2020年10月25日 星期日

通過 GCR恢復共和國特別報告|2020年10月23日星期五 (轉貼)


Source:Dinar Chronicles

Judy Note:I goofed,again,by saying there would be no more Restored Republic via a GCR Updates.Sorry.A multitude of valuable information has come in since the Presidential Debate last night.Please go over the below carefully,especially#E We The People,Second American Revolution,by Anon.I will continue to write the Updates until I sign a Non Disclosure Agreement,which as of this writing,has yet to happen,though appears very close.

朱迪註:我又犯錯了,說不會再有通過 GCR 更新修復的共和國了。對不起。自從昨晚的總統辯論以來,大量有價值的信息已經傳來。請仔細閲讀以下內容,特別是"我們人民,第二次美國革命",作者:Anon。我將繼續寫的更新,直到我簽署了一個保密協議,這樣的寫作,還沒有發生,雖然看起來非常接近。

1.Bond redemption liquidity finished processing on Wed 21 Oct and that liquidity was being processed to all tiers and currency exchanges.


2.Thurs.night 22 Oct.Paymasters and attorneys finalized paperwork for the UST&DoD deadline that night,and then were put under gag orders until Sat.afternoon 24 Oct.


3.Also on Thurs.night 22 Oct.the military of each nation were put on high alert for a Global Currency reset over the next 48-72 hours,or by Sun.evening 25 Oct.Be ready for notifications any time between Sat.24 Oct.to Tues.27 Oct.


4.The reason for the 24-72 hour delay was because of Pelosi's refusal to come to an agreement on Stimulus Funds which were set to be released at the same time as the RV release to Tier 4B.

4.推遲24-72小時的原因是因為佩洛西拒絶就刺激基金達成協議,而這些基金原定在RV發放到4B 層的同時發放。

5.POTUS would be executing an Executive Order(EO)as early as Fri.23 Oct.to release the just under$2 trillion in Stimulus Funds to US citizens.


6.The bulk of exchanges/redemption would be completed before the election on Tues.3 Nov.


Keep it Quiet!!!On Thurs.evening 22 Oct.a new communications monitoring system of Social Media posts,Emails,Text messages,Discord DMs,phone conversations,etc.became effective through the NSA and military Intel(DIA).After you digitally signed a Non Disclosure Agreement(NDA)to obtain a exchange/redemption appointment and another NDA at your appointment,you would be legally obligated not to discuss or write anything about the Global Currency Reset(GCR),Redemption,Exchange,Revaluation(RV),Currency exchange rates,Dinar,Dong,ZIM,etc.and Quantum Financial System(QFS)for at least 90 days,or whatever time period was on your NDAs.To do so would break conditions of those NDAs and your monies would be frozen.

保持安靜!10月22日星期四晚上,通過美國國家安全局和軍事情報局(DIA),一個包含社交媒體帖子、電子郵件、短信、不和 DM、電話交談等內容的新的通信監控系統開始生效。在你以數碼方式簽署一份保密協議(保密協議)以取得交換/贖回預約及另一份保密協議後,你有法律責任在至少90天內,或保密協議上的任何期限內,不得討論或撰寫任何有關全球貨幣重置(GCR)、贖回、兌換、重估(RV)、貨幣兌換率、第納爾、Dong、ZIM等及量子金融系統(QFS)的資料。這樣做將打破這些保密協議的條款,你的資金將被凍結。

On the Restored Republic:


On Thurs.22 Oct.Biden family business associate Tony Bobulinksi linked Joe Biden to Money Laundering with China in a press release.


A Fri.23 Oct.Q post showed that Kamala Harris was part of that Biden Money Laundering according to Fox News reporter Brooke Singman:https://www.foxnews.com/politics/jim-hunter-biden-china-joint-venture-key-contacts"EXCLUSIVE:A list of"key domestic contacts"for a joint venture involving Jim and Hunter Biden and now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co.included former Vice President Joe Biden's current running mate Sen.Kamala Harris,among other prominent Democrats.

10月23日星期五。根據福克斯新聞記者布魯克·辛格的報導,Q 貼顯示卡瑪拉·哈里斯參與了拜登的洗錢活動。"獨家新聞:一份涉及吉姆·亨特·拜登和現已破產的華信能源有限公司的合資企業的"關鍵國內聯繫人"名單包括前副總統喬·拜登的現任競選夥伴參議員卡瑪拉·哈里斯,以及其他一些著名的民主黨人。

If convicted of such Treason charges,Biden would not be eligible to run for office.Gene Decode reported that before the end of October 2020 Biden,Hillary Clinton and John Brennan would be brought up on charges of Treason for the murder of SEAL Team Six.

如果被判叛國罪,拜登將沒有資格競選公職。基因·解碼 (Gene Decode) 報導說,在2020年10月底之前,拜登、希拉蕊·克林頓和約翰·布倫南將因謀殺海豹六隊而被控叛國罪。

On Wed.21 Oct.Gene Decode revealed that major arrests are going to happen between 15 Oct.to 31 Oct.All Hallows Eve(Halloween)–the Cabal's major Satanic holiday of the year–was fast approaching for Thurs.29 Oct.through Sun.1 Nov.

10月21日星期三。基因·解碼 (Gene Decode) 顯示,主要逮捕將發生在10月15日至31日之間。萬聖節前夜(萬聖節前夕)——陰謀集團一年中最重要的撒旦節日——從10月29日到11月1日很快就要到來了。

From now through Halloween and the Nov.3 Presidential Election,the DeepState would likely be trying to cause extensive chaos by disrupting food and delivery system distribution,funding riots in major cities,along with causing confusion at the voting booths for a purpose of stopping Trump's re-election and RV exchanges.We could expect Mass Arrests and perhaps some form of Martial Law.


As of Thurs.22 Oct.militaries of each nation in the world were placed on High Alert for the exchange/redemption process,voting in the US and arrests of high end individuals.


At this same time children were at risk as a prime target for the Cabal's sex orgies and child sacrifice rites during their All Hallows Eve celebrations in honor of Satan.Please keep an eye out to protect children from Cabal kidnappings,plus stock up on provisions in case of shortages in your region during a possible declaration of Martial Law.


Trump was predicted to win the election in a landslide,with indictments on global elites delivered shortly after,along with implementation of NESARA/GESARA for all countries worldwide.By the Ides of March 2021 Cabal members across the globe would be officially defunt or robbed of their power upon disclosure of the names of elites arrested,tried and executed,including videos of their confessions.



1.Our military intel contact said that the need for currency holders to be quiet like Carden's group is NOT aimed at Carden and her admin's communicating discretely with group members,or to stop Shelton's Phase Two instructions to group members about how to get through redemption appointments successfully.


2.The directive effective from Thurs.22 Oct.onward to watch what we are saying in currency holder chat rooms and communications is strictly to keep the GCR/RV info WITHIN our circles and NOT TO SPREAD THE INFO to the general unaware public in PUBLICLY VIEWABLE FORUMS(internet,Facebook,Twitter,etc).

2.從10月22日星期四開始,在貨幣持有者的聊天室和交流中,我們要嚴格遵守 GCR/RV 信息在我們圈子裡的規定,不要在公共論壇(互聯網、Facebook、Twitter 等)上將這些信息傳播給不知情的公眾。

3.The NSA and DIA will be monitoring our communications from Thurs.22 Oct.onward,but that it will not get serious for us to be COMPLETELY QUIET ABOUT THE RV/GCR EXCHANGE PARTICULARS until WE(1)USE THE 800#to set appointments and(2)GO IN TO EXCHANGE.

3.美國國家安全局和國防情報局將從10月22日星期四開始監視我們的通訊,但在我們(1)使用800#預約和(2)進行兌換之前,我們不會對 RV/GCR 交換的細節完全保持沉默。

4.Then and only then will they identify anyone violating NDA terms from the NDA#1 attached to the notification email and Safe-Link web site and then NDA terms from the NDA#2 that will be signed in hard copy in the Redemption Center by each of us.


5.FROM THEN ON(post-800#use and post-exchange/redemption appointment)we must not communicate IN A WAY THAT IS VIEWABLE BY THE GENERAL PUBLIC about the specific language of the RV/GCR EXCHANGES,or any details of the TRANSACTION involving rates.


6.Shelton and his groups PRIVATELY communicating with each other is OK according to his current info,and Shelton will be able to verify this he said.Shelton has already been given the boundaries by UST on how to have his groups communicate with him and with each other in a discrete way that will not violate the NDA#1 and NDA#2 terms.

6.謝爾頓和他的團隊之間私下交流是可以的,根據他目前的信息,謝爾頓將能夠證實這一點。謝爾頓已經被美國財政部 (UST)限制如何讓他的團隊與他和彼此溝通,在一個獨立的方式,不會違反保密協議#1和保密協議#2條款。

7.After signing NDA#1 attached to the notification email and the Safe Link web site,we should AVOID all WRITTEN(ONLINE POSTING OR TEXTING OR EMAILING)and VERBAL PHONE MENTIONS that EXPOSE THE FOLLOWING WORDS TO PUBLIC FORUMS:Redemption,Exchange,Global Currency Reset(GCR),Revaluation(RV),Currency exchange rates,Dinar,Dong,ZIM,Quantum Financial System(QFS).Do not use these terms after you sign NDA#1 and after you exchange/redeem.

7.在通知電子郵件和安全連結網站上籤署 NDA#1之後,我們應該避免所有的書面(網上發帖或短信或電子郵件)和口頭電話提及,以免在公共論壇上暴露以下詞語:贖回,交換,全球貨幣重置(GCR),重估(RV),貨幣匯率,第納爾,Dong,ZIM,量子金融系統(QFS)。不要在簽署 NDA#1和兌換/贖回之後使用這些術語。

8.The pre-Shotgun Release roll out of payouts into accounts(which will be accessed when Tier 4B notifications finally start going out)continues to push through,and the global reset is still being moved through the global QFS system.

8.預先發佈的霰彈槍發佈滾動支付到帳戶(將訪問時,第4B 層通知最終開始出去)繼續推進,全球重置仍然是通過全球 QFS 系統移動。

9.Bond redemption liquidity was finished processing on Wed 21 Oct and that liquidity was being downlined for all tiers and currency exchanges now behind the scenes.


10.Thurs.night 22 Oct.Paymasters and attorneys got their final paperwork finalized and updated by the UST&DoD deadline that night.


11.On Thurs.night 22 Oct.the military of each nation were put on high alert for the"heart"of the reset over the next 48-72 hours(vague intentionally),or by Sun.evening 25 Oct.


12.Thurs.22 Oct.morning many attorneys and Paymasters were put under gag orders until Sat.afternoon 24 Oct.because the sensitive reset parts and pieces were moving through in this window to the Shotgun Release when Tier 4B notifications came out.


13.Over the last 48 hours Pelosi and DeepState Democrats have blocked Stimulus Bill consensus in the House that was required by GESARA to release the GCR/RV this week.

13.在過去的48小時裡,佩洛西和深州民主黨人阻止了眾議院達成共識的經濟刺激法案,該法案是 GESARA 要求本週發佈 GCR/RV 的。

14.POTUS would be executing another Executive Order(EO)as early as Fri.23 Oct.to release the just under$2 trillion in Stimulus Funds that POTUS determined was needed by the public.


15.The public has to be given Pandemic Relief Funds at the same time that we in Tier 4B were starting our redemptions and at the same time that the Shotgun Liquidity release unlocked access to account funds to all tiers.


16.The current 24-72 hour delay and roll out snail pace has been largely due to Pelosi blocking Stimulus Bill funds(she claimed she would have an agreement by Tues.20 Oct.and did not deliver)This was another DeepState maneuver to delay the release.


17.Trump and the White Hats were committed to doing everything by the book,legally,and patiently,which the DeepState shills have exploited out of their commitment to lawlessness,perversion and lying to recapture their power and control over this nation and world.


18.We need to watch what we say on phones/Skype/etc and what we post/text/email/etc online starting Thurs.22 Oct.as the reset was finalized and especially after we sign an NDA.


19.Be ready for notifications any time by Sat.24 Oct,Sun.25 Oct,Mon.26 Oct,or Tues.27 Oct.as we were to be started any time from now into next week.


20.The bulk of us are to be DONE EXCHANGING before the election on Tues.3 Nov.




Former [B]iden family associate Tony Bobulinksi confirmed that he had discussions with the Biden family about their money laundering operation with China. Trump Card Played: [J]oe [B]iden sold out America, for millions of dollars from the Chinese Communist Party. (Bobulinksi is a Democrat).


D.2020年10月23日星期五凱特的Gene Decode第二部分:



10 Essays on Q by Martin Geddes:

馬丁·格德斯(Martin Geddes)在Q上發表的10篇論文:

JFK started the Q operation after Eisenhower informed him that the CIA/MIC was actually running the country so safeguards were put in place.JFK was later assassinated for trying to warn the public&for undermining the Federal Reserve banking cartel.Interestingly,his burial site is in the shape of a"Q"as a tribute.The White Hat resistance strategically went underground where The Plan was built&activated to stealthily regain control of America.It was further accelerated by JFK Jr.'s"tragic plane crash"in 1999,and the 9/11 false flag attacks in 2001.


Trump and JFK Jr.were lifelong best friends and secretly working together to execute a future objective.JFK Jr.'s life mission was to expose and bring down those responsible for his father's assassination.Trump vowed to help see that dream to fruition.The military eventually recruited Trump to run for President.They revealed the globalist NWO's 16-year plan to destroy America that began with Obama.The endgame consisted of orchestrating a communist takeover:import mass immigration,collapse the economy,manufacture WWIII,&pass authoritarian laws using liberal judges-all to desecrate the Constitution.Trump inevitably agreed to run after being briefed about the horrors done to children.He successfully seized the White House from Killary-foiling the cabal's agenda.

特朗普和小甘迺迪是終身摯友,秘密合作實現未來的目標。小甘迺迪的終身使命是揭露並扳倒那些對他父親的暗殺負有責任的人。特朗普誓言要幫助實現這個夢想。軍方最終招募特朗普競選總統。他們揭露了全球主義者新世界秩序 (NWO) 從奧巴馬開始的毀滅美國的16年計劃。最後的結局包括精心策劃共產黨的接管:引進大量移民,導致經濟崩潰,製造第三次世界大戰,以及利用自由主義法官通過專制法律——所有這些都是為了褻瀆憲法。特朗普在被告知對兒童的恐怖行為後,不可避免地同意參加競選。他成功地從希拉蕊手中奪取了白宮——挫敗了陰謀集團的議程。

America is the birthplace,model,and beacon for freedom&liberty.It is also the last bastion thwarting the satanists'goal to usurp totalitarian rule-veiled via centralized globalism-communism.If America falls,the world falls.Trump is the second coming of JFK to finish the job of draining the swamp.And spearhead the 2nd American Revolution of"We The People"against ubiquitous tyranny.


Q is a United States military intelligence backchannel directly with Patriots all over the world.The core group consists mostly of US military generals(including General Mike Flynn&Admiral Rogers)-along with President Trump,JFK Jr.,and other non-military.The Q operation is a White House information dissemination campaign to:(1)bypass the CIA controlled liberal fake news media empire,which uses"emotional mind control"tactics and"projection"to vilify heroes&glorify villains;(2)red pill the masses and create a worldwide grassroots movement of critical thinking,self-discerning,autodidactic Army of Digital Soldiers;(3)free ourselves from the mental bondage to a matrix of lies;&(4)prime The Great Awakening.Why does the MSM openly target"Q Anon"?Since October 2017,Trump&the Q Team have commanded this counter-psyop for Truth-driven asymmetric warfare on the propaganda arm of the deep state.

Q 是美國軍事情報機構與全球愛國者直接通信的秘密渠道。核心小組主要由美國軍事將領(包括邁克·弗林將軍和羅傑斯上將)以及特朗普總統、小甘迺迪總統和其他非軍事人員組成。Q 行動是白宮的一項信息傳播活動,目的是:(1)繞過中央情報局控制的自由假新聞媒體帝國,該帝國使用"情緒控制"策略和"投射"來詆毀英雄和美化惡棍;(2)向大眾開紅色藥丸,創造一個批判性思維、自我辨別、自學成才的全球草根運動——數位士兵大軍;(3)將自己從精神束縛中解放出來,擺脫謊言的束縛;(4)啟動偉大覺醒。為什麼主流媒體 (MSM) 公開攻擊"匿名者Q"?自2017年10月以來,特朗普和Q團隊一直在深州的宣傳部門指揮這場由真相驅動的非對稱作戰的反心理戰。

Q intel drops are on qanon.pub.Oftentimes,Q drops&Trump's cryptic tweets coordinate with precision timing(qproofs.com).There are many Truthers that decode Q posts like X22 Report,Praying Medic,RedPill78,And We Know,&The Patriot Hour.Edge of Wonder is the best new truth channel for quality episodes.

qanon.pub 上的情報交換。通常情況下,Q貼文和川普的神秘推文與精確的時間配合(qproofs.com)。有很多"真相論者"(Truthers)解碼 Q 文章,比如 X22 Report,Praying Medic,RedPill78,And We Know,&The Patriot Hour。Edge of Wonder 是最好的高質量真相頻道。

180,000+sealed indictments filed since Trump election in 2016(and counting):


13,000+CEOs&public officials have stepped down worldwide(and counting):

13000多位 CEO 和政府官員在世界範圍內辭職(還在繼續):

Trump is the first President in world history to pledge millions of dollars&sign executive orders to eradicate the scourge of human trafficking.One EO includes freezing&confiscating guilty accomplices'assets to benefit victims&survivors.


He is also the first President in a long time to demonstrably work for his country with genuine intentions,donating every quarterly salary to the American people.


Famous celebrities,politicians,CEOs,&elites are all culpable of unconscionable acts involving children.Many arrests,military tribunals,and executions for crimes against humanity or treason have already happened and are still ongoing behind the scenes.In due time,the public will face damning revelations that will shock their perception of reality to its core.The mainstream narrative needs to be first crafted and shaped in a way so that the majority of the ignorant populace is prepared to receive plenty of heavy,hard-hitting truths and facts.Here are some corroborating blog sites,with plausibly valid insider intel,to follow for updates.


Please watch these video links for hope,positivity,and reassurance that Trump&the Patriots are in control-not just of America-but the entire planet,through a"White Hat Alliance"to drain the worldwide satanic death cult of child sex trafficking rapists,child terrorizing and ritualistically sacrificing cannibals,and vampiric Adrenochrome addicts.You can call it,"Operation:Q for Vendetta".The global coronavirus psyop,which was initiated by the Black Hats to steal the 2020 election,has been intercepted,hijacked,and flipped by the White Hats to become a smokescreen for the single biggest US led military sting operation in history for mass arrests.This mandatory planetary lockdown is also a distraction for both an intercontinental child rescue mission,plus a global economic reset.

請觀看這些視頻連結,以獲得希望、積極性和信心:特朗普和愛國者們不僅控制著美國,而且控制著整個地球,通過"白帽聯盟"來清除世界範圍內對兒童性交易強姦犯、恐嚇兒童和祭祀食人族以及吸血鬼腎上腺素上癮者的邪惡死亡崇拜。你可以稱之為"復仇 Q 行動"。全球冠狀病毒心理戰是由黑帽子發起的,目的是竊取2020年大選。它被白帽子截獲、劫持和翻轉,成為美國有史以來最大規模的軍事誘捕行動的煙幕彈。這種強制性的行星封鎖對於洲際兒童救援任務以及全球經濟重置來說也是一種干擾。

A)JFK on Secret Societies|"The President and the Press"Speech


B)Dan Willis on Eisenhower and"The Plan"


1)This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected


2)US Major General Paul Vallely confirms the Q operation

2)美國少將保羅瓦利確認了 Q 行動

3)Q-The Plan to Save the World


4A)Q Anon is 100%coming from the Trump Administration


B)Ultimate Q Proofs

B)最終 Q 證明

5)Trump 2020//Prophet Kim Clement Prophecy

5)Trump 2020//先知金·克萊門特的預言

6)List of preliminary indictments for Obamagate(including Treason)


7)Charlie Freak on Trump's 5D Chess Moves for the Takedown of the Cabal


8)Charlie Ward on the White Hat Alliance&arrests of the Pope,Vatican,Royals


9)Charlie Freak on Bill Gates being arrested for being involved in COVID-19


10)Covid911-Insurgency(why satanists activated this emergency weapon)



11)2019冠狀病毒疾病的騙局是事先計劃好的證據,第一部分-MARK DEVLIN

12)Secret Envelopes at George Bush Senior's Funeral


13)General Flynn Takes Q's Digital Soldier Oath(#4510)

13)弗林將軍宣讀 Q 的電子士兵誓言(#4510)

14)Part 1:Kevin Shipp,CIA officer Exposes the Shadow Government&the Deep State


15)Black Ops 101-The Dark Truth About the CIA


16)Out of Shadows(released on 4/10/20 aka D/J/T as a tribute to the President)

16)《走出陰影》(4/10/20發佈,又名 D/J/T,向總統致敬)

17)The Fall of the Cabal By Janet Ossebaard(Part 1 of 10)&Full Documentary

17)陰謀集團的陷落Janet Ossebaard(第1部分,共10部分)和完整的紀錄片

18)Trump Does The Unthinkable By Liz Crokin

18.特朗普做了不可思議的事 - Liz Crokin

19)President Trump's War On Human Trafficking By Liz Crokin

19)特朗普總統對人口販賣的戰爭 - Liz Crokin

20)Jeffrey Epstein Victim's Lawyer on Donald Trump


21)Disney Pedo Empire


22)History of Republican Party Accomplishments for Black Americans


23)Donald Trump is the First Black President-Queens,NY in the White House!


24)KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America about Leftists(1984)




26)Santa Surfing on NESARA/TRUMPSARA

26)在 NESARA/TRUMPSARA 上的聖誕老人衝浪

27)Chris Pomfret on Gold backed Quantum Financial System&GESARA

27)克里斯·龐弗雷特(Chris Pomfret)談黃金支持的量子金融系統和GESARA

28)Meet Your Strawman!(an introduction to your fictional corporate identity)


29A)War Castles NWO(postal shipping&banking war to capture American flag,:Russel-Jay:Gould,:David-Wynn:Miller,&breakthrough of Quantum Grammar)


B)War Castles-Military Insider:Robert-Leroy:Horton-Updated Version


30)Former CIA Robert David Steele on the pandemic of child trafficking as a cash crop

30)前中央情報局(CIA)羅伯特大衛斯蒂爾(Robert David Steele)關於以販賣兒童為經濟作物的流行病的報導

31)Ronald Bernard-Ex Elite Banker-Drew The Line At Child Sacrifice


32A)Satanic Child Sacrifice And Cannibalism-Wilfred Wong

32A)撒旦式的兒童犧牲和同類相食-Wilfred Wong

B)How Satanic Is Hillary Clinton?-Wilfred Wong

B)希拉蕊·克林頓有多邪惡?-Wilfred Wong

33)Lucifer and Luciferians,Masters of Deception By Chuck Swindoll

33)《路西法和路西法教徒,欺騙大師》作者:Chuck Swindoll

34)Ex-satanist Mark Passio on Part II:Demystifying Satanism&the Dark Occult

34)前撒旦教徒馬克·帕西奧(Mark Passio),第二部分:揭開撒旦教與黑暗神秘學的神秘面紗

35A)Sidney Powell on Anthony Weiner's laptop with"Life Insurance"folder


B)Frazzledrip-WARNING:RATED R DUE TO GORY DESCRIPTION(witness testimony of what Killary did to young girl in a video on Weiner's laptop)

B)疲憊滴答-警告:由於血腥的描述而被評為 R 級(在 Weiner 筆記本電腦上的一段視頻中,目擊者證實了希拉蕊對年輕女孩的所作所為)

36)Robert F Kennedy Jr is asked:"TOUCH YOUR NOSE IF JFK JR IS ALIVE"


37)PALADIN:THE WHITE HATS REPORT(including information on JFK Jr.)


38)Mike Bara-Is"Q"JFK Jr?Who is Vincent Fusca?

38)Mike Bara-"Q"是小甘迺迪?誰是 Vincent Fusca?

39A)Grand kids of JFK singing Timber-It's going down!(link ends in Yes Q)

39A)甘迺迪的孫子們在唱 Timber——它在下降!(連結結束於 Yes Q)

B)Bob Dylan-Murder Most Foul(Official Audio-17 min=Q)


C)Struggle Jennings&Caitlynne Curtis//"God We Need You Now"(Official Music Video)(Note:song starts at 0:17 and at 0:34(+17s)he says,"The storm is coming-Q")

C)奮戰詹寧斯和凱蒂琳·柯蒂斯//“上帝,我們現在需要你”(官方音樂錄影帶)(注:歌曲從0:17開始,在0:34(+ 17秒)他說,“暴風雨來了-Q”

40)Project Looking Glass Technology


41)Coco Berthmann(Sex Trafficking Survivor)





B)Timothy Holmseth 關於2100名被困在隧道里的孩子被海軍陸戰隊救出的報導

C)NYC children freed from underground tunnels–Operation Mercy&Comfort


43)Jason Shurka on 500 000+children rescued globally from tunnel networks

43)Jason Shurka 關於全球50多萬兒童從隧道網絡中獲救的報導

44A)David Wilcock on The Great Pandemic Part II:What's Really Going On?

44A)大衛·威爾科克(David Wilcock)談大流行第二部分:到底發生了什麼?

B)The Great Pandemic Part III:New Briefings,Restitution and the Big Picture!




46)JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick


47)Change is on the Horizon-NESARA Mission-By James Rink

47)改變在地平線上-NESARA 任務 - James Rink

48)Ruth B.Ginsburg's death,Trump's vaccines,&9/11 False Flag Attack Exposed from 5D


49)Mel K on the Payseur Family

50)Gene Cosensei on Quantum Voting System,DUMBs,Cloning Technology,Royal Hunting Parties of Children,&Full Gene Decode Playlist

50)量子投票系統,深層地下軍事基地,克隆技術,兒童皇家狩獵派對,全基因·解碼 (Gene Decode)播放列表

Trump agreed to run for President to:


(1)Save our children from the world's best kept secret and REAL PANDEMIC of human trafficking,including those enslaved and caged in deep underground military bases(DUMBs)&hidden tunnel networks spanning intercontinentally;


(2)Nationalize the Federal Reserve under the Treasury&issue a new US Note backed by precious metals,announce NESARA(abolishing the IRS,income tax,&corporate Maritime/Admiralty Law),&reinstate Constitutional Law in the courts;

(2)國有化財政部下的美聯儲,發行新的貴金屬支持的美國紙幣,宣佈 NESARA(廢除國稅局、所得稅和公司海事/海事法),並在法庭上恢復憲法;

(3)Catalyze a revaluation of global currencies by implementing an asset-backed Quantum Financial System&declare a debt jubilee that forgives student loans&mortgages,thus granting financial freedom-especially to third world countries;


(4)Release thousands of classified patents and inventions beneficial to mankind such as antigravity,Tesla free energy technology,suppressed medical cures,&advanced healing modalities(Med Beds,frequency therapy,&age regression);


(5)Finally rid the Earth of these illuminati banking family bloodlines of parasitical Luciferian psychopaths along with their puppeteer crime syndicate(all plaguing the planet for millennia)-permanently,once and for all;thereby allowing us to


(6)Incentivize,usher in,&normalize world peace-inclusive of the Middle East;


(7)Bring justice and transparency to the world regarding government corruption,crimes against children,JFK Files,9/11 Truth,UFO Disclosure,and ET Contact;

(7)在政府腐敗、針對兒童的犯罪、甘迺迪檔案、9/11真相、UFO 披露和 ET 聯繫等方面為世界帶來正義和透明度;

(8)Restore faith in humanity by reclaiming the power back to We The People!!!





G..Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays:All Hallows Eve(Halloween)–the major Satanic holiday of the year–was fast approaching for Thurs.29 Oct.through?Sun.1 Nov.

G. 惡魔節日的神秘日曆:萬聖節前夕(萬聖節)——一年中主要的惡魔節日——從10月29日星期四到11月1日星期日快到了

According to Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors(SRA),there would be human sacrifices performed in thousands of local Satanic Covens using victims of any age,male or female,as per an Occult Calendar compiled by licensed therapists using childhood accounts of their SRA clients.


Be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled children and teens being forced to participate in the rape,torture and murder of other children.Months in advance Satan worshippers planned for the event by kidnapping children(especially on Halloween night).Over the three day Halloween Celebration,the victims were starved,tortured and used in sex orgies in preparation for human sacrifice rites.


Please report suspected Satanic activities to your local law enforcement.Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments,also contact U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE):


If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking,contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and/or the nonprofit Saving Innocence.

如果你希望加入拯救兒童免遭國際性交易的行動,請聯繫地下鐵路行動的Tim Ballard和/或非營利組織拯救無辜。

Here is a list of over 2,000 organizations in the United States and internationally that serve survivors of human trafficking.Click map.Zoom in.Research organization.Volunteer.


H."Twenty Two Faces:inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,"Judy Byington


WARNING:Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five,was raped,tortured,forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention,was almost killed herself–not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers.Satanfollower perpetrators appeared to be organized from the US Inc's CIA,Queen Elizabeth's,Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons,Hollywood,Pizzagate and local teenage covens.They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system–the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset.It's no wonder that President Trump has stated,"These people are sick."



It's not about the money.It's about the children–the thousands of mal nourished and traumatized children.The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office,was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by global elites.Let us fast and pray for these little ones who were now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe,and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door.Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them.The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:


Judy Note:I do not now,nor have I ever,received monies for writing my Updates and articles.The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse,Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.


The above was a summary of information from the Internet.It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown;to humble Wildfire Lady who was adept at exposing the truth;to Martha who worked around the clock to discern what was real in the fake news;to Brad who did great research;to Ken who uncovered almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children and to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening.

以上是來自互聯網的信息摘要。這將取決於讀者做他們自己的研究,並決定是否有效。非常感謝那些願意保持默默無聞的內幕消息提供者;謙卑的野火女士,她善於揭露真相;瑪莎,她晝夜不停地工作,以辨別假新聞中的真假;布拉德,她做了很好的研究;肯,她發現了幾乎無限的戀童癖情報,以幫助我們拯救兒童;Bonni B,她揭露了真正發生的事情的根本原因。

Divide They Try,Fail They Will;WWG1WGA to Support POTUS,Follow Q&Trust Plan


Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be.I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together,we will make life better for all.


Patience is a Virtue.Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being.Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.Judy


