2020年8月5日 星期三

GCR恢復共和國特別報告(摘要)|2020年8月4日 (轉貼)

由 Judy Byington 編輯,MSW,LCSW,治療師 ret,記者,作者,《二十二張臉:珍妮希爾和她的二十二個多重人格的非凡生活》

Source:Dinar Chronicles


Judy Note:The US Treasury team has been celebrating since Sun.2 Aug.when it was declared that Deep State threats had been contained,security issues resolved and all was ready for a Shotgun Release.By 12 noon EDT Mon.3 Aug.steps were taken so that Tier 4b(us,the Internet Group)could obtain a Secured Website that contained instructions on how to obtain an individual 800#to call and receive a redemption/exchange appointment.On that Mon.3 Aug.Fleming's Hong Kong Source had said,"We're a go for sometime on Tues.4 Aug."

朱迪註:美國財政部團隊自8月2日(星期日)以來一直在慶祝,當時宣佈深州威脅已被遏制,安全問題已得到解決,一切都準備好接受散彈槍釋放。截至美國東部時間8月3日中午12:00,已採取措施,使4b層(我們,互聯網集團)可以獲得一個安全網站,其中包含如何獲得個人800 #呼叫和接收兌換/兌換預約的說明。在8月3日星期一,弗萊明的香港消息來源說,"我們將在8月4日星期二的某個時候開始。"

For ten days from Tues.4 Aug.to Fri.14 Aug.you could exchange/redeem at Contract Rates.


Zim holders were asked to redeem in the next four days,or by Fri.7 Aug.

Zim 持有者被要求在接下來的四天或者8月7日贖回。

Sat.15 Aug.forward the General Public would begin exchanging at new International Rates.


Fri.Sept.4-Mon.Sept.7 Labor Day Weekend was expected to see release of the Durham Report and unmasking of treasonous acts by the Obama Administration:"Obamagate isn't a conspiracy theory,it's the biggest political scandal of our time"@realDonaldTrump


Over the weekend Q warned us that something BIG was about to drop.The Alliance was cracking down on the Cabal's Deep State human trafficking operations,with celebrities,Mainstream Media,Bankers,Lawyers,Judges,plus prominent Democrat and Republican elites being exposed for stealing US Taxpayer monies,perpetrating child sex and other horrid abuses of children.


After their involvement in human trafficking was made public,assets of big e-commerce companies such as Amazon,eBay,Wayfair and more would be seized by the US Government.

在他們參與人口販賣電子商務的消息公之於眾後,亞馬遜、eBay、Wayfair 等大型電子商務公司的資產將被美國政府沒收。

Meanwhile our economy was recovering at lightning speed,even though the Cabal was trying to stop it.They couldn't.Patriots were in control.The old SWIFT global monetary system had been replaced with a gold-asset/backed completely transparent Cross-border International Payment System(CIPS).All banks have pinged back,done.The Dinar has revalued and the Chinese Yuan,Zimbabwe Zim and USTN were now gold/asset-backed and trading internationally at their new rates.

與此同時,我們的經濟正以閃電般的速度復甦,儘管陰謀集團試圖阻止它。他們做不到。愛國者控制了局面。舊的 SWIFT 全球貨幣體系已經被黃金資產/支持的完全透明的跨境國際支付系統(CIPS)所取代。所有的銀行都回覆了,完成了。第納爾已經重估,人民幣、津巴布韋元和中國國際貨幣基金組織(USTN)現在都是黃金/資產支持的貨幣,以新的匯率進行國際交易。


2020年8月4日星期一 NESARA 抵押貸款消失,聖誕老人衝浪:

接下來的幾個星期到9月15日,將會有歷史性的立法頒佈,讓我們回到原來的憲法和 NESARA 的實施。






Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays:


Be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help Save the Children and Teens being forced to participate.The next major Satanic Holiday was the Labor Day Mon.Sept.7"Marriage to the Beast Satan,blood,sexual,sacrifice,dismemberment of infant to age 21 female"as per an Occult Calendar put together by professional therapists using accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused(SRA)clients.


These holidays–done in reverence to Satan–often used the perpetrator's own children whom they regularly tortured in sex orgies,baptized in a mixture of urine and blood and forced their participation in human sacrifice,after which the little ones were made to eat the flesh and drink Adrenochrome blood of the traumatized victim.The abuse was so traumatic that it was known to sever the child's developing thinking patterns in order to mind control them into multiple personalities so perps would have lifelong control over them.


Please be aware of any Satanic activities around you and report such to local authorities.Warn teens about the dangers of Satan Worship,which always included participation in pornography,sex orgies and killing small animals as preparation for raping children and participating in human sacrifices at the higher Satanic Coven level.Such was then used,along with threatening to torture and kill those close to participants,to blackmail them and force loyalty to their fellow Satanic Coven members.Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police and other legal entities,also fill out the ICE form below,detailing your observance,including your report to police and how they handled it:https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form.

請注意你周圍的任何撒旦活動,並向地方當局報告。警告青少年撒旦崇拜的危險,其中總是包括參與色情,性狂歡和殺害小動物作為準備強姦兒童和參與人類祭祀在更高的撒旦女巫集會的水平。然後,這些人被用來威脅要折磨和殺害與參與者關係密切的人,以勒索他們並迫使他們效忠於其他撒旦巫師團成員。因為眾所周知撒旦教徒會潛入警察和其他法律實體,所以也請填寫下面的 ICE 表格,詳細說明你的遵守情況,包括你向警察報告的內容和他們如何處理:

C.*** 必看視頻***




普京準備讓美國戒嚴令向陰謀集團/深層國家推進,William Mount:

How Trump,the NSA&Q-JFK Jr.Took Down the cabal"Part 1 by Kat:


How Trump,the NSA&Q-JFK Jr.Took Down the cabal"Part 2 by Kat:



Dutch banker Ronald Bernard blows the whistle on world's...http://www.cooperatiedevrijemedia.nl/...




Aug.3 2020 Another Doc.Speaks Out About Covid-19,Hydroxychloroquine:

https://youtu.be/2cAkWdJ1W1c A growing chorus of doctors the world over were speaking out about COVERT-19.Dr Kelly Victory said social distancing and mask wearing have NO scientific basis and Hydroxychloroquine was safe and effective.


全世界越來越多的醫生都在大聲疾呼 COVERT-19。醫生說,社交距離和戴面具沒有科學依據,羥氯喹是安全有效的。

2020年8月3日The Right to Try:Hydroxycholoquine and Mind Blowing Patents


E.Q 提醒:



Divide They Try,Fail They Will,WWG1WGA to Support POTUS,Follow Q&Trust Plan


Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be.I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together,we will make life better for all.


Patience is a Virtue.Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being.Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.Judy


