2020年5月9日 星期六
柯博拉推特|20200507 拆除頂夸克炸彈最新情況更新 (轉貼)
The next phase of this operation is to remove all entities living inside the auric field of
all surface population.When those entities are removed,behaviors of a certain amount of human beings will improve significantly as well.
What is happening now is an extremely fast accelerated removal of all remaining negative entities on non-physical planes.When these planes are completely cleared,the energy around us will be better.It will be a taste of a new age coming.
It is a very delicate operation,this is why it is taking so long.Those bombs need to be removed without a single one being activated.If a toplet bomb would go off,right now it would only affect this solar system.
Right now the toplet bombs are only within the implants.This is the only location where they are still remaining;Inside implants,inside the energy field of human beings.Deep within the implants,there is a black hole singularity and this is where the toplet bombs are.
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