Never in my life have I seen the level of mendacity,sanctimony and hypocrisy from politicians and mass media as in these days since January 6.People who consider themselves as intelligent and discerning spewing utter misguided nonsense from their beaks on TV.What little they really know and how much shit they have in their eyes that blinds them.And how much they will be humbled once the real truth comes out!
Simon Parkes talks about recent developments with much integrity and he is on top of things.He interprets the storming of the US Capitol and subsequent events.And in his yesterday's update he states that US president Donald Trump has activated the Insurrection Act to facilitate the rounding up of Cabal crooks.Meanwhile the Cabal puppets keep extending lockdowns and injecting as many slaves as they can.But not for long anymore.I cannot mention specifics about the status of the clearing of the Chimera except that the light forces are almost done with it.
西蒙·帕克斯 (Simon Parkes)坦率地談到了最近的事態發展,他對此瞭如指掌。他解讀了對美國國會大廈的衝擊以及隨後發生的事件。他在昨天的更新中表示,美國總統唐納德·川普(Donald Trump)已經啟動了暴亂法案,為圍捕陰謀集團歹徒提供便利。與此同時,陰謀集團傀儡們繼續延長封鎖,並儘可能多地注入奴隷。但這不會再持續太久了。我不能提及清理奇美拉的具體情況,除非光明勢力幾乎完成了清理工作。