2020年5月14日 星期四
陰謀集團會垮台——裡努斯•費爾哈根 (轉貼)
2 2020年5月11日
Truth,lies mass indoctrination through false propaganda,the Cabal will fall.
The 0.01%has the most to lose.
The 99.9%can only win.9
The biggest enemy for the 0.01%is to reveal and expose the truth.
Losing faith in their own ranks will turn their power monopoly on violence against us,against their own from their system of oppression.
The fascist Deep State tumour has infiltrated all governments.
Their docility to the WHO,(Bill Gates)is obvious,through their sponsorship of the planned GENOCIDE,using the CORONA PLANDEMY as an excuse.
他們對世界衛生組織(比爾·蓋茲)的順從是顯而易見的,他們以冠狀病毒計畫 (CORONA PLANDEMY) 為藉口贊助了計劃中的種族滅絶
Despite the large funds of GESARA,the Elite is determined to fight until the last moment to push through the Fascist NWO.
儘管有 GESARA 的大量資金,精英們決心戰鬥到最後一刻,以推動法西斯 NWO
Many of the 99.9%of people who are asleep are now waking up en masse,as measures imposed will now reach their own comfort zone.
Governments and politicians who have lied for years,why should they now tell the truth,and insist on mass vaccination,when in 1992 they approved the proposal of the Population Agenda 21.
It is the facts,of ignoring referendums,in which their NGO activities in other countries have supported self-esteem and oppression of their own people that have lost their credibility through their own actions.
From the 99.9%,more and more people are starting to seek the truth and connect the facts to an understandable whole.
The margin of error of these conclusions becomes smaller and more transparent for the whole picture every time.
The 0.01%perform a stage play to convincingly present their story,but conceal hard facts that may prove the opposite.
With the weapon of Sowing Fear,they want the masses to believe that they are working sincerely for a solution,this is also true,but the solution of Agenda 21 as they are mentioned on the Georgia Guide Stone in several languages.
Of course it is a complex case where many things are mixed up.
Expectations are high among the plagued population.
All announcements that have been made want to be fulfilled.
Take the Yalta conference that was held in 1945,and now 75 years after dates have been announced that they would start on May 9,2020.
It is all hopeful,but it would have been wise to mention that starting discussions on the restoration of the German Empire will also take time,and can never be a fact as of May 10,2020.
Restoring the borders of 1914 would then not only be an issue for Germany,Austria would also have to get back the part of Northern Italy.
This will never be possible if the current political NWO marionettes remain in place.
A reorganisation of national borders does have administrative changes,while it does not really have to be a major obstacle for the population,because everyone will continue to live where they currently live.
For the original European population it will be a step to be bridged and accepted when one sees the advantages of GESARA.
The Unconditional Basic Income,will be a tool to widely accept this scheme from the population,because it eliminates income inequality.
The people of Europe,who have experienced all the inconveniences of this dictatorship due to the unelected Fascist regime from Brussels,will not rebel when freedom is within reach.
We are also going to see more republics,such as the Basques and Catalans in the north of Spain,who were only held together by violence.
The De-Centralisation of power and governance will give the people a voice and an opportunity to determine their own future.
Administrators then only act as negotiators who carry out the will of the people,and cannot impose dictates on them.
Europe Defender 2020 force is therefore a temporary power,which GESARA will guarantee,to prevent the Satanic Elite from remaining in power and GESARA from being safely introduced.
因此,歐洲衛士2020部隊是一個暫時的權力,GESARA 將保證,以防止撒旦精英繼續掌權和 GESARA 被安全引進
All the threats that the Deep State Cabal puppets are now making clearly show us who the Satanists are,that is has always been told,that they want to convince the population with facts.
Any action or compliments on the goodness of the false Satanists in politics are a phrase to pursue their agenda in their own interest.
So when Corona is used to seduce the population to take a GENOCIDE vaccination,and to manipulate and control with deadly 5G radiation in George Orwell's style is the countermeasure of Donald J Trump and Putin,the hunt for paedophiles and the liberation of abducted children.
所以,當冠狀被用來引誘人們接種種族滅絶疫苗,並以喬治·奧威爾(George Orwell)的風格操縱和控制致命的5G 輻射時,唐納德·j·特朗普(Donald j Trump)和普京採取的對策就是追捕戀童癖者,解放被綁架的兒童
The traitors are in all positions to hide the truth,
Calling dates in the past brings disappointment to the population,as they do not see a hold of hope fulfilled on that day or date.
Many stupid people then come up with unjustified accusations while they themselves are cowardly and inactive.
For people who want to see it,get the information from Donald J Trump's message that NESARA has been set in motion for the US.
對於想看的人來說,可以從唐納德·j·特朗普的信息中得知 NESARA 已經開始為美國服務了
The groups Tiere 1 to Tiere 3 have already had their agreements,because of the NDA agreement they are no longer allowed to disclose information on pain of losing the funds.
第1層至第3層集團已經達成協議,因為 NDA 協議不再允許它們披露資金損失的信息
This week would be a BQQM week,a week to remember.
Bringing out the crimes and treason goes hand in hand with arresting the Deep State actors
This is lethal for the 0.01%Elite,so the release of the 4a/b Tiere fund holders will be safe,of course also under an NDA obligation,whoever talks,mails or posts on multimedia about this,loses his funds and all his money.
My suspicion is that there is a good chance that all TV and Radio stations will be taken over by Europe Defender 2020,and as already mentioned,the truth will wake up the population when they hear all the details of the crimes of their own representatives.
Once dormant government officials also wake up,they will not be able to follow the Satanists'support or orders.
All actors and their crimes are lying in the streets,they will gladly be taken into custody to escape the popular rage.
Since the FED,ECB and other Central Banks have lost their power,they can no longer produce money out of nowhere,because this is not gold covered.
Through the QFS,accounts that provide funds to the Cabal will be frozen.
通過 QFS,向陰謀集團提供資金的賬戶將被凍結
This can and will happen in every country where the traitors are Satanists who have locked up their people with a false Lock Down.
People can help themselves by no longer paying mortgages on loans,this works as a fire accelerant.
The countries and institutions that have co-financed the planned GENOCIDE with taxpayers'money from the plagued population have unmasked the Satanists,these accounts will also be frozen and the perpetrators will be expropriated privately by the order signed by Trump 21 December 2017.
People who think Trump does not have this power,think again,since the second world war is not yet over,and no peace has been signed,he has the power,as an occupying power,to hunt down and arrest the perpetrators all over the world.
Therefore,the Yalta conference is a GESARA part to bring and guarantee world peace,with the introduction of the new gold covered money system,which by the QFS with the CIPS payment transaction system has replaced the Central Bank Swift system.
因此,隨著新的覆蓋黃金的貨幣系統的引入,雅爾達會議儲備系統和 CIPS 支付交易系統已經取代了中央銀行的 Swift 系統,它是 GESARA 的一部分,以帶來和保證世界和平
We may be grateful to the alliance for their efforts,I myself receive a lot of information from digital fellow fighters,this information I process in my messages,to be able to write as accurate as possible a report where I reasonably expect to be able to report on the progress.
我們可能會感謝聯盟的努力,我自己從數位戰友 (digital fellow fighters)那裡收到很多信息,我在信息中處理這些信息,能夠寫出儘可能準確的報告,我有理由期望能夠報告進展情況
This is no guarantee that my analysis of the facts known until then will be exactly on the date.
I will be more than 98%correct in the whole picture if we give it time about the lapse.
A World Dictatorship NWO will certainly not happen 100%,because the alliance Trump and Putin are also against that for personal reasons,nobody wants to live in a dictatorship and be lived by a corrupt system of power-hungry Satanists who have no values or conscience.
一個世界獨裁的 NWO 肯定不會100%發生,因為特朗普和普京的聯盟也出於個人原因反對,沒有人希望生活在一個獨裁統治之下,生活在一個沒有價值觀和良心的權力慾望的撒旦崇拜者的腐敗體系之下
Everything goes wrong for the Cabal due to lack of money and the exclusion of the QFS system,whatever plans they have,one cannot pay for it due to lack of money.
由於缺乏資金和 QFS 系統的排斥,陰謀集團的一切都出了問題,無論他們有什麼計劃,由於缺乏資金無法支付
Proposed taxes,of what?The population has already been plundered and there is nothing more to be gained.
This also accelerates the decline of the economy,the shares on the stock exchange is a phrase by buying shares with free money.
Clearly there will be no forgiveness of debts,but bankruptcies,which eventually gives the companies and their power back to the population.
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