2020年5月9日 星期六
通過GCR恢復共和國特別報告(摘要)|2020年5月8日 (轉貼)
Source:Dinar Chronicles
這不全是錢的問題,而是關於兒童的問題——成千上萬營養不良和精神受到創傷的兒童。讓我們為這些從陰謀集團地下隧道的酷刑室中被解救出來的孩子們,以及冒著生命危險拯救他們的美國軍隊祈禱吧。古代的禁食和祈禱的教義在這裡的10:30:32馬可福音: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs
1.By Wed.22 April Iraq,Zimbabwe,China and Vietnam were using their own asset/gold backed currencies and no longer accepting the fiat US dollar.
2.Over a week ago the Iraqi Dinar revalued and for a short while,their new in-country rate was on the CBI website.Since then that in-country rate has gone up to just under$10.00.The International and Contract Rates for the Iraqi Dinar would be much higher.
3.Earlier this week Iran RV'd,dropped 4 zeros and changed it's currency name from the Rial to the Toman.Iranian citizens would start exchanging in Iran within the next 10 days to the new Toman currency.This also showed that we were right there at the starting line.Redemption Center Staff would show Rial holders how to exchange them at the first appointment.
4.Globally GESARA was established and started legally&financially through debt forgiveness to African nations and other countries.GESARA/NESARA would be fully implemented over the next 3-6 months,through about Nov 2020.
5.On Thurs.30 April President Trump signed an Executive order instigating Martial Law.
6.On that same Thurs.30 April Trump entered authorization codes for the RV/GCR release,which gave the Admiral a green light to process the new asset-backed US Note–now accepted for exchange internationally–and Paymasters became liquid.
7.On Fri.1 May 2020 President Trump activated the International Emergency Economic Powers Act and the National Emergencies Act as the US returned to Constitutional Law.
8.On that same Fri.1 May 2020 the US Note of the new sovereign US Republic became asset/gold backed as the Cabal's Petrodollar went down the tubes.The gold-backed Yaun(and gold/asset-backed currencies of many other now-sovereign nations)had already replaced the fiat Petrodollar as a basis for international trade.
9.Two days later overnight Sun.night 3 May the new RV rates were locked-in.On Mon.night 4 May Reno started the first payment in the world of Yellow Dragon bonds.On Tues.5 May Paymasters were liquid and could pay out Tier 2-3 Intermediate Groups.
10.By Wed.6 May Exotic Bonds started trading,while the US(POTUS,DoD and Alliance)released Iraq to vote and seat a new Prime Minister(Al-Kadhimi)with over 50%of his cabinet already seated and in place.This was a huge sign that the shotgun release was about to initiate.
11.On Thurs.7 May General Flynn,who"knows where all the bodies were buried"was exonerated.President Trump announced,"He was an innocent man.He is a great gentleman.He was targeted by the Obama administration...in order to take down a President.They are dishonest,crooked people.They are scum...they are human scum...The Obama administration,Justice Department was a disgrace.They got caught.Very dishonest people.It's treason.It's treason..."
12.Those treasonous people have been under investigation since Trump took office back in 2016,with US Attorney General from Utah John Huber and his team of 174 investigators filing over 170,000 sealed indictments against them in federal courts across the nation.Some have been unsealed with arrests made,though not made public.
13.By far the majority of those sealed indictments included charges of pedophilia–that resulted in uncovering an international child trafficking ring.The US Military was pulling thousands of malnourished,tortured and caged children,many deceased,from an extensive network of underground tunnels beneath major cities across the US.The UN was directing another series of arrests on their pedophile perpetrators across the globe.
The tunnels were funded by US Taxpayer dollars and run by the Cabal using a CIA Mind Control program on the children extracted out of Nazi Germany after World War II.The rescue operation under the direction of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force,was believed to have begun at the California China Lake Military facility on July 4 2019.Those military operations used around 10,000 Navy Seals and US Marines troops who continued to risk their lives saving the children even today.
14.By Thurs.7 May the Elders,POTUS,DoD Security,UST and State Department teams all confirmed that a green light for 800#s release of over 52,700 emails had been turned on with a shotgun start initiated behind the scenes.Multiple levels of codes were being entered in the midst of a global underground war with Deep State operatives.
15.We remained in a 36 hour window(this was approximate and dependent on many factors)that began when Exotic Bonds were handled on Wed.6 May.
16.Some groups have been paid and the Prosperity Packages and CMKX were complete,with reports of some delivered.
17.Mon.11 May was Value Day when monies would be available for all,when Judy Shelton took over the new US Treasury and everything had to be complete.
17.5月11日是"價值日"(Value Day),屆時所有人都可以獲得資金,朱迪•謝爾頓(Judy Shelton)接管新的美國財政部,一切都必須完成。
18.Tier 4b redemption-exchanges for Contract Rates had a goal to be completed by Fri.15 May and all finished by the end of the month so that the General Public could begin exchanging foreign currencies in local banks at the new international rates on Mon.1 June.
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