of courage and faith at the helm.He will be at the help for four more years per the rule of law.Pray for President,our country and all.Steady.
Lin Wood 14 min.ago:Apple is going to do an update on all phones to shut off the Emergency Broadcast System.This is Nazi Germany 1938.Turn your auto update toggle off.
President Elect Joe M@StormIsUponUS 3 hours ago:(They)know there's nothing left to do but stop Trump from declassifying it all.Public awakening is their greatest fear."Those of us who have followed Q from the beginning will be here to help you make sense of the coming events."
3小時前,當選總統 Joe M@StormIsUponUS:(他們)知道除了阻止川普解密這一切之外,沒有什麼可做的了。公眾覺醒是他們最大的恐懼。我們這些從一開始就關注Q的人會在這裡幫助你理解即將到來的事件。"
Juan O Savin@richardgibb8 42 min.ago:The President has Quietly slipped us into#NESARA…look at the Executive Order Signed on the 2nd of Nov!While they were cheating!Look here…not there.
The Military is the only way NESARA/GESARA Law transition sos sos sos sos sos sos sos sos sos sos sos sos sos Trump is now stepping down.Not in the way you think.He is allowing a smooth transition of power.Not to B1den,but to the Military.This is exactly what he means.Transition into Martial Law.As predicted,General Flynn will be taking the reigns here for a while.You didn't hear during POTUS speech anything about B1den or conceding.This is part of Nesara and Gesara as he has to step down from the US Corporation(dead entity)into the new administration 1776 Constitution Party.All leaders will be removed.Gesara Party created worldwide.You have to understand that POTUS is a genius.We are witnessing the best show on earth.This has always been part of The Plan.Cue has said this and now it's being shown in reality.Do not worry.Rejoice and be happy.God has given us a warrior to fight for humanity.The best is yet to come.In the meantime:Prepare for a HORRENDOUS two weeks.
軍隊是 NESARA/GESARA 法律過渡的唯一途徑 sos sos sos sos sos sos sos sos sos sos sos 川普現在下台了。不是你想的那樣。他允許權力的平穩過渡。不是拜登,而是軍隊。這就是他的意思。進入戒嚴狀態。正如預測的那樣,弗林將軍將在這裡掌權一段時間。你在總統的演講中沒有聽到任何關於拜登或者讓步的內容。這是 Nesara 和 Gesara 的一部分,因為他必須從美國公司(已死的實體)下台到新政府1776年憲法黨。所有的領導人都將被罷免。世界範圍內建立的Gesara黨。你要知道總統是個天才。我們正在見證地球上最精采的表演。這一直是我們計劃的一部分。Q已經說過了,現在它正在現實中展示出來。別擔心。要快樂,要快樂。上帝給了我們一個為人類而戰的戰士。最好的還在後面。與此同時,為可怕的兩週做好準備。
Juan Q Savin@righardgibb8 4 min.ago:34 Quadrillion was seized from the Vatican alone!What a time to be alive!Amazing things are coming…#NesaraGesara
胡安·奧薩文84分鐘前:34 Quadrillion (千的五次方)是從梵蒂岡一個地方繳獲的!多麼美好的時光啊!奇妙的事情即將到來......#NesaraGesara
F.Sat.9 Jan.Situation Update Episode 1–Emergency red alert America descending into war,Mike Adams,the Health Ranger Report:
·Trump has invoked NORAD.
·The Radical Left purge is underway.They are purging all accounts online.
·The Radical Left is after all Conservatives.
·The FBI is arresting members of the GOP
·Trump is fighting.He is not at the White House and is in a secure location.
·Yesterday the FCC put out an
·The last Trump tweet before Twitter banned the President of the US:"The 75 million patriots who voted for me will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future."
川普在 Twitter 封殺美國總統之前的最後一條推文:"投票給我的7500萬愛國者,他們的聲音將會是巨人之聲,並會在未來持續下去"
·This is the moment
·Giant Voice is the name of the Presidential Military Alert System
·Nancy is scrambling to get Trump out of power.She is trying to impeach him.
·They might bomb DC and claim Trump did it.A nuke may be set off.
·The White House is being surrounded by bad Virginia troops
·There are troops on the way to the White House to engage other troops.
·Conservatives are being purged from their jobs in corporations.
·Big tech,the fake news,they are the enemy
·Nancy Pelosi
·Trump has enough military loyalty
·Under Biden you will have no rights.
·NBC news has a copy of the impeachment papers
NBC 新聞有一份彈劾文件的副本
·Thousands of accounts are being purged.
·Rumor Chinese President Chi a quarter of a million troops to Washington
G.2020 Election Fraud:A Summary
G. 2020選舉舞弊:摘要
Barack Obama,the Democratic Congress and their cronies may have committed treason when Joe Biden was certified as the next US President.Reality was that there was bullet proof evidence that Obama,Democrat leaders,Social and Mass Media and others conspired with foreign Communist powers to steal the 2020 Election for Biden.
Some of that proof came from Whistleblowers in the Italian Government in a crime referred to as Italy Gate.Apparently Obama worked through the CIA,US Embassy in Italy and a number of other communist leaning countries including China in a massive Election Fraud Scheme that had been years in the making.Obama had financed it through$40 billion given to Iran when he was in office.
Biden's election would succeed in subverting the Constitution and put election integrity in question.Our Republic now hung in the balance.President Trump must play his full hand to defend the Republic against domestic and foreign enemies.He and team watched the whole Congressional certification show from the National Defense Command Center in Abilene Texas,where they caught the Deep State Cabal red-handed.
The Dems were running scared even though they supposedly got their guy in power and Trump out.The next day Chuck Schumer,Nancy Pelosi and fellow cronies were,again,calling for Trump's impeachment.Think they knew about an over 600,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office?
For the last four years Cabal Democrats and other members of Congress had planned this takeover of the US so that they would maintain power over We the People,who would then be forced to live under their Communist rule.
Trump wasn't about to let that happen.Now he could truly"Drain the Swamp"by acting on those over 600,000 sealed indictments.It was said that many traitors would be arrested over the next few days.Mass Arrests were about to happen.Be prepared for a Blackout.
In a pre-taped video shown after the vote Trump said there would be a smooth transition–likely meaning the transition of America away from the tyranny of the Deep State and return of power to The People.https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=162662
在投票結束後播放的一段預先錄製的影片中,川普表示,美國將實現平穩過渡——這可能意味著美國將擺脫"深層政府"(Deep State)的暴政,把權力重新交還給人民。
And,the Election was still not over.States could still de-certify their votes as evidence of Voter Fraud emerged,which included evidence tied to national security.If the political elites of those states didn't recognize the fraud,they could be caught in the treasonous web of working with foreign powers to influence a US election.
"The right to vote in a free and fair election was a basic freedom guaranteed in the Constitution"said Attorney for Trump Lin Wood."If a fraudulent election was certified that would be your last election in America.Those elected would never again let you decide your leaders."
All has been verified by Attorney Sidney Powell's extensive 270 page report of 100%documented proof of 2020 Election fraud.The document included hundreds of sworn affidavits by Whistleblowers–which has been refused even one argument in the US Courts.
We have been given an idea of why no court would hear 2020 Election Fraud issues.On Mon.4 Jan.Trump Attorney Lin Wood tweeted that Chief Justice John Roberts and a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide were being blackmailed in a horrendous scheme involving rape and murder of children captured on videotape.
我們已經知道為什麼沒有法院審理2020年的選舉舞弊問題。1月4日,星期一。川普律師林‧伍德在推特上表示,首席大法官約翰•羅伯茨(John Roberts)和世界各地許多有權勢的人士正在被勒索,這是一起涉及強姦和謀殺錄影帶上的兒童的可怕陰謀。
That ring was run by the supposedly dead pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and said to be what most of those over 600,000 sealed indictments were all about.Previously Wood had said that Epstein was still alive.He was likely confessing his heart out to save his own skin.
Plus,there were other charges that the Alliance had already acted upon.On New Years Day Fri.1 Jan.2021 Delta Forces had raided a Biden Family 200 acre estate in the Ukraine and found a maze of underground tunnels that ran for miles.It was believed used for human trafficking,laundering money,gold,guns and ammunition running.The next day on Sat.2 Jan.Joe Biden was said arrested for Treason.
Thurs.7 Jan.was the Satanic Holiday of St.Winebald Day that called for Satan worshipping members of the Cabal(that included those certain members of Congress)to do blood sacrifice and dismemberment of a victim age 15-33 according to an Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays put together by professional therapists from childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused(SRA)clients.
So what do you think the killing of Trump Protester Ashli Babbitt at the capitol building was all about?The millions of Trump protestors were mainly peaceful in nature.Though,Antifa members dressed as Trump supporters were viewed bussed into the rally accompanied by the DC police.Those Antifa members were said to include Nancy Pelosi's son-in-law who led the raid on the capitol.Those officers were grossly unprepared to handle those breaking into the US Capitol even though the DC mayor knew for over a month to expect millions of Trump supporters.The police didn't kill her,someone else did.Was the killing of Ashli a sacrifice by Cabal Satan worshippers for St.Winebald Day?
那麼,你認為川普抗議者 Ashli Babbitt 在國會大廈被殺的原因是什麼呢?數以百萬計的川普抗議者本質上都是和平的。儘管如此,打扮成川普支持者的Antifa成員在華盛頓警察的陪同下乘坐公交車進入集會現場。據說這些Antifa成員包括南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)的女婿,他領導了對國會大廈的突襲。儘管這位華盛頓特區市長一個多月前就知道會有數百萬川普的支持者,但這些官員對於那些闖入美國國會大廈的人完全沒有準備。殺害她的不是警察,而是別人。殺害 Ashli 是陰謀集團撒旦崇拜者為聖酒禿日做出的犧牲嗎?
They performed this Satan worship to gain power and authority and such had worked in the past.Trump and his Alliance had other ideas.From Thurs.Jan.7 to Sun.Jan.17 the Alliance planned for us to be in a Period of Enlightenment that would lead up to The Great Awakening on Thurs.Jan.21 2021–the day after the inauguration.
It was all about money.The overall process of the Global Currency Reset started on Christmas Day 24 Dec.with release of the St Germaine and Rodriguez Trusts.
這一切都是為了錢。全球貨幣重置的整個過程始於12月24日聖誕節當天,聖哲曼信託 (St Germaine Trust)和羅德里克斯信託 (Rodriguez Trust) 基金發行。
On Thurs.31 Dec.at the last minute of 2020,POTUS's Gold-backed Currency Advocate Judy Shelton was confirmed to the Federal Reserve Board by the Senate Banking Committee.
12月31日星期四,2020年最後一分鐘,美國總統的黃金支持貨幣倡導者朱迪·謝爾頓(Judy Shelton)獲得參議院銀行委員會(Senate Banking Committee)對聯邦儲備委員會(Federal Reserve Board)的確認。
The next day of Fri.1 Jan.2021 the Gold Standard began ushering in a new financial system across the globe.Several countries have already announced their currencies would be on the gold/asset-backed standard.
According to Shelton over this past weekend the paperwork of 209 countries for the GCR were completed.
據謝爾頓說,在過去的這個週末,209個國家的全球貨幣重置 (GCR) 文書工作已經完成。
Also over this past weekend NESARA/GESARA debt forgiveness programs were being implemented globally,including Global Collateral Account payouts to paymaster accounts and bond holders receiving money-of-accounts as of Tues.5 Jan.–and now could see funds that would be accessible when Tier 4B started.
在過去的這個週末,NESARA/GESARA 債務減免計劃也在全球範圍內實施,包括從1月5日星期二開始向付款人帳戶和債券持有人支付全球抵押帳戶款項。現在可以看到將可以在4B 層開始時使用的資金。
US Forensic audits(who got what,who should get monies and who should not get monies)were handled on Wed.6 Jan.
The St.Germaine and Rodriguez Trusts which handled the Prosperity Programs,needed at least two weeks to process,or would be settled around Thurs.7 Jan.
負責繁榮計劃的聖哲曼信託 (St Germaine Trust)和羅德里克斯信託 (Rodriguez Trust) 公司至少需要兩週時間來處理,或者將在1月7日週四前後解決。
Google Maps,Twitter,Facebook and other Social Media were heavily censoring,Shadow Banning and deleting the good guys accounts.Twitter and Facebook have taken down President Trump's,Lin Wood's and others who don't conform to their leftist agenda.
谷歌地圖、Twitter、Facebook 和其他社交媒體都在進行嚴格的審查,"影子禁令"和刪除好人的帳戶。Twitter 和 Facebook 已經刪除了川普總統、林‧伍德和其他不符合他們左翼議程的人的帳戶。
H.Trump Stands For…
H. 川普代表的是.....
I.Sun.10 Jan.Lin Wood Addresses the Nation:
I. 1月10日星期日,林伍德向國家致辭:
J.What really happened in Washington DC on 6 Jan:
J. 1月6日在華盛頓特區到底發生了什麼:
K.Sat.9 Jan.Military-intelligence-operations-have-exposed-the-cabal-x27-s-plan-to-takeover-the-usa:
K. 1月9日星期六軍事情報行動已經暴露了陰謀集團計劃接管美國:
The Trump presidency is a defacto military presidency to take down the Cabal or New World Order.
川普的總統任期實際上是一個軍事總統任期,目的是推翻陰謀集團或新世界秩序(New World Order)。
L.Sat.9 Jan.Justice With Judge Jeanine,Fox:
L. 1月9日,星期六,法官珍妮,福克斯:
M.International Child Sex Trafficking Ring:
M. 國際兒童性交易集團:
PedoEmpire 5 Books,42 chapters Free Online:
PedoEmpire 5本書,42章免費線上閱讀:
N.Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays:
N. 神秘的魔鬼節日曆:
Sun.17 Jan.Satanic Revels was the next Satanic Holiday according to an Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays put together by professional therapists from childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused(SRA)clients.
It was celebrated with sexual exploitation parties filled with oral,anal and vaginal attacks to females age 7 to 17.The human sacrifice of a child,drinking their blood and eating their flesh always followed these Satanic sexual orgies using child and teen victims.
Be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled children and teens being forced to participate in the rape,torture and murder of other children.Months in advance Satan worshippers planned for their holidays by kidnapping children and teens.The victims were starved,tortured and used in sex orgies in preparation for human sacrifice rites.
Please report suspected Satanic activities to your local law enforcement.Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments,cover your tracks by also contacting U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE):https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form,call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 and contact the Federal Human Trafficking Website:https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking/
If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking,contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and/or the non-profit Saving Innocence.https://ourrescue.org/https://savinginnocence.org
如果你希望加入拯救兒童免遭國際性販賣的行動,請聯繫地下鐵路行動和/或非營利組織拯救無辜的 Tim Ballard。
O."Twenty Two Faces:inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,"Judy Byington
O. 《二十二張臉:珍妮·希爾和她的二十二個多重人格的非凡生活》,朱迪·拜因頓
WARNING:Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five,was raped,tortured,forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention,was almost killed herself–not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers.Satan-follower perpetrators appeared to be organized from the US Inc's CIA,Queen Elizabeth's,Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons,Hollywood,Pizzagate and local teenage covens.They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system–the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset.It's no wonder that President Trump has stated,"These people are sick."
警告:珍妮給出了一個生動的描述,關於她如何在5歲的幼小年齡,被強姦,折磨,被迫觀看一個兒童犧牲和為了神的干預(電影),幾乎自殺-不像其他數以千計的兒童受害者的骯髒經歷撒旦崇拜者。撒旦追隨者的行兇者似乎是有組織的,從美國公司的中央情報局,伊莉莎白女王,梵蒂岡的第九圈兒童祭祀邪教,直到克林頓,好萊塢,披薩門 (Pizzagate) 和當地的青少年聚會。他們是由同一個陰謀集團資助運行我們的全球貨幣系統正是這個組織被激活的全球貨幣重置搞垮了。難怪川普總統說"這些人病了"
P.The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA Is All About the Children
P. 全球貨幣重置和 NESARA/GESARA 都是為了孩子們
It's not about the money.It's about the children–the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who,in honor of Satan,were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office,was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by global elites.Let us fast and pray for these little ones who were now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe,and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door.Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them.The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs
Judy Note:I do not now,nor have I ever,received monies for writing my Updates and articles.The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse,Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
The above was a summary of information from the Internet.It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown;to humble Wildfire Lady who was adept at exposing the truth;to Martha who worked around the clock to discern what was real in the fake news;to Brad who did great research;to Ken who uncovered almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children and to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening.
以上是來自互聯網的信息摘要。這將取決於讀者做他們自己的研究,並決定是否有效。非常感謝那些願意保持默默無聞的內幕消息提供者;謙卑的野火女士,她善於揭露真相;瑪莎,她晝夜不停地工作,以辨別假新聞中的真假;布拉德,她做了很好的研究;肯,她發現了幾乎無限的戀童癖情報,以幫助我們拯救兒童;邦尼 B,她揭露了真正發生的事情的根本原因。
Divide They Try,Fail They Will;WWG1WGA to Support POTUS,Follow Q&Trust Plan
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is,plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites.It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it would generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to agree to in order to get appointments.
After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email,post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days,so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.This was not a goodbye.I expected to be working with many of you in the near future.I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know all of you.You will remain in my heart forever.
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be.I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together,we will make life better for all.
Patience is a Virtue.Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being.Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.Judy