Rothschild rule ends after 250 years; new era to begin
Benjamin Fulford, 26 November, 2018
本傑明·富爾福德 2018年11月26日 新聞快訊
The announcement on October 24, 2018 by Rothschild & Co that they are getting out of the trust business (i.e., managing other people’s money) is a major historical turning point that almost slipped by unnoticed.
It was in 1769 that Mayer Rothschild, the founder of the dynasty, first started to manage money for royalty. Now, seven generations later, his descendant Alexandre de Rothschild has been forced out of the business by multiple international criminal investigations that are zeroing in on this criminal family, Pentagon sources say. It means that for the first time in 249 years, the Western financial system is freeing itself from Rothschild financial control.
In particular, the arrest of Goldman Sachs bankers in the 1Malaysian Development scandal means that the Rothschilds’ involvement is about to be revealed, French investigators and other sources say.