2020年5月1日 星期五


Action is heating up-there were 19 new Q drops today....


Some of the new drops are very detailed and complex.I recommend following Lisa Mei Crowley's Twitter thread-she does an excellent job of decoding this latest batch...

一些新的貼文是非常詳細和複雜的。我推薦麗莎·梅·克勞利的 Twitter 帖子——她在解碼最新一批信息方面做得非常出色


Q drop number 3989 features an image of a house and three US flags.Anons believe the three flags represent three star General Flynn who is set to be exonerated this week.President Trump has not ruled out bringing General Flynn onto his team.Imagine the delight of World Patriots to see General Flynn being interviewed by the MSM-the same corrupt MSM that broadcast the lies that led to his dismissal.Vindication is sweet.

第3989個Q貼文展示了一座房子和三面美國國旗的圖片。無名氏們相信這三面旗子代表了本週即將被宣佈無罪的三星將軍弗林。特朗普總統沒有排除讓弗林將軍加入他的團隊。想像一下,當世界愛國者看到弗林將軍接受 MSM 的採訪時,他有多麼高興——就是這個同樣腐敗的 MSM 傳播了導致他被解職的謊言。辯護是甜蜜的

Scroll down Lisa's Twitter feed until you find a tweet by Beer at the Parade.The tweet refers to Q drop number 3998...

向下滾動 Lisa 的 Twitter feed,直到你找到 Beer 在遊行上的 tweet。這條推特提到了第3998個Q....




The tweet:'Countdown from 5 dots to 1 dot.ALL CAPS.One dot!'As you will see from the image in the tweet,Q has used the phrase'The Silent War Continues'before,each time with fewer dots at the end of the sentence.Have we reached the end of the countdown??


Q drop number 4000 refers to the Deep State using Playstation and X Box video game chat for secret communications.They were using Star Wars Commander until discovered by NSA.James Comey tweeted pictures of himself in his living room surrounded by Star War toys belonging to his seven year old grand son.Subtle.No wonder Q often says, 'THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID'.

Q貼文4000指的是使用 Playstation 和 X Box 視頻遊戲聊天進行秘密通信的深州 (Deep State)。他們一直使用星球大戰指揮官,直到被國家安全局發現。詹姆斯·科米在推特上發佈了自己的照片,照片中他的起居室裡擺滿了星際戰爭玩具,這些玩具是他七歲的孫子的。微妙。難怪Q經常說, "這些人很愚蠢"

Lisa Mei Crowley does a great summary of Q drop number 4003 which discusses the Deep State plan to take over the world...


'POTUS pushing decision to States re stay-at-home orders exposes Dem's tyranny.They want to keep us afraid to go out,keep death toll high,ban unsanctioned COVID-19 discussions(eg cures),force vaccinations and force mail-in voting to regain power.'(Lisa Mei Crowley tweet).


Remember what COVID stands for-Certificate of Vaccination Identification.Bill Gates PATENTED the Corona Virus so he could force mandatory vaccinations/ID chips on the entire world population.He and his fellow satanists have FAILED.President Trump is encouraging Governors to open their States and get people back to work.

記住 COVID 代表什麼-疫苗接種鑒定證書。比爾·蓋茲申請了冠狀病毒的專利,這樣他就可以強制全世界的人接種強制性疫苗和身份識別晶片。他和他的撒旦崇拜者們已經失敗了。特朗普總統正在鼓勵州長們開放他們的州,讓人們重返工作崗位

Finally,Q has often referred to 5:5 in Q drops.We are coming up to 5th May(5:5).Interestingly the sequel to the hugely successful Truth documentary'Out of Shadows'will be released on 5th May.And the Senate re-opens on 4th May.It could be an interesting week,especially if General Flynn is finally free to talk about'where the bodies are buried'.


'Out of Shadows 1'was released on 10th April and to date has had nearly 11 million views and 58,000 comments.If'Out of Shadows 2'has a similar impact,it could be the final nail in the coffin for the Deep State.


Message to Deep State:Afraid,much?


Where We Go One We Go All.


Love and Light





