2021年3月14日 星期日

昴宿星人|自我賦權 (轉貼)

Beloved ones we greet you,This sacred time is about you awakening to your own self-empowerment.Choosing to utilize the Conscious breath allows you to consciously rebirth yourself within your Heart.This is a returning.Each time you utilize the Conscious breath you actively realign yourself past the illusion of the Ego mind.You are actively aligning to your unlimited abundance within your Heart connection.


This is a time like no other when you are able to connect to the higher potential of yourself with ease.You have been given Grace where you can consciously choose to return to yourself.This is destiny in motion of your self-realization.This is your time to re-emerge beyond the illusion of time and to shift your perceptions beyond the 3rd dimensional limitations within your life through your Heart.


Remember we,the Pleiadians say,"YOU ARE WHO YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR."Only you can shift your awareness and take back your power through reclaiming your Heart connection.Through your Heart you realign yourself to the vast multidimensional potential and move into Truth,to Knowing.


An aspect of your awakening process is when you realize that your Ego mind needs to release its hold on controlling every decision in your life.When you choose to follow the guidance of your authentic Heart you link into a sacred flow,which takes you where you need to be.


Be willing to let go of the Ego mind's need for certainty,of its story of what is happening next.These illusions held by the Ego mind'of knowing what is going to happen'are fear based from past experience.Your Ego mind keeps you linked to a grid of illusion,that keeps you in a cycle of self-sabotage and has no connection to Truth.


Your Ego self-image derives its power and sense of reality from this Grid of illusion.When you choose to disengage from this Grid by aligning to your Heart,the Ego is momentarily discredited and the Grid becomes compromised.Each time you choose to align to your Heart space you break some of the old cycles,which are connected to this Grid of illusion.


Slowly you build your Heart connection and the Ego learns to operate differently,not running your life.You need your Ego mind to support you in your 3rd dimensional day-to-day living,supporting you in organizing your life.


This journey is about you returning to your authentic self through reconnection to your Heart.Step by step,one moment at a time,you choose to align into your Heart's sacred flow.This is the process of witnessing the dialogue of your Ego mind and not necessarily responding to your mind.As you spend moments aligning to your multidimensional Heart you develop realignment to your light to utilize in your daily life.Each one of you can choose change,to allow your Heart to lead you into your higher purpose within your life.


Your vast sacred light is here to be sourced by you.All beings of light are here to welcome you Home.Claim your heritage now through your Heart.




The Pleiadians


**Source**Channel:Christine Day


