Like many I was seriously disappointed when nothing happened on January 20 and the whole anticipation for visible action by the light forces fizzled out. There was really action planned to be taken (arresting the whole clique of Cabal smurfs that was gathered in Washington DC for the fake Biden inauguration) but it was aborted at the last minute. Everyone in the alternative media has been grasping for straws to explain why the operation was aborted without coming up with a good answer. Yes, there was the threat of a terror attack with a dirty bomb (a nuclear radiation dispersal weapon) but that was not the main issue. The main issue is the overall situation, especially the status of the underground war. Unfortunately the Cabal still has some aces and trump cards up its sleeve.
和許多人一樣,當1月20日什麼也沒有發生時,我感到非常失望,對光明部隊可見行動的整個期待都以失敗告終。他們真的計劃採取行動(逮捕整個聚集在華盛頓參加假的拜登就職典禮的陰謀集團) ,但是在最後一分鐘流產了。替代媒體的每個人都在抓住最後的救命稻草,解釋為什麼這次行動沒有得到一個好的答案就被取消了。是的,確實存在使用髒彈(一種核輻射擴散武器)進行恐怖襲擊的威脅,但這不是主要問題。主要問題是全局,特別是地下戰爭的現狀。不幸的是,陰謀集團仍然有一些A和王牌在袖子裡。
The light forces have been very tight-lipped when it comes to hardcore information, but I have now gotten confirmation on a few things. The manifestation chambers that the Chimera were using in underground bases have all been destroyed; the light forces would have liked to preserve them as they could have been of great value for humanity but they were too much of a problem in getting rid of the Chimera. The physical Chimera have all been killed, but there is still a limited number of spirits of the Chimera wandering around in the nonphysical realms and making surprise attacks on the light forces seemingly out of nowhere. The Chimera have left behind an extremely horrific heritage of deep dark evil that is at the innermost core of the Matrix reality and have imprisoned and tortured children, souls and soul parts of light beings in gruesome ways. Everything is connected, the primary anomaly, the toplets, the implants of humanity, the collective pain and trauma, the fear and cowardice, the ignorance and unconsciousness, the imprisonment and enslavement, the powerlessness and despair, and it is a very tedious and complicated job to untangle the jumbled knot. The light forces are more sensitive than surface humans and have to stare in the face of what would make surface humans throw up, so they are having a very hard time in their own way. The good news is that the clearing of the toplets is proceeding nicely and is drawing near its completion. Also new civilizations even from outside our universe have joined the liberation forces. The dark forces have precisely zero chance of winning, the only question is when they will be defeated completely. Even many politicians are secretly awaiting the defeat of the Cabal as they are also sick of being pushed around and treated as servants.
當涉及到核心信息時,光明勢力一直守口如瓶,但我現在已經在一些事情上得到了證實。奇美拉在地下基地中使用的顯化室 (manifestation chambers)都被摧毀了;光明勢力本想保留它們,因為它們本來可以對人類有很大的價值,但他們在清除奇美拉方面遇到了太大的問題。肉體奇美拉都被殺死了,但仍然有數量有限的奇美拉靈魂在非物質領域遊蕩,對光明勢力進行突襲。奇美拉留下了極其可怕的深層黑暗邪惡遺產,這是母體現實的最核心,並以可怕的方式監禁和折磨兒童、靈魂和光明存在的靈魂部分。所有的一切都是聯繫在一起的,主要的異常,頂夸克炸彈,植入物,集體的痛苦和創傷,恐懼和懦弱,無知和無意識,監禁和奴役,無能為力和絶望,解開這個混亂的結是一項非常乏味和複雜的工作。光明勢力比地表的人類更敏感,他們不得不面對會讓地表的人類嘔吐的東西,所以他們正以自己的方式度過一段非常艱難的時間。好消息是,清理頂夸克炸彈的工作進展順利,接近完成。此外,甚至來自我們宇宙之外的新文明也加入了解放力量。黑暗勢力的勝算恰恰是零,唯一的問題是他們什麼時候會被徹底擊敗。甚至許多政客也在秘密等待陰謀集團的失敗,因為他們也厭倦了被人擺佈,被當作僕人對待。
In a way all humans on Earth, in particular the freedom seekers and starseeds, are like Nelson Mandela when he was imprisoned on Robbeneiland in a tiny prison cell with no space to move around and hostile bullies of prison guards watching over him; he basically had two choices: either to be broken or to rise to the greatest version of himself that he could be. He chose the latter and the rest is history.
在某種程度上,地球上的所有人類,特別是尋求自由的人和星際種子,都像納爾遜·曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)一樣,當時他被關在羅比尼蘭的一個狹小的牢房裡,沒有活動的空間,監獄看守的敵意欺凌著他;他基本上只有兩個選擇:要麼被打破,要麼成為他可能成為的最偉大的自己。他選擇了後者,剩下的就是歷史了。